Closed richardhendricks closed 2 years ago
About verification of other blocks below cropstick beside dirt, I already checked it ingame while I was breeding, works as described, you lose 3(or 4, do not recall correctly) nutrition stats if you are using any other block than dirt, this also is a reason to put oreblock at 4th layer of dirt, because it checks in chain, not certain height, if there is dirt -> dirt -> oreblock -> dirt, its only gonna register 2 dirts.
Another thing worth mentioning is that any block that speeds up crop growth speed doesnt work with crops placed on cropsticks, enchanted earth, lamp of growth etc, haven't checked blooming bee effect but I assume it doesn't work either. Only thing that can speed up crop growth beside of its stats and enviromental stats are world accelerators in TileEntity(not sure name, this 6A one) mode.
About block requirement for breeding and 4th stage, works for now for crops added by gregtech, which contains most of crops used for ore quadrupling.
Farmblocks: cropstick -> 3x dirt -> oreblock/block of metal if required, otherwise 4th dirt -> farmblock.
Basic breeding setups I can think of without opening the game:
Basic breeding chain I'd reccomend, easy and gonna work after 3rd stage breeding fix(in near future all crops are going to have max stage to be crossbred) Stickereed -> coppon/tine or any other low tier metal plant, breed it for most of the lowtier oreplants -> argentia -> platina, high tier enough to get most of high tier crops, also as platinum block is easily obtainable with chembath its going to be viable for high tier crops after change.
Other chains I can think of now:
Fertilia <- zomplant <- corpseplant(appears randomly when breeding, I do not know what is best for this atm) Enderbloom/bobsyeruncle <- diareed <- withereed <- blazereed <- stickereed <- reed, enderbloom can popup while breeding high tier crops, but chance is very low. Spaceplant <- transformium Reactoria <- God of Thunder <- withereed Tearstalks <- withereed
I think it covers most of crops I use in my farm, any other 'best' routes can be checked using new cropnalyzer feature as it does not require seeds and you have ready list of all crops so you can just check all possible combinations you want.
For more info just ask questions, gonna try to elaborate as much as my knowledge allows on given topics.
I don't think you are right about ztones garden soil.
13 nutrients, no fert
^ launching game to check this, but I might be mistaken, it may be 2 humidity what you lose cause hydrated farmland gets this bonus. Gonna do bunch of testing just to be sure, starting guide today, ask questions if you want something clarified.
Yup, I was wrong about that, I knew there is a difference, but its humidity that differ as I mentioned above. So: using dirt gives you 2 free humidity stats, but using ztones gardensoil gives you addtional potential farming space as you do not need to place water block to hydrate farmlands. In my opinion dirt>gardensoil because each enviromental stat is important.
Also, here is a prove that how important enviromental stats are for high tier crops:
For 1 growth tick stickereed I'm using to test gets twice as much growth points with 2 more humidity stats than one with humidity equal zero.
Hydrated dirt:
Ztones Gardensoil.
It applies for low enviromental stats and high tier crop, lets say crop has barely enough enviromental points to survive and grow, then each point you can get is crucial. For higher tier crops small enviromental stat difference even high enviromental stats matters as they need more total enviromental stats to survive. For lower tier crops like stickereed, assuming high enviromental stats difference like 2 humidity is neglible(shown in screens below), tho as mentioned before, higher tier crops needs more enviromental(basically growability points) to grow or grow fast enough to be viable.
Even if difference is small for low tier crops it scales over time, in this case its 20% faster growing on hydrated dirt than on ztones garden soil.
So again, summarizing data above, dirt > ztones gardensoil or any other block like enchanted earth.
Also it proves how important and suprerior to other swamp biome is, its free stats just for setting farm in such biome, so its basically free crop growing efficiency. I'm using mountain biome with low stats because I'm lazy and that's all I really need for now, but if you'd want to get something really maxed out, swamp is suprerior as it boosts your efficiency for free.
