GSA / wg-web-modernization

GSA Web Modernization Working Group
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Reach, Research & Data Working Group Activities #32

Open RachelF opened 3 years ago

RachelF commented 3 years ago

Benchmark customer feedback

Benchmark and share data on standard survey questions.

User Story As a website manager I want to gather standardized customer feedback about my site So that I can measure how well my site is meeting customer needs

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a GSA manager When I review customer feedback about GSA websites Then I see both site-level, and enterprise-level, data


Ensure all GSA site managers have access to the Digital Analytics Program (DAP) to gather quantitative data about site usage.

User Story As a site manager I want to install DAP on my site So that I can gain access to Google Analytics data and comply with web policy

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a GSA site manager When I need quantitative data about my site Then I can log in to DAP and access data

Search functionality

Ensure all sites include a search function such as

User Story As a site manager I want to add search functionality to my site So that I can comply with policy/help users find stuff

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a GSA customer When I visit a GSA website Then I see a search box that delivers good results

Take action on data

Expand user feedback/testing, and ensure teams have the expertise and resources to analyze and take action on the findings.

User Story As a program manager I want to implement a feedback mechanism on my website/conduct user testing So that I can gather and act on customer feedback

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a GSA customer When I want to give feedback about a site or program Then I see an easy way to do that on the website

Enterprise SEO management

Identify enterprise SEO management tool(s) and create a plan to roll out across the enterprise.

User Story As a software manager in GSA IT I want to identify the best SEO tools for GSA to standardize on So that I can help people implement the tools

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a website manager When I need an SEO tool Then I can easily discover what's available and see how to implement

Standardize customer surveys

Standardize all website customer satisfaction surveys, following the guidance in OMB Circular A-11, Section 280.

User Story As a site manager I want to incorporate the OMB guidance into my survey So that I can comply with policy/benchmark against other sites

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a program manager When I need customer feedback about my program/website Then I see standardized data that I can benchmark against similar sites

Use plain language

Ensure content contributors understand how to write content in plain language, using the same words customers would type into search engines to find our content.

User Story As a content manager I want to produce content that is written in plain language So that I can help customers easily find, understand, and use our information

Acceptance Criteria Given I'm a GSA customer When I visit a GSA website Then I see content that is easy find, understand, and take action on, the first time I read it