GTNewHorizons / GT-New-Horizons-Modpack

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Europium fusion gate is kind of broken at the moment #12416

Closed vovaksenov closed 1 year ago

vovaksenov commented 1 year ago

Your GTNH Discord Username


Your Pack Version


Your Proposal

The place of europium in GregTech progression has always been to separate the pre-fusion and the post-fusion content. Bart's ore is controversial but does not break this on its own, as you still need a Tier 5 rocket to access Ross128ab, where the ore generates. Now, however, it is possible to build this rocket before fusion, as europium is now a byproduct in the monazite line and can be obtained once you reach LuV. This means it is now possible to fully enter ZPM before building a fusion reactor.

Your Goal

First it is necessary to decide, whether this tier-skip is intended. If it is, the solution is to alter the LuV chapter in the questbook, removing fusion as the prerequisite from europium. If it is not, here are a few things that could be done:

Your Vision

Restore the europium tier-gate or properly finish altering the progression.

Final Checklist

LewisSaber commented 1 year ago

Another solution can be to replace europium in t5 rocket plating to duranium

vovaksenov commented 1 year ago

Yes, nice idea, but then quests should still be adjusted to not require fusion for europium. Crystal circuits are most certainly possible from monazite europium.

cainiaojun commented 1 year ago

Monazite enables players to get Crystal Circuits in LuV instead of late-LuV or ZPM. I think it is reasonable and can greatly keep players from the pain of making a lot of Quantum Circuits. In my opinion, we can just do nothing and edit quests.

The amount of Europium from Monazite is limited and it is slow to get enough Europium, so I think it is still necessary to produce Europium from Fusion. Just remind players there are some alternative ways in quests and enable players complete the Europium quest and T5 rocket quest before Fusion.

By the way, changing the Europium block to Duranium block in the scanner recipe could force players to make Mk1 instead of Mk2 directly.

vovaksenov commented 1 year ago

I agree on crystal circuits, but I still feel that ZPM should be gated behind fusion. If you allow T5 rocket you basically open access to massive quantities of easy europium because of ross. Yes, you cant automate it, but you can get thousands in a matter of an hour. I think @LewisSaber's suggestion is the best yet and then if anyone desires to enter ZPM on monazite europium, let them have it, they probably deserve it. The quests dependencies then can be adjusted accordingly.

cainiaojun commented 1 year ago

I agree on crystal circuits, but I still feel that ZPM should be gated behind fusion. If you allow T5 rocket you basically open access to massive quantities of easy europium because of ross. Yes, you cant automate it, but you can get thousands in a matter of an hour. I think @LewisSaber's suggestion is the best yet and then if anyone desires to enter ZPM on monazite europium, let them have it, they probably deserve it. The quests dependencies then can be adjusted accordingly.

Let the Bart's ore only be processed in a UV Centrifuge and everyone would be happy lol.

There are players who only mine Indium in Ross128b, we can't stop them from doing the same.

AbdielKavash commented 1 year ago

I will add to this that Europium can be obtained as early as IV with the monaline. The electrolyzer recipe to make the dust (the only "ZPM gate" in the line) takes 33,000 EU/t, which if you use the GT++ multiblock electrolyzer gets reduced to 29,700 EU/t. This can be provided by two IV energy hatches (32,768 EU/t obviously). Smelting the dust into ingots only requires a MV EBF and cupronickel coils. So you don't need any LuV machines or the assline at all to get europium.

Yes the electrolyzer recipe skip does actually work, I have tested it in in creative.

Alrightsc commented 1 year ago

Yeah, the electrolyzer skip is mostly more of an issue than anything else. I think no one knew that GT++ electrolyzer could have more than two energy hatches, which is how this enables the fusion skip.

I imagine that nothing will get changed soon though, and eventually we will have MuTEs to replace all of this that would likely not make this tier skip possible. But to be honest, I don't think this is a big deal to have a skip for europium, as fusion is still needed anyway (just going off power generation that is a huge huge upgrade alone).

vovaksenov commented 1 year ago

No, nothing out of the ordinary with electrolyzer here. 2 IV or 1 LuV hatch is enough to do a LuV recipe. It is LuV and not ZPM because of a discount, but that is a separate matter, you dont need more than 2 energy hatches for the skip. In fact 1 is enough. And as I stated in the original post, even if all this is intended, the quests still need to be corrected.

Glease commented 1 year ago
  1. Tier skip was not intentional.
  2. New recipe chain require europium dust to process europium oxide, so the tier skip is now impossible.