So another thing to sum up, You can get free stats with proper setting of your farm. There are three stats called enviromental stats: nutrients, humidity and air quality, enviromental stats together are important for crops to grow, there is something like a growability which I'll explain later, there are few possible ways to obtain 'free' stats:
Nutrients: 1) 3 possible free points from dirt, 2 in case of plants that require oreblock As mentioned above crop checks for 3 blocks below farmland, giving you 1 point for each dirt it founds, always make sure that your oreblock is most bottom in column, because it checks in chain, not certain height, if there is cropstick -> dirt -> dirt -> oreblock -> dirt, its only gonna register 1 dirt ignoring one below oreblock. 2) 5 constant points from fertilizing your crops. You can use fertilizer on crop to increase it nutrients stat, fertilizer may be capped at 199 value which gives 10 nutrients, but can be applied again only if crop drops below 100 fertilizer points, which gives nutrients points, so for high stat crops its safe to assume and make tests for 100 fertilizer points as its given constant unlike 199->100 values. You can apply fertilizer to crop by hand, bonemeal, IC2 fertilizer and Forestry fertilizer works for that. Forestry manual orchard multifarm and crop matron does that automatically when supplied with fertilizer(forestry need fertilizer to harvest crops also).
Humidity: 1) 2 free points from using dirt as farmland, as when farmland gets hydrated by water(turns darker) it gains 2 humidity points bonus. 2) 10 constant points from hydrating your crop. Similiar to fertilizing, water can be applied to crop up to 200 points, which is 10 humidity points, altough unlike fertilizer it does not need to drop below value of 100, water can be applied over and over keeping it at constant 200 points. You can apply water to your crop by using IC2 hydration cells by hand, as in case of fertilizer Forestry manual orchard multifarm and crop matron does that automatically when supplied with water(forestry need water to harvest crops also).
Air quality: 1) 4 potential free points from empty space around crop. Crop checks for empty spaces to calculate bonus air quality points, it gives up to 4 points, 1 point for each 2 empty spaces, example shown below.
No empty spaces around crop [0 bonus points]
4 empty spaces around crop [2 bonus points]
All 8 spots free around crop [4 bonus points]
2) 4 free points from height of your farm. You get 1 free point each 15 blocks startng at y=79. 79 - 1 point 94 - 2 points 109 - 3 points 124 - 4 points
3) 2 free points from no opaque blocks above crop. You can place glass/glass covers above and you won't lose bonus since it's transparent block.
So, summarizing, Total possible free stats: Nutrients: 8 points. Humidity: 12 points. Air quality: 10 points.
Proper management of farm can lead to significant boost to your crops growability thus efficiency of your farm, beside that each biome has its own initial enviromental stats values, biomes can be checked in this spreadsheet:
Your tools through tiers.
As you advance through tech tiers you unlock better tools that can help you farming crops.
Stone age: Cropsticks - they allow you to plant, grow and breed crops, you can craft them with 4 Long Wood Sticks which can be crafted with wood log, file and saw.
Sense - this tool allows you to harvest crops in 5x5 area with one click. All you need for this are: 2 metal any metal plates, metal ingot, hammer, file and stick.
Plant lens - allows you to initially scan unknown crops as they appear on cropstick.
Steam age: At point when you can produce steel, it opens tool that allows you to get rid of Weeding Trowel with simple right click.
LV age: With reaching LV you unlock more efficient way to create cropsticks. Wood in lathe can be turned into 4 long wood sticks which then placed in Assembling Machine can be turned into two cropsticks each, which makes it 1 wood log - 8 cropsticks instead of 2 wood logs - cropstick.
Ability to craft cells allows you to create hydration cell which can be used to hydrate your crop, thus increase its humidity stat.
Another useful thing is crop-matron, this device when powered allows you to automatically fertilize and hydrate your crops to increase your enviromental stats, it requires water cells or water pumped into machine, crop-matron accepts only IC2 fertilizer.
Main thing that is game changer in LV is Forestry Multifarm. I'll make separate topic just for this monster. It allows you automatically harvest your grown crops. Beside that it allows to hydrate and fertilize crops in way more efficient than crop matron does.
If your energy production is high enough, you can speed up your growing of your crops using World Accelerator in TileEntity mode, it takes 6A of its voltage tier. Boost speed and radius of this machine increases with each voltage tier.
MV age: MV finally gives you ability to fully scan your crops, there are two new ways:
LV Scanner - You put unknown or partially scanned seed in this machine and you can scan it for knowledge about stats of your crop, which is crucial for making your crops best as they can be.
