GSA / wg-web-modernization

GSA Web Modernization Working Group
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IT Accessibility Working Group Activities #30

Open RachelF opened 2 years ago

RachelF commented 2 years ago

IT Accessibility Basics Training

Develop or identify a "Basics of IT Accessibility" training course for GSA employees who create digital content

User Story As a member of GSA's 508 Team I want to offer training So that GSA employees understand the basics of IT accessibility and where to get help on creating accessible content

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a GSA employee When I create digital content Then I know where to get help and training

Content Rationalization

Continue accessibility content rationalization efforts, and decommission ancillary 508-related sites; document best practices that can be applied to rationalize other content topic areas across GSA.

User Story As a GSA website manager I want to ensure my accessibility content is unique and well-organized So that people can find the guidance they need

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a federal 508 program manager When I visit a GSA website Then I see all the content GSA offers on IT accessibility consolidated into a single entry point

Accessible Content Creator Certification

Create and implement an “Accessible Content Creator Certification” program.

User Story As a GSA 508 Team member I want to ensure GSA employees receive consistent training So that content produced in different parts of GSA is consistently compliant with 508 standards

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a GSA employee When I take training on how to create digital content Then I receive recognition for completing the training

Certified Trusted Tester Campaign

Encourage GSA staff to become Certified Trusted Testers.

User Story As a 508 team member I want to increase the number of people trained as certified testers So that more program teams gain internal capacity to do their own testing and remediation

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a GSA employee When I complete Trusted Tester training Then I receive recognition for completing the training

Accessibility Content Audit

For sites with distributed authorship, audit a representative sample of content for accessibility and use findings to improve conformance, strengthening site governance when needed.

User Story As a 508 team member I want to identify sites with distributed authorship So that I can audit a sample of site content for accessibility

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a person who uses assistive technology When I visit a GSA website Then I see it's accessible to me

Website Testing and Evaluation Process

Implement a routine and consistent website testing and evaluation process for GSA, such as the DHS Trusted Tester Process or equivalent testing protocol that conforms to the ICT Baseline.

User Story As a GSA employee I want to understand the testing process that GSA uses So that I can take training and earn my certification

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a 508 Team member When I am asked about GSA's process for testing and training Then I can provide info about the correct Trusted Tester training program