GTNewHorizons / GT-New-Horizons-Modpack

New Modpack with Gregtech, Thaumcraft and Witchery
891 stars 280 forks source link

Consolidated list of potential new mods for 2.7.0 #16436

Open mitchej123 opened 1 month ago

mitchej123 commented 1 month ago

Your GTNH Discord Username


Your Pack Version


Mod Name


The Mod to Add

Consolidating several tickets here:

Your Reason

EFR & Village Name backport multiple things from future versions, mostly blocks and QoL additions. They're configurable as to which features are enabled, and should be backwards compatible with existing worlds. EFR adds ocean monuments, but no guardians -- VN adds both.

Baubles Expanded adds more baubles, is configurable, FOSS, and would be a good ultimate replacement for Traveler's Gear (with some additions there or in other mods)

Alfheim - Someone else suggested it, seems like a cool idea

Modern Controlling etc - much better keybind experience; a few potential bugs/conflicts but they're all FOSS and can be updated.

Zume - Adds zoom button like optifine - not yet included in Angelica due to missing Jar in Jar functionality

Preliminary Investigation

I've gotten all of the mods running locally on a new playthrough.

Current notes:


* Alfheim Required config change: `Alfheim/Alfheim.cfg` - Disable MMO Mode

general { preload {

Set this to false to disable ESM and MMO


   # Set this to false to disable MMO

} }

* ModernKeybinding/etc - Disable HodgePodge mixin to trigger all conflicting keybinds - they have this functionality (Should update hodgepodge to auto disable this if they're present)


### Final Checklist

- [X] This mod is released under an open source license. Yes, this is required now.
- [X] I have searched this issue tracker and there is nothing similar already. Posting on a closed issue saying *I like this mod, please reconsider adding it* will prompt us to investigate and reopen it once we confirm your report.
- [X] I believe there is nothing similar in the pack already, or the existing solution isn't good enough.
- [X] I understand this change request may not attract enough attention and thus not be implemented.
- [X] I understand this change request may be rejected due to other community members thinking it's inappropriate.
- [X] I believe this feature would make the pack better.
- [ ] I'm the official maintainer or original author of this mod for minecraft 1.7.10.
chochem commented 1 month ago

EFR or Alfheim would need a clear plan on how we want to integrate them and someone that wants to do that.

mitchej123 commented 1 month ago

Alfheim sure

EFR - Most of the blocks added are early game/vanilla blocks mostly added via worldgen, is there anything specific you're thinking of?

chochem commented 1 month ago

well I still dont know whats actually in EFR. maybe post the config somewhere if thats the only overview. but I guess netherite and elytra would be two examples. like maybe removing some other clunkier flight options and gregifying rockets appropriately and who know what we want to do with netherite.

mitchej123 commented 1 month ago


# Configuration file

# entity items
# Entity items. (Armor stand, boat, etc)

"entity items" {
    #  [default: true]

    # New boats from 1.9+, including the new rowing sounds. All vanilla wood variants included. [default: true]

    # What entities shouldn't be able to sit in the boat? You can either provide an entity ID (modid.entityid, for vanilla entities type just entity ID), or search for a string in the classpath (classpath:stringtofind).
    # Separate entries in the list by a new line. Note that players can always sit even if blacklisted, and some entities, like horses, water mobs or nonliving entities, will never be allowed to sit in boats.
    # It's a little hard to explain, a more detailed explanation and list of examples can be found here:
    S:newBoatEntityBlacklist <

    # Treat the entity blacklist as a whitelist, ONLY entities matching that criteria will be allowed. [default: false]

    # The maximum speed a boat can travel by while on land. This option exists because boats are very very fast when travelling on slippery blocks. Land speed = 0.6, Regular/Packed Ice Speed = 0.98, Packed Ice Speed = 0.986. Anything smaller than 0.6 is really, REALLY slow on land.
    # The speed values are just block slipperiness values, and are averaged by the slippery blocks around the bottom of the boat. This option does nothing to old boats. [range: 0.1 ~ 1.0, default: 0.986]

    # If disabled, only one person can sit in the new boat at a time. The new seat is actually an invisible entity that follows new boats. [default: true]

    # The speed multiplier for boats while in water. Use this if you want to make the boats faster or slower. 1 = no speed change [range: 0.1 ~ 2.0, default: 1.0]

    # If true, old boats will be replaced with the new oak boat and the item sprite will also be changned. False means the new and old boat and item for it exists separately, and the new boats will use a wooden shovel in their crafting recipe. If this is enabled, a boat that has an entity in it will not be replaced until the entity gets out.

