GSA / wg-web-modernization

GSA Web Modernization Working Group
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Governance & Content Strategy Working Group Activities #31

Open RachelF opened 2 years ago

RachelF commented 2 years ago

Use GSA digital tools

Adopt and use GSA digital tools and services whenever possible.

User Story As a site manager I want to see what GSA-built or -managed tools are available So that I can identify and use those that are appropriate for my site

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a GSA customer When I use a GSA website Then I see similar tools used consistently across the GSA enterprise

Follow branding guidelines

Consistently apply branding according to GSA Design Guidelines.

User Story As a site manager I want to understand GSA branding guidance So that I can apply it consistently on my site

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a GSA customer When I visit a GSA website Then I see consistency in common branding elements across all GSA sites

Coordinate content across silos

Develop business processes to coordinate digital content development and management across the GSA enterprise (e.g., lane managers).

User Story As a site manager I want to understand who I should work with So that I can appropriately coordinate content updates across GSA business lines

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a GSA employee When I want to publish some content on a GSA site Then I see clear guidance and processes on how to coordinate content development and publication with stakeholders

Rationalize content

Identify additional topics and sites that need to be rationalized and consolidated, and begin that work.

User Story As a site manager I want to understand other sites that host content similar to mine So that I can work with the site owners to streamline and improve content delivery on common topics

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a GSA customer When I visit a GSA website Then I see related content organized in a single place

Improve design/dev guidance

Rationalize all designer/developer guidance on GSA web properties for 21st Century IDEA Sections (3)(a)(1-8).

User Story As a web designer/developer I want to understand what guidance is available to me So that I can follow GSA policy and best practice

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a GSA customer When I visit a GSA site Then I see common design elements deployed consistently across different GSA sites

Follow linking policy

Update and consistently follow GSA’s linking policy.

User Story As a site manager I want to understand GSA linking policy So that I can implement correctly on my site

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a GSA customer When I visit a GSA site Then I see which links will take me to sites, and the treatment is consistent across GSA sites