GSConnect / gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect

KDE Connect implementation for GNOME
GNU General Public License v2.0
3.15k stars 255 forks source link

Couldn't move process **** to requested cgroup #1846

Open thatgim opened 1 month ago

thatgim commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

GSConnect won't connect to my Pixel 7a anymore. If tried pairing them directly via IP. I also confirmed my firewalld configuration and could connect to my phone on port 1716 via netcat.

This messages appeared unrelated to my interactions with the UI.

Steps to reproduce

Watch journalctl -f see the following error messages:

*** systemd[1464]: app-gnome-org.gnome.Shell.Extensions.GSConnect.Preferences-8454.scope: Couldn't move process 8454 to requested cgroup '/user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/app.slice/app-gnome-org.gnome.Shell.Extensions.GSConnect.Preferences-8454.scope': No such process
*** systemd[1464]: app-gnome-org.gnome.Shell.Extensions.GSConnect.Preferences-8454.scope: Failed to add PIDs to scope's control group: No such process
*** systemd[1464]: app-gnome-org.gnome.Shell.Extensions.GSConnect.Preferences-8454.scope: Failed with result 'resources'.

Expected behavior

No response

GSConnect version


Installed from

GNOME Extensions website

GNOME Shell version

GNOME Shell 46.3.1

Linux distribution/release

Arch Linux

Paired device(s)

Pixel 7a

KDE Connect app version



No response

Support log

No response


No response


No response

thatgim commented 1 month ago

More logs:

systemd[1464]: Started Application launched by gnome-shell.
gjs[9481]: Object .GSConnectPreferencesWindow (0x587cffcf3970), has been already disposed ā€” impossible to access it. This might be caused by the object having been destroyed from C code using something such as destroy(), dispose(), or remove() vfuncs.
           == Stack trace for context 0x587cff76bea0 ==
           #0   587cff837b80 i   file:///home/gim/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ (1c31e9d70c90 @ 85)
           #1   587cff837ab8 i   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides/GLib.js:266 (1c31e9de10b0 @ 139)
kernel: gjs[9481]: segfault at 0 ip 0000764d4d35c7c4 sp 00007ffe6b9debf8 error 4 in[e17c4,764d4d2ad000+11a000] likely on CPU 5 (core 1, socket 0)
kernel: Code: 00 00 00 48 8d 0d 1c ce ff ff ff 15 be 7f 0e 00 48 8b 5d f8 c9 c3 f3 0f 1e fa 48 8b 07 ff a0 88 00 00 00 0f 1f 00 f3 0f 1e fa <48> 8b 07 ff a0 90 00 00 00 0f 1f 00 f3 0f 1e fa 48 8b 07 ff a0 a0
systemd-coredump[13680]: Process 9481 (gjs) of user 1000 terminated abnormally with signal 11/SEGV, processing...
systemd[1]: Started Process Core Dump (PID 13680/UID 0).
systemd-coredump[13681]: [šŸ”•] Process 9481 (gjs) of user 1000 dumped core.

