GTNewHorizons / GT-New-Horizons-Modpack

New Modpack with Gregtech, Thaumcraft and Witchery
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Ore Directory Suggestion: dustMetalFurnace dustMetalEBF #3680

Closed Teirdalin closed 5 years ago

Teirdalin commented 5 years ago

Which modpack version are you using? #

If in multiplayer; On which server does this not happen?

Prospercraft #

facepalms Alright Teirdalin, what is it this time?

So my suggestion is to have an ore directory for dustMetalFurnace and dustMetalEBF on the GT dusts for better automation; as currently we have to filter for dust* which lumps in redstone, plastics, glowstone, and just about every other dust with the other GT dusts unless we export into a typefilter first.

And having a EBF or Furnace tag in the directory name will help in an incredible way. 🥇

+Bonus Points if differing the tags based on processing gas- i.e. dustMetalEBFOxygen, dustMetalEBFHydrogen, etc; although that does seem like unnecessary extra busywork when it's easy enough I suppose to manually filter once the EBFable dusts are being exported.

Dream-Master commented 5 years ago

Yea why not . Not sure how to implement @richardhendricks ?

draknyte1 commented 5 years ago

No, lol.

OreDict tags are for things that are 100% equal, tagging things otherwise is asking for bad times, due to other mods having this expectation.

Master branch of GT removed tags such as anyIron and anyCopper as a result.

Teirdalin commented 5 years ago

No, lol.

OreDict tags are for things that are 100% equal, tagging things otherwise is asking for bad times, due to other mods having this expectation.

Isn't that what my suggestion is? 🤔

Dream-Master commented 5 years ago

Any other suggestions lol :P @draknyte1

draknyte1 commented 5 years ago

100% equal

This means they can/should be used interchangeably in every crafting recipe. 100% opposite to what you're suggesting. The Ore Dictionary does Not exist for item sorting purposes, nor should it try to be used to organize items as such.

Teirdalin commented 5 years ago

Oh I see what you mean, maybe then dustMetalCopper, dustMetalIron, dustTinyMetalIron, dustTinyMetalGold, etc.

alphaNOVAircraft commented 5 years ago

Having it ordict would probably get new/old bugs up again. E.g. would it be able to take a barrel, put some titanium dust in it, click some aliminium dust in the same barrel, extract only titanium dust... be possible (same issue as with the iron to wrough iron exploit as well as the cooper to annhaled copper)

draknyte1 commented 5 years ago

sighs At least @alphaNOVAircraft gets it.

Similar types are already dictionaried together, adding the same tags to items not similar is 100% exploitable by other mods that expect all items with tag X to be EXACTLY the same thing. (Five copper ingots from five mods, but they're all still copper ingots)

This is why ingotAnyIron and the like were removed.

alphaNOVAircraft commented 5 years ago

It would maybe work out when organized like the crushed/purified/centrifuged ordict tags. You would need to add in the tags the material. Like dustMetalEBFaluminiun, dustMetalEBFtitanium etc. So you still have unique tags for each material but should be able to filter for the dustMetalEBF phrase in order to filter out what you need

draknyte1 commented 5 years ago

So you still have unique tags for each material

This does two things: 1) Creates 100s of useless OreDict entries, increasing load time of GT. 2) Uses the OreDict for something it's NOT meant to be used for, which is bad programming.

Why not ask for a better filter instead that doesn't rely on misusing existing things.

Teirdalin commented 5 years ago

So you still have unique tags for each material

This does two things:

  1. Creates 100s of useless OreDict entries, increasing load time of GT.
  2. Uses the OreDict for something it's NOT meant to be used for, which is bad programming.

Why not ask for a better filter instead that doesn't rely on misusing existing things.

Could replace the pre-existing tags like dustIron with the more detailed tags.

And a type-filter for MEs would work, perfectly actually.

draknyte1 commented 5 years ago

No, because they're the standard notation expected by every other mod...

Forge does not require names to be in any particular format, 
but the following has become a popular standard for OreDictionary names:

The entire OreDictionary name typically uses camelCase 
(compound words that begin with a lowercase letter, where each
successive word begins with a capital letter) and avoids spaces or underscores.

The first word in the OreDictionary name indicates the type of item. 
For unique items (such as record, dirt, egg, and vine), one word is specific enough.

The last part of the name indicates the material of the item. 
This differentiates between ingotIron and ingotGold, for example.

When two words are not specific enough, a third word can be added. 
For instance, granite is registered as blockGranite while polished granite
is registered as blockGranitePolished.

See Common OreDictionary Names for a list of commonly used prefixes and suffixes.

alphaNOVAircraft commented 5 years ago

I don’t think we need that filter anyways. Most of the ebf dusts need to be sortet for processing anyways die to their need for different gases/voltage/heat capacity. Increasing the loding time for that really small benifit isn’t worth imo. But if you decide to add it you need to make sure the tags are unique. Otherwise you give unlimited supply of any ebf material for everybody that can obtain steel dust

Teirdalin commented 5 years ago

Oh I see, alright; was a bit silly of a suggestion anywho.