GTNewHorizons / GT-New-Horizons-Modpack

New Modpack with Gregtech, Thaumcraft and Witchery
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Bug: Void Dim AE2 Autocrafting GUI- Strange. #3807

Closed Teirdalin closed 5 years ago

Teirdalin commented 5 years ago

Which modpack version are you using? #

If in multiplayer; On which server does this happen?

Prospercraft #

What did you try to do, and what did you expect to happen?

Autocraft any item from a AE2 crafting terminal in a void dimension in some areas- in this example, x:17, y:66, z:-60 #

What happend instead? (Attach screenshots if needed)

If I have an item in the topright slot, the GUI closes on opening. If something places an item into the slot while I'm pressing autocraft it crashes the entire server. If nothing is in the slot then autocraft GUI opens normally.

It seems to differ a bit from player to player; for example one person no matter what it crashed the server with their void dim autocrafting, while some people seem to be able to use theirs just fine. But since it seems to be kinda random based on position; like if I move it out a chunk, it'll be working properly again sometimes; the people who have theirs working fine may just have it in a spot where it doesn't make issues rather than it being the players themselves.. #

What do you suggest instead/what changes do you propose?

Figure out why Void Dim interacts odd with AE2 autocrafts GUI perhaps. It's a weird situational and kinda random rare occurring issue; but has come up like thrice now.

Dream-Master commented 5 years ago

@bartimaeusnek any idea about it ?

0lafe commented 5 years ago

AE2 and void dims have had a weird relationship. Used to crash the server if you checked the crafting status of anything from an AE terminal, but was fine with the wireless one. Lotta disconnected stuff too, for seemingly no reason. AE also seems to get pretty hard with the issue of stuff not saving when you teleport away (someone said this had something to do with a load queue I think)

bartimaeusnek commented 5 years ago


draknyte1 commented 5 years ago

Unless the dev is > 100% autistic, Dimensions should change ABSOLUTELY nothing on how GUIs work. Void Dim probably is just buggy in general if you're getting disconnections, but then in saying that, Does ProsperCraft use Thermos? Because you know, no support there from any developers. (Especially AE2's Dev, he REFUSED to make Thermos/kCauldron compatible, nor do any legitimate binaries for such exist. Protik, the kCauldron Dev, has released fixed, unofficial builds, but unless you're gonna decompile them, I'd avoid them like the plague.)

Teirdalin commented 5 years ago

Well; considering this is minecraft we're talking about, I wouldn't put it past some devs being autistic. Also not just disconnections but the entire server goes down. lol
No idea what they use to run it.