                         Stack trace of thread 9481:
                         #0  0x0000764d4d35c7c4 g_menu_model_get_n_items ( + 0xe17c4)
                         #1  0x0000764d4269b414 n/a ( + 0x9b414)
                         #2  0x0000764d4269ba62 n/a ( + 0x9ba62)
                         #3  0x0000764d4d47a732 n/a ( + 0x32732)
                         #4  0x0000764d4d47a842 g_signal_emit_valist ( + 0x32842)
                         #5  0x0000764d4d47a904 g_signal_emit ( + 0x32904)
                         #6  0x0000764d42945eba gtk_widget_realize ( + 0x345eba)
                         #7  0x0000764d42967db0 n/a ( + 0x367db0)
                         #8  0x0000764d4d45964a g_closure_invoke ( + 0x1164a)
                         #9  0x0000764d4d489e22 n/a ( + 0x41e22)
                         #10 0x0000764d4d47a5dc n/a ( + 0x325dc)
                         #11 0x0000764d4d47a842 g_signal_emit_valist ( + 0x32842)
                         #12 0x0000764d4d47a904 g_signal_emit ( + 0x32904)
                         #13 0x0000764d42946953 gtk_widget_show ( + 0x346953)
                         #14 0x0000764d42969230 gtk_window_present_with_time ( + 0x369230)
                         #15 0x0000764d4d223596 n/a ( + 0x7596)
                         #16 0x0000764d4d22000e n/a ( + 0x400e)
                         #17 0x0000764d4d222bd3 ffi_call ( + 0x6bd3)
                         #18 0x0000764d4d640fe1 n/a ( + 0x4bfe1)
                         #19 0x0000764d4d641688 n/a ( + 0x4c688)
                         #20 0x0000764d4c0f7826 n/a ( + 0x12f7826)
                         #21 0x0000764d4c38c807 n/a ( + 0x158c807)
                         #22 0x0000764d4bf933af n/a ( + 0x11933af)
                         #23 0x0000764d4c65e767 _Z20JS_CallFunctionValueP9JSContextN2JS6HandleIP8JSObjectEENS2_INS1_5ValueEEERKNS1_16HandleValueArrayENS1_13MutableHandleIS6_EE ( + 0x185e767)
                         #24 0x0000764d4d6394b7 n/a ( + 0x444b7)
                         #25 0x0000764d4d642bae n/a ( + 0x4dbae)
                         #26 0x0000764d4d644510 n/a ( + 0x4f510)
                         #27 0x0000764d4d223152 n/a ( + 0x7152)
                         #28 0x0000764d4d2237b8 n/a ( + 0x77b8)
                         #29 0x0000764d4d47a732 n/a ( + 0x32732)
                         #30 0x0000764d4d47ab22 g_signal_emit_by_name ( + 0x32b22)
                         #31 0x0000764d4d35711b n/a ( + 0xdc11b)
                         #32 0x0000764d4d381892 n/a ( + 0x106892)
                         #33 0x0000764d4d503ab9 n/a ( + 0x5cab9)
                         #34 0x0000764d4d5659e7 n/a ( + 0xbe9e7)
                         #35 0x0000764d4d502fc5 g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x5bfc5)
                         #36 0x0000764d4d358c66 g_application_run ( + 0xddc66)
                         #37 0x0000764d4d223596 n/a ( + 0x7596)
                         #38 0x0000764d4d22000e n/a ( + 0x400e)
                         #39 0x0000764d4d222bd3 ffi_call ( + 0x6bd3)
                         #40 0x0000764d4d640fe1 n/a ( + 0x4bfe1)
                         #41 0x0000764d4d641688 n/a ( + 0x4c688)
                         #42 0x0000764d4c0f7826 n/a ( + 0x12f7826)
                         #43 0x0000764d4c35c90b n/a ( + 0x155c90b)
                         #44 0x0000764d4c393f5b n/a ( + 0x1593f5b)
                         #45 0x0000764d4bf933af n/a ( + 0x11933af)
                         #46 0x0000764d4c4a62a0 _ZN2JS4CallEP9JSContextNS_6HandleINS_5ValueEEES4_RKNS_16HandleValueArrayENS_13MutableHandleIS3_EE ( + 0x16a62a0)
                         #47 0x0000764d4d677f02 n/a ( + 0x82f02)
                         #48 0x0000764d4d68017f gjs_context_eval_module ( + 0x8b17f)
                         #49 0x0000587cd29fad87 n/a (gjs-console + 0x2d87)
                         #50 0x0000764d4cc34e08 n/a ( + 0x25e08)
                         #51 0x0000764d4cc34ecc __libc_start_main ( + 0x25ecc)
                         #52 0x0000587cd29fb3f5 n/a (gjs-console + 0x33f5)

                         Stack trace of thread 9487:
                         #0  0x0000764d4cd261fd syscall ( + 0x1171fd)
                         #1  0x0000764d4d55ea10 g_cond_wait ( + 0xb7a10)
                         #2  0x0000764d4d4cc90c n/a ( + 0x2590c)
                         #3  0x0000764d4d5386b7 n/a ( + 0x916b7)
                         #4  0x0000764d4d533266 n/a ( + 0x8c266)
                         #5  0x0000764d4cca339d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                         #6  0x0000764d4cd2849c n/a ( + 0x11949c)

                         Stack trace of thread 9488:
                         #0  0x0000764d4cd1a63d __poll ( + 0x10b63d)
                         #1  0x0000764d4d56592d n/a ( + 0xbe92d)
                         #2  0x0000764d4d502fc5 g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x5bfc5)
                         #3  0x0000764d4d50301a n/a ( + 0x5c01a)
                         #4  0x0000764d4d533266 n/a ( + 0x8c266)
                         #5  0x0000764d4cca339d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                         #6  0x0000764d4cd2849c n/a ( + 0x11949c)