But there is another way, more efficient and easier in use, your best friend from now on: Cropnalyzer this one powered with batteries allows you to scan seeds like LV Scanner, but it's portable. You can also initially scan crops with it for same knowledge as Plant Lens. It has also very useful mode which allows you to check possible outputs of given crops when breeded. I'll give it separate topic with explanations.
Next tool is Spade, which allows you to get your seeds easier than before as it neglects growth stage of crop. Simply right click crop to get a chance for seeds. No more waiting for last stage. It also works as hoe and weeding trowel, real multitool mvp.
HV age:
HV unlocks for you better crop scanning tool, Tricorder, this one allows you to scan crops for their stats while crop is still growing, very useful when maxing stats of crops, you can decide if you want to get seed or just destroy it and wait for better results.
You can craft now your first crop replicator, there is no much uses for this one, as it can only duplicate tier 1 seeds for now, but with advancing through ages its getting more useful, it goes up two crop tiers for each power tier, i.e. HV age- tier 1, EV age- up to tier 3 etc.
Crop Harvester is new tool that allows you to autoharvest crops without needing to set up another forestry manual orchard multifarm, it has 11x11 range, so matching this one with crop-matron if you want hydration and fertilizing is kinda tricky, but definetely takes less space.
I'm not experienced with EV+ tools so if there is something that you can add/describe, please do it. Let me know if I missed anything up to HV.
Time for some basics, growability gonna be kinda hard to explain in simple way but lets start from crop stats.
Crops has three basic stats: growth, gain and resistance, each of them is responsible for different crop properties, and they are connected with each other. Each stat can vary between 0 and 31, though it doesn't mean that 31 is best possible value.
Growth: Stat responsible for amount of growth points your crop receive per growth tick, in simple words determines how fast your crop can grow. Maximum best you can get is 23, because when your crop reaches 24 growth it starts acting like weed, destroying neighbouring crops and spreading weed to nearby tiles.
Gain: Determines how much of given item crop can drop when harvested, higher gain stat doesn't guarantee drops, but increases chance for drop and amount of items that you can obtain from crop. In example, crop with gain stat equal 1 can drop nothing or 1 item at best, crop with gain equal 31 can drop up to 6 items, but as loottable is bigger chance for no drop at all is lower. Its just example, loottables vary between each crop. Best value for this one is 31, and that is the value you should aim for.
Resistance: This stat is responsible for many of crop properties: chance for getting seed while destroying crop, resistance of your crop to trampling, decreases chance of crop dying due to lack of enviromental stats(going to explain it in growability part), resistance of crop to weed spread. Best you can get is 31, but its not reccomended, because total sum of crop stats determines if and how fast it can grow(see growability), thus usually its recommended to go with resistance stat equal 10, its enough to withstand some time nearby weed, and enough to get a seed most of time for lower tier crops(higher tier - lower chance, gonna be explained somewhere, probably breeding chapter).
Stat breeding basics: Most of crops start with stats like 1/1/1, stats can be increased through breeding your crop with another one, in example you are breeding two 1/1/1 crops, new crop that appears have a chance to increase or decrease stats a bit. From my experience for similiar stats, increase/decrease in given stat can vary 2 points, so from two 1/1/1 crops you can get in example 3/0/1 crop. If you breed 1/1/1 crop with 20/30/10 crop, chances for stats are more or less calculated as mean average, in given case output crop is expected to have ~10/15/5 stats, it doesn't mean its guaranteed, its just how mutation of crops work, it can be more, it can be less, but as above, its usually mean average.
Seedbag chance: Total amount of stats determines few things, one of them is chance for seedbag. The higher sum of gain+growth is compared to resistance stat, chance for bag is lower. Another thing that determines seedbag drop chance is tier of crop, higher tier - lesser chance for seedbag. To visualise chances for seedbag while using spade you can use equation below with proper inputs, and run it through in example wolframalpha : 1+tanh((-1)(X+5((-Re/2)+Gr+Ga)/21)/12); X=0 to 16
Where Re, Gr, Ga are rescpectively Resistance, Growth and Gain stat of the crop.
GROWABILITY: Another thing determined by total amount of stats and tier of crop is something called as Growability. In simple words, it determines if crop can grow in given enviromental conditions, and if it can, how fast it's going to grow.