# equipment
# Tools, armor, and other equipment items.

equipment {
    #  [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 37]

    # Override Netherite Axe Durability, -1 to disable [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: -1]

    # Override Netherite Boots Durability, -1 for no override [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: -1]

    # Netherite Boots Protection [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 3]

    # Override Netherite Chestplate Durability, -1 for no override [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: -1]

    # Netherite Chestplate Protection [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 8]

    # Neterite base damage, Diamond is 3.0 [range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 4.0]

    #  [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 15]

    # Netherite harvest level, Diamond is 3 [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 4]

    # Override Netherite Helmet Durability, -1 to disable [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: -1]

    # Netherite Helmet Protection [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 3]

    # Override Netherite Hoe Durability, -1 to disable [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: -1]

    # Override Netherite Leggings Durability, -1 for no override [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: -1]

    # Netherite Leggings Protection [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 6]

    # Override Netherite Pickaxe Durability, -1 to disable [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: -1]

    # Override Netherite Shovel Durability, -1 to disable [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: -1]

    # Netherite mining speed, Diamond is 8.0 [range: 0.1 ~ 3.4028235E38, default: 9.0]

    # Override Netherite Sword Durability, -1 to disable [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: -1]

    #  [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 2031]

# function blocks
# Blocks that have a specific function, whether right clicked or otherwise.

"function blocks" {
    #  [default: true]

    # Will attempt to seek and auto-add recipes to itself. Look at ConfigFunctions.cfg "autoAddBlastFurance" for more info.
    # Compatible with CraftTweaker. In the same way that you'd use furnace.addRecipe or furnace.remove, you can use "mods.etfuturum.blastFurnace" instead of "furnace". [default: true]

    # Currently DOES NOT HAVE ANY FUNCTIONALITY. Decoration ONLY! [default: true]

    # Allows certain items to be composted, which has a chance of adding a layer to the compost bin. Once full, bone meal may be harvested. It is compatible with CraftTweaker.
    # A value greater than 100 can add more than one layer to the composter. (The composter has 6 layers so max value is 600) EG 150 = 1 layer guaranteed and a 50% chance to fill another layer. And 600 = instantly fill the whole composter, or any remaining layers.
    # The mod prefix is "mods.etfuturum.composting", and the function is "addCompostable" and an ItemStack or OreDictionary tag, then an integer for how likely the item is to add a compost layer. 100 = 100%, or guaranteed. You can remove compostables using the "remove" function and an ItemStack or an OreDictionary tag.
    # You can use the "removeAll" function to remove all composting recipes, if you wanted to overhaul the composter's useage.
    # Examples:
    # mods.etfuturum.composting.addCompostable(<minecraft:planks:*>, 100); //(Makes all planks have a 100% chance to fill one layer.)
    # mods.etfuturum.composting.addCompostable(<minecraft:bedrock>, 150); //(Makes bedrock fill one layer and have a 50% chance to fill another layer.)
    # mods.etfuturum.composting.remove(<minecraft:leaves:*>); //(Removes all leaves as a compostable item)
    # Additionally the bone meal drop when harvesting a full composting bin can be changed. It drops one item from the "composting" loot table, and can be modified with CraftTweaker's "addChestLoot" function.
    # By default bone meal is the only item in this loot table, with a weight of 10. You can learn more about CraftTweaker loot table modification here: [default: true]

