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7 Low-carbon energy consumption by fuel type, UK, 1995 to 2020, (million tonnes of oil equivalent) DB: MITIGATION #39

Closed peterfrenchons closed 1 year ago

peterfrenchons commented 1 year ago

Linked to data 523

Shannon95 commented 1 year ago

An updated SPARQL query using the new dataset has been created and loads in data as expected up to 2021.

Please find the query created under Home/Dashboards/Mitigation with the name SPARQL - Low-carbon energy consumption by fuel type, UK, 1995 to 2021, (million tonnes of oil equivalent): 2022-10-21 : 2022-10-21 or click here.

I am attaching the actual query below for reference :

PREFIX qb: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX mes:<>
PREFIX dim: <>
PREFIX sdmxd: <>
PREFIX dat: <>
PREFIX cons:<>

SELECT  ?year ?fuel (xsd:float(?value) AS ?consumption)
WHERE { ?s qb:dataSet dat:dataset ;
           mes:energy-consumption ?value ;
           dim:fuel ?fuel_uri ;
           sdmxd:refPeriod ?year_uri .
       ?year_uri rdfs:label ?year .
       VALUES (?fuel_uri ?fuel) 
       {( cons:nuclear "Nuclear")
                (cons:bioenergy-and-waste "Bioenergy and waste")
        (cons:wind-solar-and-hydro "Wind, solar and hydro") }
ORDER BY ?year ?fuel