Growability is connected with crop tier, crop stats and enviromental stats available for crops. Growability for each crop may be calculated differently, so do not assume that two different tier 10 crops with the same stats can survive in the same enviromental conditions.
So, basic is like that, crop have two things that are checked, lets call them: 'have' and 'need'
Need stat is determined by crop tier and total amount of crop stats: growth, gain and resistance. Have stat is determined by enviromental stats in which crop is trying to grow. For each crop have stat can vary, some crops are more sensitive to humidity stat, another one can be rely harder on nutrients.
Knowing that there are two stats lets move on. As crop is planted it checks if it can grow, if need stat is higher than have stat, crop dies. Simply disappears leaving empty cropstick which can be infected with weeds(so its important to maintain high enviromental stats or you can lose your farm due to weeds). If need stat is slightly lower than have stat, crop will survive but it won't have ability to grow, it's just going to be there, not growing or growing very slowly.
The higher have stat in comparison to need stat, faster crop gonna grow. By faster growth I mean it's going to get more growth points per growth tick. Total amount of growth points crop can get is limited by growth stat of the crop, so the same crop with 10 growth is going to grow slower than 20 growth crop if 'have' is much higher than 'need'.
Example of crop growability is shown few answers above where I explain difference between Ztones Garden soil and dirt.
Forestry Manual Orchard Multifarm Sizes(Gonna write about setup later)
Max size compared to max size arboretum: 37x37, flat edge 17 blocks length, total 1149 potential crops.
Harvest areas for each of circuits used for setting manual orchard mode. All green areas are being harvested. Dark green - middle blocks of the farm. Green - comparison to size of arboretum wing. Light green - rest of harvested area.
Basic Circuit Board: 491 potential crops.
Enhanced Circuit Board: 907 potential crops.
Refined Circuit Board: 1029 potential crops:
Intricate Circuit Board: 1149 potential crops.
Optimal water source placement: 13 water source blocks in farm, 8 outside harvest range, resulting in 1136 actual farm spots.
Bedrill, I noticed with the Yellow Stone Lily that the endstone block had to directly beneath the farm block. So it contradicts the "put it 3 blocks below" normally recommended for ores.
put it 3 blocks below
Crops can have roots 1-4 blocks deep. This differs on every crops, so you'll never have anything better than a general consensus. I only know this cause I made a single custom crop.
Good to know, gonna do some testing then, for all of mine crops rule I mentioned worked for me.
sthegreat2 kindly decompiled ic2 source to provide this So based on this, having 4 crops is definitely faster than having 2.
stickreeds have a 1.17% chance from the crossing.
About 250 crosses are needed for a 95% chance of getting a stickreed.
OdionToday at 4:46 PM yea there is something about tier too
moronwmachinegunToday at 4:46 PM
if (diff < -3) {
value -= -diff;
That's odd So the chances of getting the original crop is not quite so clear The original crop is given a "value" of 500
sthegreat2Today at 4:48 PM yeah that's what I'm getting confused by
OdionToday at 4:48 PM frikkin ic2 code
sthegreat2Today at 4:48 PM the whole routine for choosing which crop of this list has me questioning my intelligence
int[] ratios = new int[crops.length];
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ratios.length; i++)
CropCard crop = crops[i];
if (crop.canGrow(this)) {
for (TileEntityCrop te : cropTes) {
total += calculateRatioFor(crop, te.getCrop());
ratios[i] = total;
int search = IC2.random.nextInt(total);
int min = 0;
int max = ratios.length - 1;
int cur;
while (min < max)
cur = (min + max) / 2;
int value = ratios[cur];
if (search < value) {
max = cur;
} else {
min = cur + 1;
assert (min == max);
assert ((min >= 0) && (min < ratios.length));
assert (ratios[min] > search);
assert ((min == 0) || (ratios[(min - 1)] <= search));
this.upgraded = false;
this.crop = crops[min];
moronwmachinegunToday at 4:48 PM and that's done for each of the 4 world-crops, added together, and that makes the weight for that new cross.
