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Update - Greenhouse gas emissions (residence basis) for the three highest emitting industries and households, UK, 1990 to 2020 2021, (million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) DB Emissions #76

Closed peterfrenchons closed 1 year ago

peterfrenchons commented 1 year ago

Update SPARQL, title and narrative.

osamede20 commented 1 year ago
PREFIX dcat: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX qb: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX void: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>

PREFIX data: <>
PREFIX period: <>
PREFIX emission_type: <>
PREFIX section: <>
PREFIX measure: <>

SELECT ?year ?emissionsMillonTonnes ?industrySector ?unit
              SELECT (SUM(DISTINCT ?emissions/1000) AS ?emissionsMillonTonnes) ?unit
                          (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?industryLabel; separator = ",") AS ?industrySector)
                           (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?period; separator = ",") AS ?year) 
                                    ?obs qb:dataSet data: .
                                     ?obs period: [ rdfs:label ?period ] .
                                     ?obs emission_type: [ rdfs:label ?emissionType ] .
                                    ?obs section: ?section .
                                     ?obs measure: ?emissions .

                                     GRAPH <> { 
                                               ?section rdfs:label ?industry .

                                      FILTER(?emissionType = 'Total GHG')
                                      FILTER(?industry != 'Consumer expenditure Not travel' && ?industryLabel != 'Consumer expenditure Travel')
                     FILTER(?industry IN ('Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply', 'Manufacturing', 'Consumer expenditure', 'Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services-producing activities of households for own use', 'Transport and storage')) 
                                         REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(?industry,'Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply','Energy Supply'), 'Consumer expenditure', 'Households'), 'Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services-producing activities of households for own use', 'Households') AS ?industryLabel)                   
                        BIND("Mt CO2e" AS ?unit)
                 GROUP BY ?industryLabel ?period ?unit
                 ORDER BY ?period                   
GROUP BY ?year ?emissionsMillonTonnes ?industrySector ?unit
ORDER BY ASC(?year) DESC(?emissionsMillonTonnes)