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Home page charts Mitigation and Adaptation #63

Closed peterfrenchons closed 1 year ago

peterfrenchons commented 1 year ago

Mitigation chart - using

Adaptation chart - using

Shannon95 commented 1 year ago

Adaptation chart updated sparql query : Found under Home/Overview Data with the name Tile; SparkLine; New planting of UK woodlands, thousand hectares, 1976 to 2022 : 2022-10-25 or click here

Sparql query posted below also :

PREFIX qb: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX meas: <>
PREFIX data: <>
PREFIX dim: <>
PREFIX def: <>

SELECT (?year AS ?x) (?value AS ?y)
    ?obs qb:dataSet data:dataset ;
        dim:year [ rdfs:label ?year ] ;
        meas:total-new ?value ;
ORDER BY ?year
Shannon95 commented 1 year ago

Mitigation chart updated query

Found under Home/Overview Data with the name Tile; Bar; Renewable energy share in total energy consumption, UK, 2021 : 2022-10-25 or click here

Sparql query posted below also :

PREFIX dcat: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX qb: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX void: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>

PREFIX data:<>
PREFIX period: <>
PREFIX measure: <>
PREFIX fuel: <>

SELECT ?timePeriod ?label ?total
    SELECT (SUM(ROUND((?consumption / ?total_consumption) * 100 * 100)) / 100 AS ?total)
    (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?fuelEdit; separator = ",") AS ?label)
    (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?year; separator = ",") AS ?timePeriod)
    WHERE {
             SELECT * {
                          ?obs qb:dataSet data: .
                          ?obs period: [ rdfs:label ?year] .
                          ?obs fuel: [ rdfs:label ?fuel] .
                          ?obs measure: ?consumption .  
                          FILTER((?fuel != 'Net Imports' && ?fuel != 'Nuclear') && ?year = '2021') .
                                  REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(?fuel,'Coal','Non-renewable energy'), 'Petroleum', 'Non-renewable energy'), 'Natural Gas', 'Non-renewable energy'), "Bioenergy","Renewable energy"), "Wind Solar and Hydro", "Renewable energy")  AS ?fuelEdit) .
            SELECT (SUM(?consumption) AS ?total_consumption)
                          ?obs qb:dataSet data: .
                          ?obs period: [ rdfs:label ?year] .
                          ?obs fuel: [ rdfs:label ?fuel] .
                          ?obs measure: ?consumption .  
                          FILTER((?fuel != 'Net Imports' && ?fuel != 'Nuclear') && ?year = '2021') .
                                  REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(?fuel,'Coal','Non-renewable energy'), 'Petroleum', 'Non-renewable energy'), 'Natural Gas', 'Non-renewable energy'), "Bioenergy","Renewable energy"), "Wind Solar and Hydro", "Renewable energy")  AS ?fuelEdit) .
    GROUP BY ?fuelEdit ?year
    ORDER BY ?year  
peterfrenchons commented 1 year ago

26/10 09:25 Mitigation SPARQL being checked