Allow admins to create a draft post and post it later.
Add a new field to the post model called isDraft which defaults to false
You may need to adjust the post model not to require any of the fields on the backend so users can save the post with partial information.
Add a button at the bottom of this component next to the next/post button called "Save as Draft"
If someone clicks "Save as Draft" it should do the exact same thing as "Post" but set isDraft to true.
At the top of the post, add a Chakra UI Badge <Badge>Draft Post</Badge> so users know the post is a draft
Do not show draft posts to Volunteers. On the feed page add a filter for isDraft == false to the validatedFilters if Role == Role.Volunteer
Add a dropdown filter to the covered/not covered that says "Drafts" so admins can look at just the Drafts
When a user is creating a post and then leaves the modal, display a popup that says "Changes won't be saved..." and prompts the user to save as a draft.
Allow admins to create a draft post and post it later.
<Badge>Draft Post</Badge>
so users know the post is a draft