GSA / wg-web-modernization

GSA Web Modernization Working Group
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Accessibility content audit #11

Open RachelF opened 2 years ago

RachelF commented 2 years ago

For sites with distributed authorship, audit a representative sample of content for accessibility and use findings to improve conformance, strengthening site governance when needed.

Take 2

Run accessibility scans on all websites. Deliver the reports to the Website Managers. Ensure data is tracked in the website's Backlog. The team works on the stories accordingly.

User Story

As a Digital Council member I want to audit some set of GSA Website content So I can use findings to improve accessibility


Given GSA websites are online When an accessibility scan is run for one website Then I can see the results

Given I have the results of an accessibility scan Then I send them to the Website Manager Then I can see the work reflected in a Backlog.

The result of this work will be Accessibility issues created in every website's backlog