sthegreat2Today at 4:49 PM though not necessarily all four of the world-crops are used
moronwmachinegunToday at 4:49 PM It's really simple once you understand it writes up 4 chalkboards worth of notes The first for loop checks every possible crop against the 4 mother-crops. It determines the weight by that algorithm, and adds all 4 together to store a weight for that son-crop.
sthegreat2Today at 4:50 PM got that, the min/max thing is what i'm confused by
OdionToday at 4:51 PM sure i get that but algorithm is weird
moronwmachinegunToday at 4:51 PM yeah that's some weird shit there ohhhh ffs I see what it's doing it does not save the weight for each crop, it stores the cumulative weight
sthegreat2Today at 4:52 PM is it just trying to search, weighted based on the ratios[i] if so i get the point if not the exact mechanism
moronwmachinegunToday at 4:52 PM the min/max thing is a poor man's binary search through the weights I hate cutesy shit like this just do it in a way that makes sense
OdionToday at 4:53 PM author of the code wants to show ppl how smart he is :smile: by grabbing his ear with opposite hand over his head :stuck_out_tongue:
moronwmachinegunToday at 4:53 PM like someone else I know :unamused:
sthegreat2Today at 4:55 PM well, a good observation from all this is that there is never any benefit to breeding different types of crops together, which we kind of already knew
moronwmachinegunToday at 4:55 PM yeah
sthegreat2Today at 4:55 PM optimal is to just have 4 of whatever maximizes the weights
moronwmachinegunToday at 4:55 PM I thought it would be good to have more than one kind of crop with that attribute, but apparently not
OdionToday at 4:55 PM only tier and number of crops count. making tiers close each other provides higher chances
moronwmachinegunToday at 4:56 PM yeah 4 of whatever has the most matching attributes as your target
sthegreat2Today at 4:56 PM well, the number and string attributes both have important effects
moronwmachinegunToday at 4:57 PM hah no wonder it's hard-ish to get stickreed, you only have 1 matching attribute
OdionToday at 4:57 PM :frowning: don't remind me
sthegreat2Today at 4:57 PM kinda sad, I think I'd prefer if breeding different crop types together had a useful effect although that might be difficult to implement in a way that makes sense and can be generalized to newly added crops without additional effort
OdionToday at 4:58 PM i liked the agricraft style breeding. you know what to get how to get there are tiers and order
sthegreat2Today at 4:58 PM agricraft breeding is a little basic tbh even simpler than bees
OdionToday at 4:59 PM sure but simple is sometimes better imho it was still grind to level up those seeds you know
sthegreat2Today at 4:59 PM i think it makes the process kind of boring
moronwmachinegunToday at 4:59 PM I suppose the issue is that the plants just don't have enough string attributes to actually be worthwhile as unique
sthegreat2Today at 4:59 PM you just choose what you want and grind, never a question of what's optimal
moronwmachinegunToday at 4:59 PM cane/stickreed only have 1 matching attribute
repoToday at 4:59 PM I have a crop calculator adapted for GTNH
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:00 PM we're just looking at ic2 source
sthegreat2Today at 5:00 PM is that the crop calclulator mod we have ingame? if so, does it just work by calling calculateRationFor()
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:00 PM I wonder how hard it would be to modify string attributes.
repoToday at 5:00 PM did drop it in #general a few months ago, nobody was interested
OdionToday at 5:00 PM i had no idea repo
sthegreat2Today at 5:00 PM there's a crop calculator ingame already
repoToday at 5:01 PM not ingame, standalone ingame is different - it gives chances of result
sthegreat2Today at 5:01 PM what does this give?
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:01 PM just possible crosses?
repoToday at 5:01 PM most probable parents basically what the previous version of ingame calculator did
OdionToday at 5:02 PM you gotta sticky that moron
sthegreat2Today at 5:02 PM they'll all be 4 of the same crop, right?
repoToday at 5:03 PM well, except that
sthegreat2Today at 5:03 PM 4 of a crop varying by desired output i mean
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:04 PM this can't be right, because it makes stickreed really hard to get. It's 2 tiers above reed, so the +5 gets reduced to +1
repoToday at 5:04 PM Attachment file type: archive 116.65 KB
sthegreat2Today at 5:04 PM maybe the number attributes make up for it? oh wait, that can help by no more than 2
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:05 PM hmm well it is +2 per stat, and there are 5? So +10
repoToday at 5:05 PM reed -> stickreed probabability 1.17%
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:05 PM So 15 - 4 = 11, I guess that's not bad yeah you have to know the whole crops list to get the number. did you write this repo?