                         Stack trace of thread 9490:
                         #0  0x0000764d4cc9fa19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                         #1  0x0000764d4cca2479 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x93479)
                         #2  0x0000764d4c133b05 _ZN7mozilla6detail21ConditionVariableImpl8wait_forERNS0_9MutexImplERKNS_16BaseTimeDurationINS_27TimeDurationValueCalculatorEEE ( + 0x1333b05)
                         #3  0x0000764d4c133e43 n/a ( + 0x1333e43)
                         #4  0x0000764d4c3f951e n/a ( + 0x15f951e)
                         #5  0x0000764d4cca339d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                         #6  0x0000764d4cd2849c n/a ( + 0x11949c)

                         Stack trace of thread 9489:
                         #0  0x0000764d4cd1a63d __poll ( + 0x10b63d)
                         #1  0x0000764d4d56592d n/a ( + 0xbe92d)
                         #2  0x0000764d4d5047b7 g_main_loop_run ( + 0x5d7b7)
                         #3  0x0000764d4d38d574 n/a ( + 0x112574)
                         #4  0x0000764d4d533266 n/a ( + 0x8c266)
                         #5  0x0000764d4cca339d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                         #6  0x0000764d4cd2849c n/a ( + 0x11949c)

                         Stack trace of thread 9496:
                         #0  0x0000764d4cc9fa19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                         #1  0x0000764d4cca2479 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x93479)
                         #2  0x0000764d4c133b05 _ZN7mozilla6detail21ConditionVariableImpl8wait_forERNS0_9MutexImplERKNS_16BaseTimeDurationINS_27TimeDurationValueCalculatorEEE ( + 0x1333b05)
                         #3  0x0000764d4c133e43 n/a ( + 0x1333e43)
                         #4  0x0000764d4c3f951e n/a ( + 0x15f951e)
                         #5  0x0000764d4cca339d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                         #6  0x0000764d4cd2849c n/a ( + 0x11949c)

                         Stack trace of thread 9491:
                         #0  0x0000764d4cc9fa19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                         #1  0x0000764d4cca2479 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x93479)
                         #2  0x0000764d4c133b05 _ZN7mozilla6detail21ConditionVariableImpl8wait_forERNS0_9MutexImplERKNS_16BaseTimeDurationINS_27TimeDurationValueCalculatorEEE ( + 0x1333b05)
                         #3  0x0000764d4c133e43 n/a ( + 0x1333e43)
                         #4  0x0000764d4c3f951e n/a ( + 0x15f951e)
                         #5  0x0000764d4cca339d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                         #6  0x0000764d4cd2849c n/a ( + 0x11949c)

                         Stack trace of thread 9492:
                         #0  0x0000764d4cc9fa19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                         #1  0x0000764d4cca2479 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x93479)
                         #2  0x0000764d4c133b05 _ZN7mozilla6detail21ConditionVariableImpl8wait_forERNS0_9MutexImplERKNS_16BaseTimeDurationINS_27TimeDurationValueCalculatorEEE ( + 0x1333b05)
                         #3  0x0000764d4c133e43 n/a ( + 0x1333e43)
                         #4  0x0000764d4c3f951e n/a ( + 0x15f951e)
                         #5  0x0000764d4cca339d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                         #6  0x0000764d4cd2849c n/a ( + 0x11949c)

                         Stack trace of thread 9493:
                         #0  0x0000764d4cc9fa19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                         #1  0x0000764d4cca2479 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x93479)
                         #2  0x0000764d4c133b05 _ZN7mozilla6detail21ConditionVariableImpl8wait_forERNS0_9MutexImplERKNS_16BaseTimeDurationINS_27TimeDurationValueCalculatorEEE ( + 0x1333b05)
                         #3  0x0000764d4c133e43 n/a ( + 0x1333e43)
                         #4  0x0000764d4c3f951e n/a ( + 0x15f951e)
                         #5  0x0000764d4cca339d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                         #6  0x0000764d4cd2849c n/a ( + 0x11949c)

                         Stack trace of thread 9494:
                         #0  0x0000764d4cc9fa19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                         #1  0x0000764d4cca2479 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x93479)
                         #2  0x0000764d4c133b05 _ZN7mozilla6detail21ConditionVariableImpl8wait_forERNS0_9MutexImplERKNS_16BaseTimeDurationINS_27TimeDurationValueCalculatorEEE ( + 0x1333b05)
                         #3  0x0000764d4c133e43 n/a ( + 0x1333e43)
                         #4  0x0000764d4c3f951e n/a ( + 0x15f951e)
                         #5  0x0000764d4cca339d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                         #6  0x0000764d4cd2849c n/a ( + 0x11949c)

