GSTT-CSC / hazen-web-app

Interactive web-based implementation of hazen
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Home page improvement #122

Open sophie22 opened 8 months ago

sophie22 commented 8 months ago

List available tasks in 2 columns for the ACR and MagNet phantoms Add contact info, raise issue, GitHub links in the bottom of the page

sophie22 commented 6 months ago

NHS logo in the left corner with the background looks a bit chunky. The GSTT logo in the corner would look better on a white background rather than appearing as a white rectangle on a blue background. You could get around this by adding a white banner at the top of the page, containing the logo (and any buttons/features that fall within the banner could be set to blue rather than white).

sophie22 commented 6 months ago

I like the text content on the front page, but I think the example images could be more complete rather than just three examples. Maybe a link to a separate page with an example of the slice for each task, and maybe side by side an example of the image output from hazen (eg. The image with the overlayed ROIs for ghosting) I think the appearance of the example images on the front page could be improved – they look quite two dimensional, I wonder if a subtle shadow effect would make it more visually appealing? Or a black container on just this section of the page, containing all three images, and therefore blending together the black backgrounds of the images