    # Enables wood variant doors [default: true]

    # Ability to craft differently colored beds out of wool. Mixed wool colors = red bed [default: true]

    # Currently DOES NOT HAVE ANY FUNCTIONALITY. Decoration ONLY! [default: true]

    # Inverted Daylight Sensor [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    # Allow lava buckets to fill cauldrons [default: true]

    # Currently DOES NOT HAVE ANY FUNCTIONALITY. Decoration ONLY! [default: true]

    # Enables new anvil behavior, such as less expensive item renaming [default: true]

    # Beacon beam can be colored using stained glass [default: true]

    # Makes the brewing stand have a fuel slot like in 1.9+. The fuel slot is compatible with CraftTweaker and takes blaze powder by default. Blaze powder can brew 30 potion cycles.
    # The mod prefix is "mods.etfuturum.brewingFuel", and the function is "addFuel" and an ItemStack or OreDictionary tag, then an integer for how many brew cycles. (Any brewing, regardless of if 1 or all 3 slots are filled, is still one "cycle") You can remove fuels using the "remove" function and an ItemStack or an OreDictionary tag.
    # Examples:
    # mods.etfuturum.brewingFuel.addFuel(<minecraft:gunpowder>, 10); //(Makes gunpowder have 10 brewing cycles)
    # mods.etfuturum.brewingFuel.remove(<minecraft:blaze_powder>); //(Removes blaze powder as a brewing fuel) [default: true]

    # Uses lapis as payment and has enchant previews and adjusted level costs. Requires tile entity replacement to be enabled in "function.cfg". It is compatible with CraftTweaker for adding and removing fuels.
    # The mod prefix is "mods.etfuturum.enchantingFuel", and the function is "addFuel" and an ItemStack or OreDictionary tag. You can remove fuels using the "remove" function and an ItemStack or an OreDictionary tag.
    # Examples:
    # mods.etfuturum.enchantingFuel.addFuel(<etfuturum:amethyst_shard>); //(Adds amethyst shards as an enchanting fuel)
    # mods.etfuturum.enchantingFuel.remove(<minecraft:dye:4>); //(Removes lapis lazuli as an enchanting fuel) [default: true]

    # Enable the old Et Futurum daylight sensor block. Should be enabled if you still have the old Et Futurum copy of the non-inverted daylight detector that need to be converted. [default: false]

    # A port of potion cauldrons from Bedrock Edition. Used to make tipped arrows and store potions. [default: true]

    # If Shulkers are disabled, a custom recipe will be required to obtain Shulker shells. [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    # Just bouncy, does not pull blocks. [default: true]

    # If this is disabled, netherite items will not be craftable unless added by CraftTweaker. This introduces the smithing GUI from versions prior to 1.20. It is compatible with CraftTweaker.
    # The mod prefix is "mods.etfuturum.smithingTable", and the functions are "addRecipe" or "addRecipeNoNBT". "addRecipe" will copy all NBT data from the first slot to the output. (and damage if the first slot and output are damageable items) You can remove recipes using the "remove" function and an ItemStack.
    # Currently CraftTweaker support is limited, so some features from CraftTweaker may not work. .noReturn() and .anyDamage().onlyDamaged() are known to not work.
    # However anyDamage() by itself does work, and is required for tool inputs to actually copy their damage over to the output.
    # Examples:
    # mods.etfuturum.smithingTable.addRecipe(<IC2:itemToolBronzeSword>, <minecraft:iron_sword>.anyDamage(), <ore:ingotBronze>); //(Use "ingotBronze" on iron sword to convert it to a bronze sword)
    # mods.etfuturum.smithingTable.addRecipeNoNBT(<etfuturum:sponge:1>, <minecraft:sponge>, <minecraft:water_bucket>); //Take a vanilla sponge and a water bucket, you will get an Et Futurum Requiem wet sponge. [default: true]

    # Will attempt to seek and auto-add recipes to itself. Look at ConfigFunctions.cfg "autoAddSmoker" for more info.
    # Compatible with CraftTweaker. In the same way that you'd use furnace.addRecipe or furnace.remove, you can use "mods.etfuturum.smoker" instead of "furnace". [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    # Currently DOES NOT HAVE ANY FUNCTIONALITY. Decoration ONLY! [default: true]

