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Ore Dictionary Card does not filter on storage bus extraction #16559

Open yameatmeyourdead opened 1 week ago

yameatmeyourdead commented 1 week ago

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Your Pack Version


Your Server

private server

Java Version

Java 21

Type of Server

Vanilla Forge

Your Expectation

Attempted to create a subnet capable of only extracting select items from main network utilizing an ore dictionary card for use in a pull-items rather than push-items ore processing setup. Simplified setup: image Expected behavior: Unable to extract/insert fused quartz from green subnet as there is no storage location in the subnet and the storage bus connecting it to main network that has a storage location is blocking fused quartz

The Reality

The green subnet ignores ore dictionary filter on extractions from main network but respects it on insertions. In my example, the fused quartz could be extracted through green subnet (strange) from red main network but cannot be inserted (expected)

Your Proposal

Ore dictionary cards should work for both insertion and extraction.

Final Checklist

LazyFleshWasTaken commented 1 week ago

Storage bus always reports all visable items, the filter is for insertion.

So, let's say you filter for white wool, and all 13 colours are in the ches the storage bus is on, all 13 will be visable in the terminal, but if you take them all out, only the white wool will be able to go back in.

If you want only a few visable items, use a stocked interface.

yameatmeyourdead commented 1 week ago

OK, apparently storage bus filtering on extraction was added in 1.20 ae2, fun! Also the amount of visible items is very large so stocked interfaces are a pain here and thats why ore dictionary was the preferred choice. image

Guess my request is then a button for filtering on extraction

dimazha commented 1 week ago

Guess my request is then a button for filtering on extraction

You can use import bus with oredict card. Or if you want not to see some items in terminal, you can use View Cell

yameatmeyourdead commented 1 week ago

Perhaps I have not been specific enough about why filtering on extraction is necessary for what I’m doing.

I’m trying to use stocking input busses to automatically pull items from storage (what I’m calling a pull-items setup) rather than having 16 export busses with oredictionary cards stuck to an interface (what I’m calling a push-items setup) To do this, I need each subnet the stocking input bus is on to only be able to see/extract specific items. AFAIK is not possible to do this without having a storage bus that filters on extraction.

LazyFleshWasTaken commented 1 week ago

It is. Just filter on insertion to a subnet with storage. It's how our current oreproc setup works.

yameatmeyourdead commented 1 week ago

Ok, I believe you are still missing my point here. The problem is not routing items to a subnet with storage (I have one for ore proc too) or even setting up ore processing subnets that work. It's what I would like to be possible to do AFTER the items are in a storage cell WITHOUT the use of export busses. Let me paint a picture for you:


Each machine would see a subset of items in the original network, rather than just pushing items out of the main storage into separate subnets with their own buffers. You may ask: Why the buffers in your solution? Why not just have everything pull from the same line? If filtered extraction is possible, utilizing storage busses as oredict blacklists results in less buffers and less ore dictionary cards for processing of specific materials (sifting vs centrifuging vs dedicated lines such as lanthanides).

This is not the only case where filtered extraction would be nice to eliminate buffers/exporter spam.

If you think its currently possible (in the way I'd ideally like) I'd love to be proven wrong