GTNewHorizons / GT-New-Horizons-Modpack

New Modpack with Gregtech, Thaumcraft and Witchery
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Monthly Ticket for Quest Changes #13036

Closed chochem closed 1 year ago

chochem commented 1 year ago

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A ticket for any large or small problems with any quests. Just post below. Of course, you can also make a dedicated ticket. In particular for more indepth suggestion or problems.

The most up-to-date quest files can always be found here: Depending on your version, you might also need to update BQ to use them.

Below are the remaining things from last month (

Outstanding Quest Changes

Outstanding New Quests

Outstanding Overhauls/Ongoing Discussions

Runakai1 commented 1 year ago
chochem commented 1 year ago
Rika-TH commented 1 year ago
chochem commented 1 year ago

what does it do, what would the quest say? details please

Rika-TH commented 1 year ago

it displays the internal power buffer in a machine similar to the tricorder but accessible much sooner with hardest resource being a single cupronickel coil

a quest for it could recommend it for debugging and to help better know how their machines are behaving in LV where it can be more important how you manage your power

it also displays the capabilities of a face (whether it can accept inputs) and acceptable I/O voltage and amperage

chochem commented 1 year ago
ShyZShark commented 1 year ago

I assume I'd place this here? The Quest "Power of the Sun at LV Level" requires a trigger for obtaining Sunnarium, despite not needing that material until MV solar panels.

chochem commented 1 year ago

thats already fixed, see the post above yours :P

ShyZShark commented 1 year ago

My bad, I used Ctrl + F, but I didn't search for enough terms. Now I feel stupid. Good catch though!

chochem commented 1 year ago
xtake commented 1 year ago
miaowwwwww commented 1 year ago
Dream-Master commented 1 year ago
chochem commented 1 year ago

As shown, the eu-vis charging station does not need the prerequisite, plz fix

I dont know what you mean. can you explain?

miaowwwwww commented 1 year ago

As shown, the eu-vis charging station does not need the prerequisite, plz fix

I dont know what you mean. can you explain?

chochem commented 1 year ago
EnderProyects commented 1 year ago
King65868 commented 1 year ago
xtake commented 1 year ago
miaowwwwww commented 1 year ago

t8 rocket quest needs uhv energy hatch quest. but uhv quest currently needs mk3 fusion to unlock, but making uhv energy hatch(for) does not necessarily need mk3 fusion, i suggest :

remove "pt 1 uhv" prereq for uhv energy hatch.(because t8 rocket quest in gated behind uhv energy hatch, u dont need to make the other 3 for t8, only pump)(tbh all energy hatch quest should only have pump as prereq)

Chaoschaot232 commented 1 year ago

Both could be placed near by the Quest "Handle Tiny Piles like a K1ng" with dep from "You're Gonna Hate This No. 4" as both Machines needing at last one Robot Arm (LV)

miaowwwwww commented 1 year ago

xeno quest need the fermenting bacteria quest to unlock, but the whole line for fermenting bacteria quest has pretty strict checkings, it checks literally everything on the way. and xeno do not need the stuff starting quest2. Suggestion:

image image image

chochem commented 1 year ago

@miaowwwwww but those quests explain how it works if I remember correctly so they should stay like this.

miaowwwwww commented 1 year ago

the quest line explained how to make a copy of a culture, and then the last quest talks about the culture transformation.

to mass produce xeno culture. i only need to copy this after i got those 2 data ball. image

chance 7.5%*7.5%, need 178 of them, but with 178 of them i can make 13 xeno culture already.

"copy" quest is not necessary and i do not really need the "general purpose fermenting bactaria". we can make another quest for xeno, since they are the only 2 culture that need this "transformation module"

wlhlm commented 1 year ago
wlhlm commented 1 year ago

The quest "Basic Cracking" (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALsQ==) in the Oil tab wants the player to steam-crack Refinery Gas, but it doesn't actually require the player to hold cracked Refinery Gas, just the ingredients (chem. reactor, steam, ref. gas). Maybe that should include the cracking result (at least one) as a task for the player to get the rewards for the quest.

Since the ratio for steam cracking is 0.8, that would require updating the steam and Refinery Gas amounts to 15B to make 4 cells of each cracked variant.