                         Stack trace of thread 9495:
                         #0  0x0000764d4cc9fa19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                         #1  0x0000764d4cca2479 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x93479)
                         #2  0x0000764d4c133b05 _ZN7mozilla6detail21ConditionVariableImpl8wait_forERNS0_9MutexImplERKNS_16BaseTimeDurationINS_27TimeDurationValueCalculatorEEE ( + 0x1333b05)
                         #3  0x0000764d4c133e43 n/a ( + 0x1333e43)
                         #4  0x0000764d4c3f951e n/a ( + 0x15f951e)
                         #5  0x0000764d4cca339d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                         #6  0x0000764d4cd2849c n/a ( + 0x11949c)

                         Stack trace of thread 9499:
                         #0  0x0000764d4cd1a63d __poll ( + 0x10b63d)
                         #1  0x0000764d4d56592d n/a ( + 0xbe92d)
                         #2  0x0000764d4d502fc5 g_main_context_iteration ( + 0x5bfc5)
                         #3  0x0000764d418d82fe n/a ( + 0x62fe)
                         #4  0x0000764d4d533266 n/a ( + 0x8c266)
                         #5  0x0000764d4cca339d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                         #6  0x0000764d4cd2849c n/a ( + 0x11949c)

                         Stack trace of thread 9497:
                         #0  0x0000764d4cc9fa19 n/a ( + 0x90a19)
                         #1  0x0000764d4cca2479 pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x93479)
                         #2  0x0000764d4c133b05 _ZN7mozilla6detail21ConditionVariableImpl8wait_forERNS0_9MutexImplERKNS_16BaseTimeDurationINS_27TimeDurationValueCalculatorEEE ( + 0x1333b05)
                         #3  0x0000764d4c133e43 n/a ( + 0x1333e43)
                         #4  0x0000764d4c3f951e n/a ( + 0x15f951e)
                         #5  0x0000764d4cca339d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                         #6  0x0000764d4cd2849c n/a ( + 0x11949c)

                         Stack trace of thread 9500:
                         #0  0x0000764d4cd261fd syscall ( + 0x1171fd)
                         #1  0x0000764d4d55ea10 g_cond_wait ( + 0xb7a10)
                         #2  0x0000764d4d4cc90c n/a ( + 0x2590c)
                         #3  0x0000764d4d4cc97d g_async_queue_pop ( + 0x2597d)
                         #4  0x0000764d425875fc n/a ( + 0xc5fc)
                         #5  0x0000764d4d533266 n/a ( + 0x8c266)
                         #6  0x0000764d4cca339d n/a ( + 0x9439d)
                         #7  0x0000764d4cd2849c n/a ( + 0x11949c)
                         ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
systemd[1]: systemd-coredump@1-13680-0.service: Deactivated successfully.
systemd[1]: systemd-coredump@1-13680-0.service: Consumed 289ms CPU time, 113.5M memory peak.
ferdnyc commented 1 month ago


The preferences crashes are... strange, and not ideal, but they shouldn't affect GSConnect's operation; the real question is whether daemon.js is running.

If you run a ps -ef |grep gjs, you should see a process entry like the following:

ferd       94064    4777  0 Jul22 ?        00:00:47 gjs -m /home/ferd/.local/sha

Also, you wrote:

I also confirmed my firewalld configuration and could connect to my phone on port 1716 via netcat.

But the related question is, can you connect from your phone to your Linux box on port 1716? If you have ConnectBot installed, or any other Android app that gives you a local shell, you can use netcat from Android to test whether the connection works in that direction as well.

(Just nc <linux_ip> 1716; if you get a connection refused message then either it's a firewall problem or daemon.js isn't running.)

Regarding the preferences issue, what version of gio do you have installed? I know Arch systems tend to be bleeding-edge, it's possible there have been recent changes we haven't accounted for. On my own system gsconnect-preferences runs without crashing using from Fedora's glib2-2.80.3-1.fc40.x86_64 package.

ferdnyc commented 1 month ago

(I do get the same journal messages as you, regarding the failure to place the preferences app in a particular cgroup / start the preferences app ā€” they're weird, but appear to be harmless. They certainly don't interfere with the app actually starting. But the crash is something different.)

ferdnyc commented 2 weeks ago

@thatgim Are you still having issues with GSConnect crashing / not running? Will you be able to provide the requested information / test results, or should we close this?