GTNewHorizons / GT-New-Horizons-Modpack

New Modpack with Gregtech, Thaumcraft and Witchery
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RFC - Orevein revamp #3970

Closed richardhendricks closed 5 years ago

richardhendricks commented 5 years ago

Ideas on a potential orevein revamp.

Problem statement

  1. Nobody loves digging for an orevein only to find nothing.
  2. A little more variety in the veins is a good thing.
  3. Automated miners don't have much benefit over manually mining blocks.
  4. Ore drilling rig does not provide output benefit over single block miners.
  5. Short lifetimes for the mining locations means there is little incentive to build transport infrastructure.

Proposal has two parts

Part 1 - Remove empty oreveins

For this part, the % empty setting will be repurposed into an orevein "completeness" setting. What this means is that all ore centers will be populated, but now there will be a chance 1, 2, or 3 ores will be missing from the vein if that vein would fit in the current "no vein" RNG value.

Overall, the numbers for overall ore found will be tweaked so that this will give little to a slight increase in ores found. In general, most oreveins would be normal veins, only the previously "empty" veins will have these partial veins filling them. Normal veins may have a slight density decrease while these partial veins have the normal density. For now, the layer "thickness" will not change.

This will keep players excited about finding veins, and prevent bad cases where a large hole of no oreveins occur - at least you will get something. Also finding a vein requires a confirmation now that it is a full vein - maybe that graphite you hit doesn't include diamond in the vein!

Part 2 - Make automated mining better For normal manual mining, there will be no changes.

For automated mining, a new per-oreblock NBT item "richness" is added. Richness is randomly determined when the orevein is placed and is the same across the orevein (maybe higher with oreveins missing other ores, per above). It can vary between 1 and 8. "Richness" determines if the ore block is NOT removed when the miner activates on that block (xyz tracking values must not be changed so that the mining algorithm will try the block again).

For the single block miner, the RNG is Richness/16. So on average with a max richness orevein, the miner returns ~ 2x the blocks in the vein. For a low richness orevein the miner returns ~1.06x the blocks.

For the multiblock miner ,the RNG is Richness/10. So on average with a max richness orevein, the multiblock miner returns ~4.45x the blocks in the vein. For a low richness orevein the miner returns ~1.11x the blocks.

Above numbers can be tweaked to adjust effective multipliers.

Will need to have scanners return richness for the vein in some way.

This encourages players to automate their mining to get the bonus ore, and setup transport infrastructure to haul the minerals back to base for processing since the outputs will be increased. This change will increase available minerals for mid/late game which is good for servers since ie players will not have to keep finding new copper veins.

A future change will be to lower the maximum stacksize for ores/ores products to continue encouraging infrastructure vs flying back and forth to carry resources.


DoomSquirter commented 5 years ago

1) looks cool overall.
2) for autominers what happens with exu quarry. basically ignores it completely I assume. because of this, I know alot of ppl use exu quarry mostly cause of the chunkloading issues that surround using the auto miners (which I love btw, just chunkloading the thing is a royal pita)

btw, future change to lower max stacksize. please fucking no. please no. that really won't accomplish anything except making ppl complain (myself included) and really fix nothing. I've seen it done multiple places, we've even had that argument here and I've had it elsewhere. it won't change anything. it'll just be terrible.

bHXDgiuMa5yLHyC8 commented 5 years ago

What about GT6-style bedrock ores?

DoomSquirter commented 5 years ago

alk already has done this in gt++. he's got like a bedrock miner or something.

richardhendricks commented 5 years ago

Yes, last I heard the code wasnt complete and he didnt know when he could circle back.

I would prefer a GT bedrock miner instead of abusing the Ender Quarry and Deep Dark.

On the stacks, having players hand carry thousands of ores back and forth isnt in the spirit of a technology based pack. Its nothing that will be implemented soon, and might not happen until GTNH 3.0. But I dont think limiting ore/duststack sizes is a major burden.

richardhendricks commented 5 years ago

Chunkloading is a PITA, but this would reduce how often you have to move the setup, although it might encourage making more of them.

draknyte1 commented 5 years ago

Yes, last I heard the code wasnt complete and he didnt know when he could circle back.

But then Yesterday... this.

  • Added Recipes for the Fusion MK4 Components and the Deep Earth Drilling Platform components.

