We have implemented post deletion functionality in a previous sprint. However, we need to handle the case in which attachment deletion from the storage bucket fails during post deletion. We want to add a cron job to remove all the missed deletions so that we don't incur extra cost.
You are to write a cron job using Netlify Scheduled Functions. This cron job should be invoked once every day and should do the following:
Fetch all storage bucket objects. The object keys are in the form postId/attachmentName.fileExtension.
Fetch all posts that are pending: false.
Determine the attachments (bucket objects) that are not associated with any posts.
Delete those attachments (retry 3 times).
For testing, you can contact your engineering leadership for our storage bucket credentials to make sure your function invocation does what it is intended to do.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] Unused images should be garbage collected once a day via this ticket
[ ] Log any errors using Sentry
[ ] Cron job occurs once every day
[ ] Attachments not associated with a post are deleted correctly with error retrying logic
We have implemented post deletion functionality in a previous sprint. However, we need to handle the case in which attachment deletion from the storage bucket fails during post deletion. We want to add a cron job to remove all the missed deletions so that we don't incur extra cost.
You are to write a cron job using Netlify Scheduled Functions. This cron job should be invoked once every day and should do the following:
.pending: false
.For testing, you can contact your engineering leadership for our storage bucket credentials to make sure your function invocation does what it is intended to do.
Acceptance Criteria