    # Enables target block from 1.16 [default: true]

    # Enables wood variant trapdoors [default: true]

    # Enables wood variant buttons and pressure plates [default: true]

# misc blocks
# Blocks that don't fit in any other category.

"misc blocks" {
    #  [default: true]

    # Enables log blocks with bark on all sides [default: true]

    # A solid, indestructible and invisible block. Can be seen when holding it in Creative mode. [default: true]

    # This must be on for the basalt deltas biome to generate unless Netherlicious is installed. [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    # Copper sub-blocks and items. Disable copper but keep this on if you want the new copper items and blocks made of it, without the main ingot, ore or copper block itself. [default: true]

    # Slabs for vanilla blocks: stone, mossy stone brick, mossy cobble, cut sandstone [default: true]

    # Stairs for vanilla blocks: stone, mossy stone brick, mossy cobble [default: true]

    # Stairs for vanilla blocks: stone brick, mossy stone brick, sandstone, brick, nether brick [default: true]

    # Enables wood variant fences and gates [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    # Enables honey blocks, honeycomb blocks, honeycombs, and honey bottles. See entities.cfg for toggling bee nests, beehives, and bees. [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    # Invisible light blocks. Only has a selection box when held, right click to change light level. Otherwise functionally identical to air and can be replaced by placing blocks into it. Invisible, but can be seen when holding it in Creative mode. [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    # Note: Also enables cracked and chiseled nether bricks as they use this ID too [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    # Enables stripped log blocks [default: true]

# misc items
# Items that don't fit in any other category.

"misc items" {
    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    # Appears in stronghold corridor and dungeon chests. [default: true]

    # Appears in Nether fortress chest loot. [default: true]

    # If true, vanilla and Et Futurum copper ores will drop raw ore items. [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

# natural blocks
# Blocks that can generate naturally in your world. Check world.cfg for generation values.

"natural blocks" {
    # Enables tinted glass, amethyst blocks, budding amethyst and amethyst crystals. Also enables the item too. [default: true]

    # Enables bamboo wood and all of its wood subtypes, including the bamboo stalks themselves. [default: true]

    # This must be on for the basalt deltas biome to generate unless Netherlicious is installed. [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    # Enables cherry wood and all of its wood subtypes. [default: true]

    # Enables chorus plants and purpur blocks [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    # Copper ore and copper blocks, variants, and waxed variants. (Slime balls are used if no mod introduces wax and if honey is disabled) [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    # Enable deepslate ores for copper ore and vanilla ores when deepslate generates over them. [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    # Enables mud, packed mud and mud bricks, as well as the mud brick stairs, slabs and walls. [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    # Soul torches and soul lanterns. [default: true]

    # Not required for the Soul Sand Valley to generate. [default: true]

    # Enable Granite/Andesite/Diorite [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    #  [default: true]

    # Set this to false to easily turn off all Nether blocks. This also turns off all Nether biomes because they require the blocks to generate.
    # My biomes have compat with Netherlicious (read world.cfg for more info) but if you don't want any compat at all turn this off.
    # This disables the following toggles: enableCrimsonBlocks, enableWarpedBlocks, enableBlackstone, enableSoulSoil, enableSoulLighting and enableBasalt.
    # Amethyst geodes use smooth basalt so go to world.cfg to change the outer block to something else or they won't generate.
    # This also turns off Nether wart blocks even though they are older, because Netherlicious also has those. [default: true]
mitchej123 commented 1 month ago

Tl:DR - It backports stuff from newer versions of MC

image image image

mitchej123 commented 1 month ago

I'd probably vote for disabling the new bees, I don't really like them. As far as elytra recipe/drop - sure. @roadhog360 is open to PRs, and configs for GTNH, and I'm getting him setup on the NH maven under thirdparty so we can depend on his mod and modify recipes in coremod

chochem commented 1 month ago

thanks! so yea. elytra, netherite, shulkers might be the big ones to think about and/or ask dream about as to how we want to place or use them in the pack. But also a bunch of other smaller things like lets say a deepslate gt dust that can be centrifuged for some stuff and things like that.