DoomSquirter commented 5 years ago

from someone who's dealt with this in another pack (or two) and has spent a ton of time debating the merits and lack thereof, and the outcome and comments from ppl close to project and not so, trust me... it's not something that really impacts a player (item stacks). all it does is extend it. so what, now you can't carry more than 16 per stack of ore. oh well. now I need to take 4 trips instead of one. does it change my mind about setting up some automation? absolutely not. if the person's going to carry the ore back, they are going to carry it back. period. if the person is so inclined to setup some automation, they will do so regardless of the stack size.
I know on paper it seems like a smart idea. I'm just saying that in practice, it very rarely turns out to work out that way.

as far as chunkloading the miner. the miner's going to take how long it takes to run. regardless. for me, a full run on a planet with the advminer 2 takes many hours powered at IV. it's not as if multiples are going to help there. it's just a factor of how long it takes. and ofc needs to be chunkloaded.

mind you, we've had the discussion about chunkloading the advminer via code and I'm not bringing that up again. fully convinced that's a bad idea. I'm just throwing out there that the runs you do with the advminer 2 start to become clumbersome. the next evolution is the exu quarry which none of this oregen stuff will benefit... which is totally fine :) I'm just pointing that out really. honestly, it might be ok to just put that out there and leave it. do the exu quarry and you just don't get all the other benefits. that's the stick to the exu quarry being easier to chunkload's carrot.

bHXDgiuMa5yLHyC8 commented 5 years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Alk's deep earth drill gives the same output anywhere it is built (in a given dimension), whereas Greg's GT6 bedrock drill will only work at specific spots where it will only produce one kind of ore. The latter sounds to me like it would be conducive to permanent transportation infrastructure.

richardhendricks commented 5 years ago

Yeah I was thinking of trying my hand at implementing a Moho Mining Rig that would behave similarly, ie mine a single orevein type.

@doomsquirter Obviously moral degenerates like you may continue to behave the same. The change is to steer the rest of the player base in that direction. There are other dials we can use to encourage behaviors, ie slowness or immobility or erectile dysfunction, or better quests on how to setup the infrastructure.

It's definitely something that needs more discussion, since setting up 3 or 4 minecart stations might be fun, but 10+ pretty damn annoying.

Perhaps the deep drill can have variable success rates based on location, similar to underground oil, even if it gives all ores there could be locations where it is 5x better output. That could be a good compromise.

DoomSquirter commented 5 years ago

lmao hahahaha omg man you need to go on vacation more often :)

well, some my experience comes from divergence. if you've ever played it, you would totally understand what I'm speaking of, since it had just about every mechanism in place to get the player to find new and unique ways to do things since it had not only stack changes but weight mechanism, slowness debuff as you carried more than you were able, etc...

and I mentioned ppl in that I wasn't just talking about myself but other ppl that played it. ppl that going in, were excited to try something new, but when actually forced to do so, complaints/second were now a thing and the general concensus was that it became a lot less fun and for all that trouble, you might as well have just been playing terrafirmacraft while having a wild boar give you an enema.

DoomSquirter commented 5 years ago

I guess my point really is to not implement this in the 1.7.10 version of gtnh. I wholeheartedly would think this would be a bad idea (stack size, etc). Especially if you are thinking of other methods to force automation of things like this.

Implementing this from the beginning in a new pack however, the appeal will be different, justified and might work based on how you implement it.

richardhendricks commented 5 years ago

I assume "this" means the stack-limiting encouragement, and you are OK with the other things?

Any comments from anyone on filling in all the oreveins with at least 1-3 oretypes?

bartimaeusnek commented 5 years ago

@richardhendricks most of the OW/Space veins already consits of at least 2 types... EDIT: the giant veins which consists of only one or two ore types are mostly in the DeepDark

DoomSquirter commented 5 years ago

totally. I liked the entire concept. I even said so.

it was the future ideas that concerned me.

Anarack commented 5 years ago

### Ore vein changes I like the idea of this but I have some concerns I like the removing of empty patches, not sure why this was a thing to start with. I am against removing ore types from a vein to prevent the orespawn game from being worse, aka you found Kyanite but haha you get no mica. Instead I would suggest modifying the amount of that ore that would be removed, possibly correlating it to vein richness. This would also give a mini game of you considering ignoring veins if they are really crappy. See factorio and whether you should bother with a vein or not.

### Stack size changes Like the other I am against item stack changes as it was annoying in tfc packs it will be even worse here due to the ore quantities required. Additionally forestry backpacks exist so this wouldn't do a ton when every slot can become 15 slots. If you want to limit the amount of stuff that can be brought back per trip I suggest looking at the forestry backpacks. This could also help encourage rails.

