Allow admins to delete registrations. And add # of minors as a column in the manage attendance tables.
On the attendance management page, add the trashcan icon (with tooltip "Delete Registration") on the far right of the check in table.
When the user clicks on the trash can open a modal that says something like (Title: Delete {volunteer name}'s registration, Description: Are you sure you want to delete {volunteer name}'s registration? This can not be undone.)
If the user clicks delete, remove that registration entry from the database, close the modal, and make sure the UI is updated.
Add a column (# minors) to the table. We also need to actually fetch the minors. You can do this in EventAttendance (getAllRegistrations) and create a map of user to their list of minors (or empty list).
Pass the minors into the AttendanceFunctionality and display the number of minors or 0 based on the volunteer id.
Allow admins to delete registrations. And add # of minors as a column in the manage attendance tables.