NotAPenguin0 commented 1 month ago

I am personally not a fan of deepslate in worldgen at all, it takes absolutely forever to dig through even with good tools. That said, you can bypass that issue mostly with tinkers tools and GT miners, so maybe this isn't really a problem in GTNH.

mitchej123 commented 1 month ago

I am personally not a fan of deepslate in worldgen at all, it takes absolutely forever to dig through even with good tools. That said, you can bypass that issue mostly with tinkers tools and GT miners, so maybe this isn't really a problem in GTNH.

Could always adjust the hardness of it, it'd be more for aesthetics if anything. Also curious how it looks compared to black granite/basalt, etc.

PlayfulPiano commented 1 month ago

In regards to Elytra, it might be worthwhile for it to follow the path of like, mantle of the raven / hang glider. Actually, the mantle being a crafting component could make sense.

Roadhog360 commented 1 month ago

Yeah new bees AI is kinda crummy and isn't really meant to be used with other advanced bee mods anyways.

I could make deepslate hardness configurable

jss2a98aj commented 1 month ago

The EFR Elytra has optional integration with Baubles Expanded if it taking up the chest slot is found to be too much of a downside when balancing and integrating things.

Caedis commented 1 month ago

Per Modern Controlling, ModernKeyBinding, KeyboardWizard-Legacy

Should they all be merged into our Controlling fork or?

mitchej123 commented 1 month ago

Per Modern Controlling, ModernKeyBinding, KeyboardWizard-Legacy

Should they all be merged into our Controlling fork or?

I'm not opposed If someone wants to take the lead on it

PlayfulPiano commented 1 month ago

Possibility of adding CraftingTweaks to that list? #15305 It's MIT for the 1.7.10 version, had no issues running it personally. Ability to rotate/spread/balance your crafting grid would be pretty nice imo.

Dream-Master commented 1 month ago

Possibility of adding CraftingTweaks to that list? #15305 It's MIT for the 1.7.10 version, had no issues running it personally. Ability to rotate/spread/balance your crafting grid would be pretty nice imo.

We need to contact the mod developer to be sure that older MC versions are under MIT license before we can use them.

Dream-Master commented 1 month ago

Ar Village Names still compatible with witchery generated villages? That villages need a facelift is a nice idea. nevermind it can be added via the ingame config files

PlayfulPiano commented 1 month ago

Possibility of adding CraftingTweaks to that list? #15305 It's MIT for the 1.7.10 version, had no issues running it personally. Ability to rotate/spread/balance your crafting grid would be pretty nice imo.

We need to contact the mod developer to be sure that older MC versions are under MIT license before we can use them.

Got it, will ask to clarify about the license.

PlayfulPiano commented 1 month ago

Update on craftingtweaks: image image

Caedis commented 1 month ago

So if we fork, it gets a new name. Tweaks for Crafting fits the requirements :trollface:

ah-OOG-ah commented 1 month ago

did anyone have to change gadomancy config as well? gadomancy's PotionMiningLuck keeps getting a conflicting ID

ah-OOG-ah commented 1 month ago

Also, Alfheim slimes seem to spawn like crazy, so I removed it and ASJCore. Also also, I noticed that items seem to have slow fall (with or without Alfheim).

Roadhog360 commented 1 month ago

Also, Alfheim slimes seem to spawn like crazy, so I removed it and ASJCore. Also also, I noticed that items seem to have slow fall (with or without Alfheim).

May be related to Et-Futurum-Requiem/#488

brandyyn commented 3 weeks ago

Also, Alfheim slimes seem to spawn like crazy, so I removed it and ASJCore. Also also, I noticed that items seem to have slow fall (with or without Alfheim).

Just disable the elemental slimes, they are not required for anything. I personally disabled them

PlayfulPiano commented 3 weeks ago Consideration for this too? Basically a precursor to "clumps" in modern versions. Should help with xp spam lag, as well as being an MIT license.