### Rails I like the idea of encouraging rails but I am not sure how well it will work due to the issues around trains and carts. Issues that are not cart bugs Battery carts are very heavy/slow on locomotives forcing the player even more into liquid fuels of some kind. I don't know if you can get around this with more locomotives but big trains have issues. There are basically no quests that help with railcraft cart routing, either using tickets or more manual systems which would be required for any large cart system with many points feeding in. Electric locomotives are kind of eh to me, or I have not found a good way to use them due to the above bat cart issue. Electric rails I have not used, but look ok ish latter on, but I don't know the power draw the loco's have but keeping up the power draw for the rails may be interesting.

Auto mining

I like the buff to gt auto mining but this may handle strangely with the ender quarry + the whole gt miners wont chunkload brings in issues for the entire system which is why the ender quarry is the majorly used device. In addition unless the multiblock miners ore yield starts at 3x on average this will be a nerf for the device as it has around 3x with all veins right now.

as for number 4. thats not even true or I though they had different yield.

Final thoughts

Final issues, how is this going to be handled for inter dim automation? cargo rocket is at mars and most inter dim stuff starts at IV. How is the nether/twilight forest going to work as that would require some form of inter dim transport. Chunkloading for gt miners/rail systems Over all I am in favor as long as some of the issues brought up in this are addressed and sorry the the text wall,

richardhendricks commented 5 years ago

Ok, I can keep all the ores but lower the density specific to the ones targeted. They'll still be there, just not as many of them.

Stack size changes will be tabled for now.

Electric locos suck ass IMO. They need pretty much constant EU from rails or batboxes, and batboxes are so heavy you can't really do much more than carry 1 cargo cart. It's better to use high speed rails without the locos at all. Probably safer too.

Quests for railcraft tickets and routing are definitely worthwhile, and necessary before discouraging player carrying.

Yeah you're right on #4, I was thinking the ore drill just did the automacerating, I forget it did additional outputs. The multiplier I give above is before the ore is autocrushed in the miner since it would basically do the same oreblock a few times before consuming it. So effective output would be higher on the multiblock miner, but speed would be the same for both miners.

Will update original post.

The two current GT miners I see as early game and midgame devices. The EQ/future bedrock miners are late game.

richardhendricks commented 5 years ago

As a related suggestion, how about lowering the TiCo tool speed for the higher tier tools?

bHXDgiuMa5yLHyC8 commented 5 years ago

Traincraft is still getting updates for 1.7.10

WarlordWossman commented 5 years ago

If you wanna encourage automation there is no point as long as mods like TiCo make the player super OP. I mean what else does the mod even do? A smeltery is not needed with GregTech in the pack and there is way better options for tools that are not vanilla (more materials).

As long as this pack is still FTB-like just progressive and grindy recipes, automation will never be as fleshed out as it could be - because buffing the player to no end will always mean it's better to bring things by hand or mine by hand

Methes commented 5 years ago

For me to encourage automation it would have to be a long term solution. Nowadays you can mine a complete vein in about 10 mins, maybe even faster later on. Even if you encouraged automatic mining and extended the duration of such ore output to hours, it wouldn't be enough for me. What I'd really like to see is almost infinite ore supplies. Lasting for real life week at least. THEN it would be worth it and nice to have a train infrastructure going on. If you setup a whole infrastructure (and go through the ultimate pain of chunkloading the train and hoping it won't break on server restart) just to tear it down in a day it's just not worth it.

WarlordWossman commented 5 years ago

With different stone types in layers that get a lot harder (some veins only spawning in these stone types) you could controll it a bit better, even if I think TiCo tools are too crazy anyways. Later on something like bedrock veins could be lasting for a long while and only accessable through automining but then again at that stage infrastructure is probably already reduced to boring mechanics like teleporting items around.

richardhendricks commented 5 years ago

Yeah I think having a bedrock miner that either 1) limits output based on what orevein would be there, or 2) increases output rate based on a localized density value, will promote setting up infrastructure. It would be hard to both accommodate SSP and SMP reasonably just by making the normal oreveins last longer, without making them really annoying. Ie, so your vein lasts 2 weeks of 24/hr game time, that would suck for SSP. Also that means the first ~1/2 or so your miner is only returning the topmost and scattered ores.

It's a tough problem without revamping the whole ore system end to end.

