GSA / wg-web-modernization

GSA Web Modernization Working Group
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Rationalize GSA’s technology blogs #38

Open ryanwoldatwork opened 2 years ago

ryanwoldatwork commented 2 years ago

Tech Blog Rationalization

Rationalize GSA’s technology blogs.

User Story

As a member of the Design & UX Working Group I want to help GSA customers easily find all blogs related to technology So that I gain insight into the full spectrum of technology programs and services offered by GSA

Acceptance Criteria

Given I'm a GSA customer When I visit a GSA website Then I see all technology blog content available from a single entry point

ADean27 commented 2 years ago

Update! Kristal Byrd will be tackling blog strategy. Here's how we left things when Drew Jack, Rachel Flagg, and I dug into tech blog rationalization a few years ago: