GTNewHorizons / GT-New-Horizons-Modpack

New Modpack with Gregtech, Thaumcraft and Witchery
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Robot Arms #1164

Closed VermillionX closed 7 years ago

VermillionX commented 7 years ago

Robot Arm's function as a cover is to push and pull items from either the inventory of the block/machine it's facing or the one's it's attached to into specific slot: It does NOT do this. Attached to a Universal Macerator, the robot arm will always take items from the first output slot, regardless of whether the arm is on the macerator or a pipe facing it, and will at random intervals take from the second output slot. Even when configured specifically to take from the macerator's second output slot and output into an adjacent inventory (platinum item pipe) it continues to take from the first output slot. When attached to the macerator, facing a chest it's possible to output the first output slot into any slot in the chest (useless), but it still doesn't work to output just the second output. Basically, it's a retarded conveyor, and is shitting on my automation by dumping crushed ores in with secondary output dusts instead of doing its job.

Dream-Master commented 7 years ago

Never know the robot arm can used as cover. @Technus any idea about this issue?

VermillionX commented 7 years ago

Most GT modules, plates and foils can be used as covers, though only a few actually do anything. You can even mount lenses on the sides of machines.

Bryfer commented 7 years ago

On the macerator, as Output? "Puts out into adjancent slot# " This mode outputs from the macerator into the pipes slot # "grabs in for own slot # " This mode inputs for the macerators slot # This is how it looks like when placed on the pipe "Puts out into adjancent slot# " This mode outputs from the pipe into the macerator slot # "grabs in for own slot # " This mode inputs for the pipe slot #

And im pretty sure the robotic arm is meant for inputting stuff into machines, rather than output. image

I'd suggest using an Conveyor module instead as output (Or just using the built-in button) and having type/item filters at the input locations for the other machines instead.

I also assume the "Speed" is the same speeds as the Conveyor meaning; LV; 1 stack every 20 seconds HV: 1 stack every 1 seconds

Namikon commented 7 years ago

You can even mount lenses on the sides of machines @Technus Add visible and lethal laser beam if lens attached to laser engraver, thanks

VermillionX commented 7 years ago

I've attached the robot arms (MV ones) to both targets: The uni-macerator, the pipe and even adjacent machines with configurations both to "grabs in" and "puts out" in every slot from -1 to +6 in every possible configuration with no success. If it does grab from output slot #2, it doesn't stop there and grabs from slot #1 while it's at it.

Bryfer commented 7 years ago

You are using the Robot Arm cover wrong.

When you take the "grabs" And.. It's placed on the macerator; You output from ANY slot of the pipe and inputs into slot # you choose of the Macerator. It's placed on the pipe; You output from ANY slot of the macerator and inputs into slot # you choose of the pipe

When you take the "puts out" And.. It's placed on the macerator; You output from ANY slot of the macerator and inputs into slot # you choose of the pipe. It's placed on the pipe; You output from ANY slot of the pipe and inputs into slot # you choose of the macerator

Technus commented 7 years ago

You can even mount lenses on the sides of machines @Technus Add visible and lethal laser beam if lens attached to laser engraver, thanks


Technus commented 7 years ago

can i close this?

VermillionX commented 7 years ago
