GSConnect / gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect

KDE Connect implementation for GNOME
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Changing keyboard layout from mobile doesn't input anything #1753

Open baronleonardo opened 4 months ago

baronleonardo commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug

I have 2 keyboard layouts on my mobile english and arabic If I changed the layout on my mobile (android) to arabic (gnome keyboard layout at this moment is english), I can't input anything If I change the keyboard layout on my PC to arabic same like my mobile, I can start input now. Same If I'm english on mobile, but the PC is arabic, I can't input anything.

This is not happening on kde connect. This is very annoying that I need to change layout on my mobile and PC to start using it normally

Steps to reproduce

  1. switch layout on mobile to arabic
  2. start writing on the PC

Expected behavior

as kde connect, when I switch whatever keyboard layout, I can input to the PC

GSConnect version


Installed from

GNOME Extensions website

GNOME Shell version


Linux distribution/release

Fedora 39

Paired device(s)

Oppo A78

KDE Connect app version



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ferdnyc commented 4 weeks ago


I exclusively use US English keyboard layouts, so I apologize that I'm not particularly familiar with either the needs or the typical experience for users in mixed-locale environments. Just so I have a better handle on the issue, a couple of questions:

  1. If I'm understanding, the normal (or desired) scenario for you is that your Linux keyboard layout is in English, while your Android layout remains in Arabic. So, given that configuration, is the expectation that the keys you type into the GSConnect Remote Input window would follow the English keyboard mappings, or the Arabic ones, when producing keyboard input on the Android side?
  2. Same question, but what currently happens when you do that via kdeconnect? (I assume its behavior is what you'd want, since you say that "it works", but I just want to confirm that. As well as leave the door open to possible improvements, if even the current kdeconnect behavior isn't ideal.)
baronleonardo commented 4 weeks ago

1- actually my linux machine and my android both have English/Arabic layout, the problem when I want to type in arabic on Android but the linux machine is now english and vice versa 2- kde connect doesn't have this issue

ferdnyc commented 3 weeks ago


2- kde connect doesn't have this issue

Understood, that's why I was asking what happens in kdeconnect — in other words, what's the "correct" behavior? Because, if we can just make GSConnect work like that, then it sounds like it'll be what you want.

Please understand, things that are probably implicit or obvious to you — in terms of how you (or anyone) would configure things, or what you'd expect to happen in certain scenarios — aren't as clear to someone like myself who doesn't use multiple keyboard layouts, and therefore has no familiarity with how they're "supposed" to work.

I have a coder's understanding of keyboard layout switching:

But the norms of how someone would go about employing multiple layouts for different languages (especially on the same keyboard which I presume can only be labeled to match one of the layouts) I need to be walked through, because it's not something I've ever even tried to do, never mind understand how best to do it.

baronleonardo commented 3 weeks ago


for kdeconnect, the behavior as as the following,

I have layout X, Y on my android phone, and same X and Y on my PC (I didn't test if I don't even have these layouts on my PC what whould happen) at any time and at whatever layout I have on PC if I use layout X or Y, it will send this directly to the PC I would give an example here, if I have only English layout on my PC but I want to paste a chinese text (for example) in my text editor it will get pasted even I don't have this layout on my PC the idea here is that I should not care what layout I have on a PC, I send unicode from android to PC (that's how I understand it)

baronleonardo commented 5 days ago

any news on this ?