Closed zsoltschaefer closed 3 years ago
Vulnerabilities in dependencies are a common security problem that every application or service has to deal with. One solution could be to use an external service like snyk ( to receive a notification when a critical vulnerability exists in dependencies. Whether a critical vulnerability can be fixed by a version update of a dependency or not must then be checked ...
npm install of app-core and app-roaming (0.5.4) fail due tu vulnerabilities found since the last commit.
Following packages are affected: jsrsasign (reported on May 6th, 2021) lodash (reported on May 6th, 2021) underscore (reported on May 6th, 2021) hosted-git-info (reported on May 6th, 2021) url-parse (reported on May 6th, 2021)
postcss (reported on May 10th, 2021) @grpc/grpc-js (reported on May 10th, 2021)
ssri (reported on Apr 20th, 2018)
Here are the npm audit logs from the master branch.
npm audir output on app-roaming:
app-roaming, npm audit fix leaves us still with 48 modarete
app-core has 59 vulnerabilities (49 moderate, 6 high, 4 critical)
With app-core, nmp audi fix leaves us with 53 vulnerabilities (45 moderate, 4 high, 4 critical)