GTNewHorizons / GT-New-Horizons-Modpack

New Modpack with Gregtech, Thaumcraft and Witchery
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Improve quests for certain important QoL features #16583

Open maximeRaoult opened 1 week ago

maximeRaoult commented 1 week ago

Your GTNH Discord Username


Your Pack Version


Your Proposal

Quests should be added/made clearer on certain QoL features such as the travelers belt, vajra and ring of Loki.

Currently the ring of Loki has no quest at all, so unless they were active in the discord and someone mentioned it, they would have no way of knowing how useful it was in the pack, similarly but to a lesser extent the vajra.

The travellers belt however, is only part of a sub task, in a quest that doesn't even have the belt as the icon, locked behind the diamond armour quest (which the book itself tells you is not very good so why would you make it) on a relatively obscure tab, as well as said quest not even saying how useful the belt is to QoL. Unless someone entered view mode (you should but not everyone knows about it), then also looks at random quests in the armour tab (even though its not armour, its QoL) and also happens to make it simply based on the single 8 word description, then they wouldn't know about it.

Simply have a quest in tier appriorate tabs for items of this QoL nature would lead to significantly more knowledge about them. The HV tab even already has QoL items as quests such as the enderio magnet, so why not the belt?

Your Goal

Make QoL more obvious, and not as Sampsa put it "Arcane knowledge"

Your Vision

More people actually get the QoL rather then are ignorant of its existence, and as such have more fun actually playing with the QoL.

Final Checklist