Overchanting Table can increase enchanting level to the maximum level+1
The Reality
If you overchant a spike(from exu),put it in world and break it,it can be overchant again.Like #2387
Use Disenchanter(from DE) you can get a ultra high level enchanted book from it.
Use Mana Enchanter(from BOT),now can put the ultra high level ench on any item.
You can also leave spikes,just overchant any worthless item->disenchant->mana enchant another worthless item->overchant...
to get a high ench level.
This will lead to some resource get too easy.Like put a high looting level weapon in EEC,you can get 100x drop even more.
Your Proposal
Change Overchanting Table code,no longer give items "overchants"nbt but check the limit of enchanting level.
Final Checklist
[X] I have searched this issue tracker and there is nothing similar already. Posting on a closed issue saying the bug still exists will prompt us to investigate and reopen it once we confirm your report.
[X] I can reproduce this problem consistently by follow the exact steps I described above, or this does not need reproducing, e.g. recipe loophole.
[X] I have asked other people and they confirm they also have this problem by follow the exact steps I described above, or this does not need reproducing, e.g. recipe loophole.
Your GTNH Discord Username
Your Pack Version
Your Server
Type of Server
Single Player
Your Expectation
Overchanting Table can increase enchanting level to the maximum level+1
The Reality
If you overchant a spike(from exu),put it in world and break it,it can be overchant again.Like #2387 Use Disenchanter(from DE) you can get a ultra high level enchanted book from it. Use Mana Enchanter(from BOT),now can put the ultra high level ench on any item. You can also leave spikes,just overchant any worthless item->disenchant->mana enchant another worthless item->overchant... to get a high ench level. This will lead to some resource get too easy.Like put a high looting level weapon in EEC,you can get 100x drop even more.
Your Proposal
Change Overchanting Table code,no longer give items "overchants"nbt but check the limit of enchanting level.
Final Checklist