GTNewHorizons / GT-New-Horizons-Modpack

New Modpack with Gregtech, Thaumcraft and Witchery
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Salty Root Turns Adjacent Double Crops to Single Crops #15339

Open desagas opened 5 months ago

desagas commented 5 months ago

Your GTNH Discord Username


Your Pack Version


Your Server


Java Version

Java 19

Type of Server

Single Player

Your Expectation

When trying to cross breed, I would expect that if a double crop stick is to disappear, it would either have a mutation on it, replacing the double crop with the mutation and a single crop, or, it would turn into a weed.

I am not watering them by any means.

I am in a meadow, 14C and 70 Humidity, but all biomes I have tried them in causes the same thing to happen.

The Reality

However, when in a field of salty root, trying to breed them, granted, above a dry humidity, double crops simply turn into singles. They sometimes make weeds, like the rest of the crops, BUT, they more often simply change into singles.

Now, I want to clear up what I know someone is going to say: but all crops can die off sometimes ... which is true, but, that usually happens to plants on crops, NOT on double crops without plants. In my 17 years in game time, or 289 days IRL time, this is the only crop I have seen this happen with. If it is intended, I do not see it mentioned anywhere, if it is not intended, I believe it may be a bug.

Is it possible that they are both breeding and dying in the exact same game tick?

Your Proposal

If it is intended, say so in its quest for Salty Root crops. Personally, it is more realistic, as salt will destroy everything around it, including untreated wood, but it is not normal within this pack.

If it is not intended, make it act like all the other crops when breeding.

Final Checklist

Lyfts commented 5 months ago

Are you watering the salty root through a cropmatron or any other means?

desagas commented 5 months ago

No, no water what so ever. Just the environment. But, it does the same thing with or without water.

desagas commented 5 months ago

But, again, as I mentioned, the salty root was not affected at all, just the double crop sticks adjacent to the plants.

desagas commented 5 months ago

Environment is at 14C and 70 Humidity. But, every biome I have tried to grow this in has had the same issue. The one I am breeding in is a Meadow. Also, 0 pollution in chunk, at y=130.

AdolMors commented 5 months ago

image This is in 2.5.1 and I found no problems. The personal dimension is plains (0/0 nutrients/humidity) so definitely worse than meadow (5/7 nutrients/humidity) in terms of biome stats.

It seems like environment stats can be safely ruled out. If you are not doing anything drastically different, I do not see why this would not be working.

Is it possible single crop has been mistaken with crops having very unassuming stage 1 appearances? It seems to me you are not too familiar with IC2 crops. Temperature and humidity number are not relevant for IC2 crops. Refer to the IC2 nutrients and hydration bonus columns in biome table found in Biome wiki page to see the stats provided by biome.

AdolMors commented 5 months ago

If you haven't, you should use GT portable scanner on the single crop to verify it is just crop stick.

desagas commented 5 months ago

To the image posted above: as I said, if you read what I wrote: it doesn’t always happen, I said it happens a lot.

To the reply suggesting I scan the crops: I didn’t make this issue thinking it “might be” happening, but thank you for the suggestion. Perhaps it will help others who “might think” that no plants are growing. When I first started, a few plants disappeared on the garden soil, as it is a full height block, but I learned fast that there were plants on the crops. That is not the case here. My issue is sound.

desagas commented 5 months ago

@AdolMors 289 IRL days playing this pack, alone, and, further, I've been playing with IC2 crops since the mod IC2 was first released with crops included. So, I do, in fact, know how they work. And, against your self proclaimed expertness ... all sources and all testing state that you are in fact 100% wrong when it comes to humidity and temperature, what was it you said, having absolutely no affect on crops what so ever. Al least, that is what I think you just said? So, lets not immediately jump to "you are not too familiar with IC2 crops," no, rather, let us stick to the actual issue at hand. Don't be condescending, and let's fix this.

So, please, reread my issue posted above, and the comments below it, BEFORE we continue. But, let me reiterate this: every single crop with out exception, meaning no exceptions what so ever, have worked completely fine, and not a single one, other than salty root, has had this problem.

Regards, and, please, do better!

AdolMors commented 5 months ago

I am just as confused as you are to this problem so I was trying to eliminate options. There should not be recent IC2 crop mechanic changes (would be gamebreaking and I would be aware of since I manage crops in our private server). and I had no problems trying to crossbreed with salty roots (having done so in 2.3.4+ and beyond).

As far as I am aware, there is no correlation between the temperature and humidity percentage reported in ingameinfoxml and the biome bonus specifically for IC2 crops. I was pointing that out because I know those should not be treated the same as biome bonus. For example I can tell you snowy coniferous forest has -19C and 50% humidity in ingameinfoxml. Those are not particularly useful to the discussion. Snowy coniferous forest provides 5 nutrients and 7 humidity to IC2 crops, exactly the same as meadow at 14C (somewhere y > 130) and 70% humidity. If the ingameinfoxml temperature and humidity do prove themselves to be culprit on this matter, I apologize for any inconvenience caused. image Nutrients: 5 from snowy coniferous forest + 3 from up to 3 dirt blocks below farmland Humidity: 7 from snowy coniferous forest + 2 from hydrated farmland

desagas commented 5 months ago

Anyways, can you please revert the conversation back to the issue actually posted? The biome and its humidity and temperature are irrelevant to this discussion!

This salty root thing has happened for a long time, I am simply reporting it now. I believe I started plating on 2.2.0 or something like that. I first used crops in 2.2.8, and from what I remember, salty root has always delete double crop sticks beside it. For me, my first base was in a cold mountain biome, and my second is in a meadow, but it happens in both of these, as well as in magical forests and deserts (tested the whole biome bonus in the past).

Arez83 commented 2 months ago

I can confirm the problem as well. I set up an automatic farm using the wiki guide:

When I ran into problems I found this thread. What is interesting is that weeds spread in my storage farm, no cross breeding was done there! So it might be so that salty root act as a weed at a lower growth stat than normal. I did not change the default settings of the robot in the farm.

In the IC2 crops list (in the gtnh wiki) there is a note regarding salty root: "Weight influences are calculated using (- humidity + nutrients * 2 + air)". I dont know how to interpret this, but it could also give a clue perhaps.

I will not bother with salty root since it is easier to just switch to tearstalks for salt production.