GSA / wg-web-modernization

GSA Web Modernization Working Group
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Standardize accessibility testing and evaluation processes #12

Open RachelF opened 3 years ago

RachelF commented 3 years ago

Implement a routine and consistent website testing and evaluation process for GSA, such as the DHS Trusted Tester Process or equivalent testing protocol that conforms to the ICT Baseline.

User Story

As a GSA website manager I want to create and publish 508-conformant sites and content So that all my customers are able to access and use my site

Acceptance Criteria

Given that GSA IT implements a standardized testing method When GSA IT scans my site Then I see that my site meets all testing criteria

ryanwoldatwork commented 3 years ago

User Story

As a _a type of a user I want to__do something So that I can __ realize some business value

Acceptance Criteria

Given _some conditions When I do some action Then __I see some result

RachelF commented 2 years ago

Hi @CharlesEPopelka , would you mind reviewing this for accuracy? Please edit if necessary. Thanks!

GSA IT will begin running AMP scans on all our public-facing websites. (For this purpose, "public-facing websites" means all sites in our Touchpoints inventory tagged as "production" that are not APIs or critical infrastructure, which works out to 213 sites, as of 12/1/2021) This will help GSA establish a baseline for conformance to accessibility standards on the following 5 criteria: headings, table format, alt text, color contrast, html attributes The top two levels of content will be scanned, and we plan to eventually feed report results into Touchpoints.

ryanwoldatwork commented 2 years ago

Who is the contact for AMP? I can assist with getting the data from Touchpoints.

RachelF commented 2 years ago

@ryanwoldatwork Mark Buchko is the contact. I'd downloaded the touchpoints inventory and sent over to him the other day, so he has the list of sites/contacts. Mark is also coordinating some AMP training next week. Once we start getting test results, we would love your help to find a way to pull the testing results into touchpoints.

RachelF commented 2 years ago

Met w/TTS and GSA IT team today. IT has successfully completed AMP scans on 146 sites in our GSA inventory, and is working on next steps, including training, and coordination w/EDX to add data to touchpoints.