WarlordWossman commented 5 years ago

I would say it's too much for current version, but for 3.0 it would be a good idea to design a better system with more thought put into it. Was hard to make it great the first time but now with all the input the known issues can hopefully be avoided.

Flying around with copterpack and mining a vein in 5 to 10 minutes with a TiCo hammer - that's the stuff we should get rid of imo, it doesn't fit the industrial setting of GregTech. A clever ore system with multiple types of veins and other limiting factors that make player item/fluid transport not as viable for large amounts (stack size, large fluid cells) will fit an industrial setting a lot better.

DualBallers commented 5 years ago

What I'd really like to see is almost infinite ore supplies. Lasting for real life week at least. THEN it would be worth it and nice to have a train infrastructure going on. If you setup a whole infrastructure just to tear it down in a day it's just not worth it.

This is such a great comment @Methes!

I'm more than a year into my SP map and currently at ZPM/UV tier, but if this was implemented, plus removal/heavy nerfing of TiCo manual mining, I would be very inclined to start again from scratch.

I really like the idea of tougher and near infinite veins that you can only mine slowly by hand, and were there is a very strong incentive to transport the ores to your base using automation or magic.

For other dimension you would need to setup central hub areas that collect and send ores through dimensions using some slow pre-'ender chest'-tech or magic (depending on your progress). And after Mars the cargo rockets would actually be useful and fun to make and automate!

A mining rig tier should then dictate the lifetime it can mine a vein. Increasing the tier should effectively double the lifetime of a vein. This would encourage you to upgrade your stationary mining rigs, and keep using your hard made infrastructure.

This pack the most fun I've had with MC, but the absolute low-points of playing during low tier is using hours upon hours searching for new veins (scanner is great though), manually mining the veins, and manually transporting the ores. At mid tiers this is replaced by faster mining rigs, but sooo many rocket trips where you constantly move the mining rigs, which is a pita. High tier is quarry and ender chest but, while effective, this is just a plain and boring mining solution.

Imagine having stationary running mining rigs all over most dimensions and planets, with an automated infrastructure constantly bringing ores in, using minecarts, rockets, portals. It's a big change, but I think it would take this pack to a new level where automation of mining would be incredibly fun.

yukieiji commented 5 years ago

I think that using TiC hammers and pickaxe when digging some ore. so ,it is a bit opposite to lowering the mining speed of all TiC tools. but agree to make it difficult to mining veins by hand. I suggest to make shape of vein undefined like GT6 and give penalty for mining range of high tier vein such as TiC Hammer.

WarlordWossman commented 5 years ago

Imagine having stationary running mining rigs all over most dimensions and planets, with an automated infrastructure constantly bringing ores in, using minecarts, rockets, portals. It's a big change, but I think it would take this pack to a new level where automation of mining would be incredibly fun.

I have been saying this for a while now, and I think bedrock veins are an even better sollution since they cannot be mined by hand. Maybe you can use the seismic prospector to find them and they would be somewhat similar to the invisible oil. I was also thinking about a worldgen where the stone types get harder to mine the lower you go, with granite in layers. And honestly I think TiCo should just be removed so that electric tools like drills and chainsaws can be the high end tools.

richardhendricks commented 5 years ago

How about reworking the current ore drilling rig into a bedrock miner that digs the "vein" that would normally be located in an orevein center? That would be pretty doable.

Anarack commented 5 years ago

Doesn't that make the gt++ bedrock drilling platform pointless?

DoomSquirter commented 5 years ago

this sounds almost exactly like the IE excavator. altho, it doesn't have an infinite pool of the single resource, but it is pretty enormous. also it'd be interesting to note how you'd randomly determine where these veins show up. there's a pretty funny bit about the IE excavator, and some person making a little java app that you put your world seed in and it gives you a map of where all the ore veins are in which chunks, and the mod dev having a complete hissy fit about this, throwing around dmca, etc and being called out for being an idiot for doing so because of his licensing, which iirc, forced him to change his licensing or something (specific timeline/etc is a bit sketchy in my head atm). but since all your code is in github as well, randomizing that bit might be reproducible in a world, etc.

considering just how many ores there are in gt tho, that can be a real crapshoot, no? you can get 100 limonite veins or you can be extremely lucky and find some end game something or another no? you'd have to work out how to limit or when to limit some ore types, etc....

also when you say ore drilling rig do you mean the gt++ one or ? hopefully the advminers are left alone.

also, also, depending on what version of gtnh you are thinking of doing this in, it might make sense to move comments for what is definately planned for 3.0 to the other git to not confuse ppl I guess?

