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Update RD&D chart - Mitigation DB #71

Closed peterfrenchons closed 1 year ago

peterfrenchons commented 1 year ago

Data refresh (DS team?) Updated SPARQL (DS team?) Update Chart title, narrative and notes

osamede20 commented 1 year ago

Updated dataset has been transformed.

The updated SPARQL query and Chart are on the Mitigation dashboard and titled: Public energy research, development and demonstration (RD&D) spending, UK, 2011 to 2021, £million (nominal prices)

The SPARQL query is given as:

PREFIX qb: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>

PREFIX energy_sector: <>
PREFIX country: <>
PREFIX year: <>
PREFIX national_currency_2021_prices: <>

SELECT   ?energy_sector ?country ?year ?national_currency_nominal


?row a qb:Observation;
energy_sector: /rdfs:label ?energy_sector;
country:  /rdfs:label ?country;
year: /rdfs:label ?year;
national_currency_2021_prices: ?national_currency_nominal
FILTER (?energy_sector!="Total Budget")

ORDER BY ASC(?year) ?energy_sector