GTMNERR / swmp-quarter-report

A report on the long-term water quality and weather data collected as part of the System-Wide Monitoring Program (SWMP) at the GTM Research Reserve. Updated quarterly.
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Data Collection 2.0/Water Quality - continuous 2.2 #3

Closed katiepetrinec closed 2 years ago

katiepetrinec commented 2 years ago

Paragraph 1: Currently reads: The continuous water quality stations were equipped with YSI 6-Series Multiparameter (2003-2015) and YSI EXO2 (2015-present) data sondes during the study period. Suggestion: remove study period at end of sentence. The continuous water quality stations were equipped with YSI 6-Series Multiparameter (2003-2015) and YSI EXO2 (2015-present) data sondes.

Paragraph 3: Typo Currently reads: Data sondes began collectingcollected temperature Suggestion: Remove began collecting. Data sondes collected temperature...

Paragraph 3: Editing Currently reads: Data collected prior to 2003 were not included in this report. The January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2017 study period was selected because 2003 was the first calendar year in which all four SWMP stations collected data. Suggestion: Remove this sentence for quarterly report