TealSeer commented 1 year ago

LV quest "Antimony" (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACVg==) references processing stibnite in the BBF/EBF which as far as I can tell isn't a thing anymore

chochem commented 1 year ago

it is a thing though

TealSeer commented 1 year ago

it is a thing though

fuck i was looking at the recipes for the ore block not the dust, mb

TealSeer commented 1 year ago
chochem commented 1 year ago
* [ ]  LV quest "Node Upgrades" (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGPw==) which explains the Transfer Node autocrafting could use the vanilla crafting table as a prerequisite. Otherwise why require the Baby Chests if you don't want the player to try out the autocrafting setup.

I dont get it. are you worried people in LV dont have a crafting table? :/

wlhlm commented 1 year ago

I dont get it. are you worried people in LV dont have a crafting table?

I certainly didn't have any at that stage. All Tinker's crafting tables. And I don't think this mechanic works with anything other than the vanilla crafting table. The intention with this is that the quest lists exactly the blocks/items that are needed for this mechanic to work to reduce confusion. I think it's inevitable a player might try this with a non-vanilla crafting table.

chochem commented 1 year ago

adding prereqs that cant do anything and arent even close is just silly

wlhlm commented 1 year ago

Huh, the Crafting Table is necessary in order to do autocrafting with the World Interaction Upgrade. Not sure why it "can't do anything"?

King65868 commented 1 year ago

Instead of pre req I think what is wanted, is the vanilla crafting table added to a task in that quest

chochem commented 1 year ago
  • [ ] The quest "Basic Cracking" (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALsQ==) in the Oil tab wants the player to steam-crack Refinery Gas, but it doesn't actually require the player to hold cracked Refinery Gas, just the ingredients (chem. reactor, steam, ref. gas). Maybe that should include the cracking result (at least one) as a task for the player to get the rewards for the quest. Since the ratio for steam cracking is 0.8, that would require updating the steam and Refinery Gas amounts to 15B to make 4 cells of each cracked variant.

I think it makes more sense as it is currently. there are 3 options after all.

wlhlm commented 1 year ago

Instead of pre req I think what is wanted, is the vanilla crafting table added to a task in that quest

Ohh, yes. That is exactly what I meant. Sorry for the confusion, I was using the wrong terminology here.

chochem commented 1 year ago

ah that makes more sense

wlhlm commented 1 year ago

I think it makes more sense as it is currently. there are 3 options after all.

It just felt a bit weird to me, because that means you complete the quest (and collect the rewards) without actually making the thing the quest is all about. I don't remember any other quest doing that (at least up until this point). Alternatively, if you think having the player cracking 15B of Refinery Gas for 4B of each variant is too much, the book could choose one variant. For example, Severely Steam-cracked Refinery Gas can be later turned into Polyethylene.

glowredman commented 1 year ago
tommmmmmmmm commented 1 year ago

"ZPM Assembler" quest: It says it is required for naqalloy coils; it should say for trinium coils

Hiagg commented 1 year ago

image you do not need hypogen to make this at all.

also umv circuits are required for uiv components quest only because field gens exist which is annoying. i think field gens should be a separate quest as they were in every other tier

PolkageistHS commented 1 year ago

The early quests that need a smeltery cast (Obtaining Ender Pearls, Gardener, Making Better Tools (and its derivatives), among others) can probably be updated to require either a cast or a single use clay cast, since those are a thing now. Or maybe make the cast step optional like other quests have done with the ingredients?

wagon153 commented 1 year ago

Was looking into creating a High Temperature Thorium Reactor, since it looked neat and more interesting than spamming xl turbines, but there's no quest for it in the Quest Book, even though the "High Temperature Super Breeder" quest references the existence of a companion quest for it. Did one exist at one time only to get removed?

chochem commented 1 year ago

no removal, no.

wagon153 commented 1 year ago

Then I guess it never got made. Which is a shame, because I can't find any documentation on it, and I was unable to get it working in a creative world(although that may be a separate ticket after I do some additional testing)

chochem commented 1 year ago

ah I found what you are talking about. you just misread lol and mixed up 2 multis.

chochem commented 1 year ago

closed in favour of