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Prioritized changes from Max #208

Open Oliversw opened 4 years ago

Oliversw commented 4 years ago

NOTE: Some of these might have been addressed in your previous changes, but here is some feedback of priorities from Max! I totally get that it's coming very late but if you have any development time in the morning and are looking for something to fix, this is a good place to look :)


  1. Result needs to link to the appropriate section in the Types of Therapy page
  2. Types of Therapy page needs to link to the database
  3. Some combination of responses don't work!

Landing page

  1. Buttons text needs capital letters removing!

Types of Therapy

  1. Text to be updated as per the attached.
  2. Links to be provided from each section to therapists in database (as already highlighted above) [3. Brief psychdynamic psycotherapy should have capitals at the start of each word so as to be consistent with other headings]

About page

  1. Change text to the attached. We may provide some further revised text later but appreciate that there may not be time to change it.

Therapist sign up

  1. Sign up is two words!
  2. Approach is spelt wrong. Also should this be a drop down menu?
  3. Calendar feature should say Availability if possible

Pop out menu

  1. Titles are not consistent with links on landing page - ie. Find the right therapy for you + Search for therapsits
Oliversw commented 4 years ago

Different approaches to therapy:

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Problem solving to manage difficulties

CBT is a type of therapy that puts the emphasis on the therapist and the client working together to address present difficulties using certain strategies and rational thinking.

A CBT therapist is trained in offering clients tools to reduce the impact of mental health symptoms and try active strategies, such as changes in behaviour or guided problem solving to reduce depression and anxiety.

CBT does not address interpersonal issues in relationships and does not aim to change the unconscious factors influencing an individual’s distress. It requires a commitment from the client to participate actively by undertaking certain exercises and putting advice and strategies into practice.

A course of CBT therapy typically lasts between 1 and 6 months.

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Discovering and transforming unconscious patterns in the psyche

Psychodynamic psychotherapy aims at understanding and transforming unconscious or deep seated involuntary patterns in a client’s thinking and relationships, and in his or her general attitude towards life’s challenges.

One may want to undertake this kind of treatment when there is a sense of dissatisfaction/frustration in one or more aspects of one’s relationships, or dissatisfaction with an important area of one’s life without knowing exactly how to change it.

A psychodynamic psychotherapist will guide the individual in their understanding of some patterns in relating to themselves or others that the client has without knowing. The therapist would guide the client in becoming aware of their origin and the way these patterns are active in their present relationships, including their relationship with their therapist.

This therapy requires a commitment to understand and transform deeper aspects of one’s personality and a sense of curiosity towards one’s own psychological functioning. Sessions can be once or twice a week. A course of psychodynamic psychotherapy typically lasts between 1 and 3 years, during which a significant change in the client’s awareness, interpersonal experience and sometimes even personality is achieved.

Humanistic Psychotherapy Seeing every individual as a whole, offering unconditional support

The main concept behind humanistic approaches to psychotherapy is an unconditional, positive regard for the client as an individual with his or her own potential for self realisation.

In humanistic psychotherapies the therapeutic relationship provides a supportive environment for each individual to become more aware of themselves and able to make informed and helpful decisions in their life and relationships.

A humanistic psychotherapy will provide warmth and acceptance toward the client’s predicament, to help them to accept themselves as a whole, and to reach an increased sense of integrity and autonomy. Gestalt and Client Centered are the two main modalities of humanistic psychotherapy (please see the glossary for more details).

The typical length of humanistic psychotherapy varies between six months and several years.

Integrative psychotherapy: An eclectic approach to finding more awareness and happiness

Integrative psychotherapy uses a variety of techniques taken from a variety of theories, including psychodynamic, interpersonal, cognitive, behavioural and body psychotherapy to offer a flexible approach to a client’s specific needs.

The aims are to increase the client’s self-awareness by integrating unwanted parts of the self that are causing distress and internal or interpersonal conflict.

There will be an emphasis on flexibility and adaptability of the therapy to the specific needs of the client, with the theoretical underpinnings being less rigorous and more eclectic than those of psychodynamic psychotherapy,

A course of integrative psychotherapy typically lasts between six months and a few years.

Counselling: A safe listening space to overcome a difficult time

Counselling provides a safe space where a client can be listened sympathetically, and given advice and coping strategies to manage emotional distress.

Unlike psychotherapy, counselling does not aim to address deep seated psychological problems, and can be a good choice when a client who otherwise is happy with their identity and/or relationships, and is undergoing a difficult time in relation to a painful life event that is particularly challenging and overwhelming.

A counsellor’s work is also influenced by three main theoretical currents: psychodynamic, integrative or humanistic. Counselling can consist of just one or two sessions, or can last longer and become akin to psychotherapy if the counsellor and the client deepen their relationship, and the client becomesinterested in achieving a substantial psychological change.

Brief psychodynamic psychotherapy: Focussed, intensive work on unconscious patterns in relationships

This kind of therapy is similar in aim and technique to traditional psychodynamic psychotherapy, however it is more limited in its scope and length.

Suitable for those who wish to work with depth and rigour on one specific unconscious aspect of their behaviour and relationships without having to commit to years of therapy.

The client is required to commit to working in a focussed manner, to achieve a significant change in their awareness in a relatively short time.

The average length of brief psychodynamic psychotherapies varies between 3 and 6 months.

Oliversw commented 4 years ago

About section

 Our mission At Shrinc we believe that finding the right psychotherapy for you can life changing. However, finding a good psychotherapist can be daunting. Shrinc is here to help.

Shrinc is the new way to access talking therapies, helping you to find the most appropriate therapy and the best therapist in a few easy steps.

Finding a therapist has never been easier The Shrinc database allows you to quickly and easily search for therapists according to location, price and specialisation.

If you are new to therapy, you can use the Find the right therapy feature which will help to guide you to the most appropriate therapy type. Shrinc also contains a brief overview of each of the main forms of psychotherapy. This then links to the database to allow you to easily search for the relevant therapists in your area.

Shrinc also offer remote consultation sessions for those users that are either not local to their chosen therapist, or cannot attend sessions in person.

All our therapists are registered with the main UK accrediting bodies to ensure a high standard of training and care.

Booking and paying for your session can also be done through Shrinc. with automatic appointment reminders and payment notifications occurring before the session takes place.

Your opinion matters There is a review system that allows you to leave feedback of your experience. All reviews are moderated, with negative reviews handled discreetly by Shrinc administrators. Therapists with more than 3 negative reviews in any six month period are reviewed by Shrinc administrators and removed from the database if necessary.