GTNewHorizons / GT-New-Horizons-Modpack

New Modpack with Gregtech, Thaumcraft and Witchery
882 stars 275 forks source link

Game freezes during initialization, possibly related to openAL #16613

Closed lePirateMan closed 3 days ago

lePirateMan commented 3 days ago

Your GTNH Discord Username


Your Pack Version


Your Server


Java Version

Java 8

Type of Server

Single Player

Your Actions

The freeze happens during the launching process. Usually during "registering gregtech materials" right after "Initializing LWJGL OpenAL" appears in the log, followed by "[Thread-21/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:749]: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Only one OpenAL context may be instantiated at any one time." among other related errors. The game window freezes completly, but some stuff still happens in the multimc log (mostly just craftpressense trying to connect to discord). Sometimes, rarly, it crashes after waiting a bit.

This begun after the game crashed while searching for aura nodes in the twillight forrest with a thaumometer, I have managed to launch the game succesfully once since then, but the game crashed after a few seconds when I swapped held item to thaumometer.

I have managed to launch other modpacks through multimc, and 1.7.10 with forge activated without more problems than normal

OS: Arch linux GPU: Nvidia 2060 GPU driver: Nvidia open Multimc version: 0.7.0 Forge version: java8: openjdk 1.8.0_412

Crash Report

fml-client-latest.log multimc log

Final Checklist

eigenraven commented 3 days ago

Known LWJGL2 bug on linux, using the java 17+ pack build with lwjgl3ify solves this issue.