DualBallers commented 5 years ago

bedrock veins are an even better solution since they cannot be mined by hand

I agree, and this means that the current ore gen can stay as it is, and all the current mining solutions can stay.

use the seismic prospector to find them and they would be somewhat similar to the invisible oil

To make it even simpler, the bedrock ore gen could simply "mirror" the visible ore gen (just at vein creation - visible veins and bedrock veins should not be "linked" after gen). I think that is also what you are saying @richardhendricks (?).

Congratulations! You found a big copper vein with your scanner. Now do want to slowly mine the visible "sparse" ore vein by hand/normal mining drill/quarry, or do you (at some point) put a bit more time into automation and set up an upgradable bedrock drill that can supply you for a long time. This way the current method of mining is not removed if anybody likes to search/mine/transport the old masochistic way.

stone types get harder to mine the lower you go

Interesting thought, which means that TiCo could remain as it is now. The nerf would then be placed on reaching deeper/rarer ores.

electric tools like drills and chainsaws can be the high end tools

The tiers on the electric tools could negate stone height "hardness", making these more useful.

Doesn't that make the gt++ bedrock drilling platform pointless?

I don't think so. The gt++ bedrock drill will still be great and able to supply you with all types ores from the specific dimension, infinitely, and its placement does not matter. These pros can be balanced using a relative higher tech tier, bigger power consumption, and/or slower mining speed.

richardhendricks commented 5 years ago

waves hands

My sweeping vision is that the GT++ miner is a "dimensional miner" to replace an EQ mining 10k x 10k blocks. Instead you put one of those down and it mines based on the dimensional ore distribution, infinitely and with upgradability to EQ level speeds.

The GT ore drilling rig would be a "Bedrock" miner that drills the nearest ore center and provides whatever orevein would normally be there, infinitely. It would need some work because the orevein determination code depends on the surrounding blocks (ie, are you in the air? What about the neighboring blocks) etc., and would need to figure out how to solve that. Also, older worldgen like the current servers wouldn't align with the new oreveins.

This two-tier "infinite ore" system lets players build 3-4 ore drilling rigs to get high quantities of specific ores, and then GT++ drilling rigs to get dimensional ores at ludicrous quantities at highest tiers.

DoomSquirter commented 5 years ago

how would you handle veins that are in same x/z but different y levels?

richardhendricks commented 5 years ago

Not sure what you mean. The hands waving part of it would be to find the nearest orevein, and figure out what vein would be there. It wouldn't matter if there was another vein in the same chunk.

DoomSquirter commented 5 years ago

yeah that's a really cool idea. best thing for servers for sure. would handle population density, world gen, etc.

WarlordWossman commented 5 years ago

The idea of the bedrock veins is cool because of the locational part, not sure if I like a miner that gives literally everything from one dimension, it removes important points from the landscape again and you end up with the same old "just build one of them in your base" stuff again...

Beyond-Veil commented 5 years ago

As someone who just started the pack and going through the pain of having to set up everything, i just want to mention it has to work from the beginning. So a GTNH newbie perspective (but a 30+ year gamer):

Automating anything substantial really requires MV at least. Only with an extruder and decent supply of ores/metals can you even think of expanding. However, at this point you have been playing for well over a month (in my case).

My point is, i guess, that you struggle so hard at the beginning to get anything done at all, doing another manual mining run isn't really an issue you are facing. A stack of mining pipes takes the better part of a stack of steel, which at this point is like asking to sacrifice a limb, i need it for everything else.

I get it, it is a hardcore modpack and that is no problem, that is why i'm playing it, but i constantly need all my resources for other priorities. Using any of it for automation, beyond a few hoppers seems far away. So you never get into the habit of automating anything on that side.

I don't mean the following to be offensive, but putting a player through 100+ hours of manual slogging where you constantly need to re-arrange machines, swap fluids, fill cells, rebuild you entire network, build something else, etc. and then wondering why people don't get into the spirit of automation after 200+ hours of play seems a bit silly :)

I really like the modpack, but if you want it to be about automation, material cost has to go up, but per machine cost / time investment has to go down. Just making the copper wires for the chips in a single LV machine requires the lathe to run 12 minutes doing nothing else than making copper rods. end-to-end building a single typical LV machine requires well over 20 minutes just on "lathe" time. doing a manual mining run for the resources that go in hardly figure. And if i have to spend 10 minutes breaking my set-up and re-arranging it rather than investing well over an hour to put together another machine and make a nice automation, i'll do that. Nice modpack? hell yes! hardcore? absolutely. Automation? maybe after playing another 4 months, but i currently don't see that as central point.

richardhendricks commented 5 years ago

Why are you using a lathe instead of a wiremill to make wires?

