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ONS-Regional-gross-domestic-product-city-regions #79

Closed ajtucker closed 3 years ago

ajtucker commented 4 years ago

LPerryman commented 3 years ago

Can be joined with transform

Shannon95 commented 3 years ago

Available on PMD4 as a draft set to claim (contains data joined together from both #79 and #81), under GSS_data/Trade/ONS-Regional-gross-domestic-product-city-regions. Contains 8 cubes due to there being multiple measures. Things to note:

rossbowen commented 3 years ago

Edit: Noticing some of the URIs being output are a bit malformed, e.g., <>.

Just had a look over - I think it works as is but I think this is a really good candidate to think about how we do harmonisation.

In particular, instead of defining a separate codelist for area-name, I think I'd like to see defined a codelist for city-regions (since these are new concepts not really defined anywhere), and to use the statistical geography codes where we can. That way we define the concept which isn't defined elsewhere - because we have to! But then make that link to geographies which are defined elsewhere.

So a city-region codelist which ends up looking something like this (albeit with full URIs) might be cool:


Na h-Eileanan Siar (S12000013), Orkney Islands (S12000023), Shetland Islands (S12000027) are part of the Scottish Island Councils (scottish-island-councils).

@prefix gss-scheme: <>
@prefix city-region: <>
@prefix pmdcat: <>
@prefix skos: <>
@prefix rdfs: <>
@prefix statistical-geography: <>

gss-scheme:city-region a pmdcat:ConceptScheme, skos:ConceptScheme ;
  skos:hasTopConcept city-region:scottish-island-councils, ... ;

city-region:scottish-island-councils a skos:Concept ;
  skos:narrower statistical-geography:S12000013, statistical-geography:S12000023, statistical-geography:S12000027 ;
  rdfs:label "Scottish Island Councils" ;

statistical-geography:S12000013 a skos:Concept ;
  skos:broader city-region:scottish-island-councils ;
  rdfs:label "Na h-Eileanan Siar" ;

statistical-geography:S12000023 a skos:Concept ;
  skos:broader city-region:scottish-island-councils ;
  rdfs:label "Orkney Islands" ;

statistical-geography:S12000027 a skos:Concept ;
  skos:broader city-region:scottish-island-councils ;
  rdfs:label "Shetland Islands" ;

Something for a DM to think about.

rossbowen commented 3 years ago has City Regions too. Would be good to harmonise. Check out Rob's approach here

robons commented 3 years ago


Right, the data has been uploaded to PMD4 now and is accessible at

You're lucky enough to get the first dataset which is filterable by a time period.

However, I should note that I ran this dataset through my pivoted viewer and I'm not too happy with how the data is structured. I think each of the rows in the following screenshot should be measures so that all of the values for Aberdeen in 2018 show up on the same line.


How much do we care about the structure of the data at this point? Are we just happy enough that it's sort of on these even if the format is less than ideal?

edit: I also think it's interesting that the GVA row doesn't use the GVA measure.

edit edit: Also, I notice there doesn't seem to be a spec for this dataset, so I'm not sure what guidance any DMs gave to DEs on this?

JasonHowell commented 3 years ago

Close as it's been published to the Beta site.