Uh, nothing personal, but a key feature of the modpack is that there are multiple ways to do almost everything, and as you tier up, you should be checking into alternate methods. Many/most are described in the quests, hence why we have so many. Sometimes even a higher tier version of the same machine is well worth it - again, wiremills are totally worth upgrading with either a 2nd one or a MV/HV one.

People mocked me for making 10 BBFs but one thing I never wanted for was steel. The (fun) tension in this game is the choice between "Do I wait 2 hours for all this to process, or do I spend 4 hours making it take 30 minutes next time?"

As the game progresses to ~MV/HV you really have to get some things setup in automated systems, wholly or partially, or else you will be spending 100% of your playing time shutting resources from machine to machine. Wood farming, seedoil, food, plastics, nitric acid, oil, cables, machine hulls, etc. Having a stand-alone machine area for one-off needs and an automated process area is practically required by HV. Your comment "material cost has to go up" makes me wonder how many tiers up and how much automation you have done. BTW, in my two playthroughs to HV/EV, I never have enough copper. And that's with me doing 4x copper via IC2 crops this time around.

Automating is totally and completely doable at LV. Oil. Wood. Charcoal. Wires. Cables. Air centrifuging. Water electrolysis. Rubber production. All automateable and useful at LV level. Even something as simple as 4 macerators that output into a single chest is "automation". I'm sure you've seen dozens of videos but I have my base walkthrough on Epsilon at

Back to this proposal, it would not make the early game more difficult since manual mining wouldn't effectively be different at that stage. What it would do is make it smarter to use alternate methods as you tier up (like the automated miners for additional ores), and change bases from a single monolithic base to locations spread around the map.

draknyte1 commented 5 years ago

a single monolithic base to locations spread around the map.

But mah server will lag if people don’t settle down. Then wot

richardhendricks commented 5 years ago

Oh hush you. :)

Well, people won't need to search as much for new oreveins, so less worldgen and exploration lag? :)

bartimaeusnek commented 5 years ago

@Beyond-Veil i totally agree. Also whats to be added is that people who play this longer tend to forget that they know a shitton of stuff about this pack. They come up with changes that look good on paper, but dont really work out in reality, for most new / medium new players.

richardhendricks commented 5 years ago

So I take it that's a down vote Bart? 🙃

DoomSquirter commented 5 years ago

can I ask a stupid question?

No offense @Beyond-Veil but what does the orevein revamp described here have a single thing to do with material cost and automation?

correct me if I'm wrong, this is in addition what's out there. I don't see how it'd impact any manual mining whatsoever. earlier game would be unaffected more or less.

from what I can tell this whole ticket has gone on a bender dealing with something that has nothing to do with the original reason the ticket was made for.

bartimaeusnek commented 5 years ago

@richardhendricks i just dont think we should change the core mechanics of the pack and move away further from the main branch of gt. I do support the idea of dimension/location specific void/bedrock miners instead of deep dark tho.

Anarack commented 5 years ago

Another thing to keep in mind if you want to encourage more cart stuff is the speed of loaders/unloaders compared to the size of tanks/inventory's of the iron chest/tank carts, they are not all that fast to start with. Though if this change is possible it could go in regardless of ore changes.

draknyte1 commented 5 years ago

Then I did this the other day though.

  • Added Recipes for the Fusion MK4 Components and the Deep Earth Drilling Platform components.


richardhendricks commented 5 years ago

Tabled for now

mitchej123 commented 5 years ago

@richardhendricks i just dont think we should change the core mechanics of the pack and move away further from the main branch of gt. I do support the idea of dimension/location specific void/bedrock miners instead of deep dark tho.

Main branch is pretty dead dev wise with no clear owner. Blood-asp said in discord that if he were to come back more active it'd be on 1.12. I wouldn't use that as a reason.

draknyte1 commented 5 years ago

Blood-asp said

He's said many things. Just because he's done less than me across the past year, doesn't make it dead.

mitchej123 commented 5 years ago

Blood-asp said

He's said many things. Just because he's done less than me across the past year, doesn't make it dead.

no activity one year

yah... let's stay in sync with upstream... cough.

Or maintain our own branch... :)