repoToday at 5:06 PM nah, I adapted it for GTNH and translated to eng
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:06 PM What's the license?
repoToday at 5:06 PM was originally for some russian modpack
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:07 PM eww it's javascript
sthegreat2Today at 5:07 PM does it have info on all the bartworks crops etc?
repoToday at 5:07 PM license is as is AFAIK
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:07 PM How do you run it?
repoToday at 5:07 PM yes, I dumped the crops from the loaded modpack at runtime open the root html?
OdionToday at 5:07 PM i double clicked crops_en.html
repoToday at 5:07 PM crops_en.html
OdionToday at 5:08 PM it runs perfectly
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:08 PM oh I thought those were resource files :stuck_out_tongue:
OdionToday at 5:08 PM so its 1.17% chance to get sticky reed. its harsh man
repoToday at 5:08 PM not really just make a bigger field
OdionToday at 5:09 PM i had like 3 chunks big....
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:09 PM doing 4 crops at a time makes it faster too instead of just 2
OdionToday at 5:09 PM well true
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:10 PM so the real odds though are 1-.0117 = .9883 you get !stickreed
OdionToday at 5:10 PM :/
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:10 PM after 50 crosses you have a 55% chance of still not getting stickreed that kinda blows imo
OdionToday at 5:11 PM bigger fields repo said
repoToday at 5:11 PM 50 crosses is half a chunk
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:11 PM me too
OdionToday at 5:11 PM going 9x9 next time chunk-wise or maybe 3x3
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:11 PM depends on how you do the crossings
OdionToday at 5:12 PM i don't want to craft that many crop sticks
repoToday at 5:12 PM even less than a half
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:12 PM if you put sticks in every possible spot, you would get 128 crosses in 1 chunk 16x16=256
repoToday at 5:12 PM craft them in the assembler cheap af
sthegreat2Today at 5:12 PM i did a 9x9 field of checkerboards
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:12 PM yeah assembler cropsticks are stupid cheap
OdionToday at 5:12 PM yea i will
sthegreat2Today at 5:13 PM 40 double crops trying at once, probably about half of which are optimal
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:13 PM but, if you want low-maintenance, what you do is a checkerboard and put crosses on every other empty square offset so that way if you get weeds, they dont spread
OdionToday at 5:14 PM yea i know. will research that tc wand cap first to able to hold entities in it
sthegreat2Today at 5:14 PM just be cool and put weedex it's pretty cheap
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:14 PM 200 crosses gives you a 90.5% chance of stickreed
OdionToday at 5:14 PM some of them don't have it was easy to breed them in first place....
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:14 PM yeah that doesn't account for losing results I like my way because I don't have to babysit the things, especially early on the good news is that you have decent chances of other good reed-based crops
sthegreat2Today at 5:15 PM you can insure your results by breeding it with something else until you have 2 before breaking if you have to break it though the wand is obviously better than taht
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:15 PM or just do more volume shrug
sthegreat2Today at 5:17 PM so one interesting thing here is that the chance of getting the same crop varies significantly from crop to crop i.e., some crops are harder to spread than others
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:18 PM yeah, since it is not 90% a parent crop/10% a new mutation. It depends. a parent crop gets 500 "points" but the mutations each get their own points
sthegreat2Today at 5:19 PM most of them are like 50%, wonder where 90 came from
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:19 PM My bet is for base ic2 without any add-ons
sthegreat2Today at 5:19 PM oooh, adding more crops makes it harder to spread crops in addition to making other crops harder to get
moronwmachinegunToday at 5:19 PM ding ding ding
sthegreat2Today at 5:19 PM bart u better not go overboard don't do it bart
sthegreat2Today at 5:20 PM my crop fields need crop
crops++ add aditional bonuses to humidity in CropsPP-1.3.5.jar!/com/github/bartimaeusnek/cropspp/BiomeHumidityBonus.class:
public class BiomeHumidityBonus
public static void apply()
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.HOT, -5);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.COLD, -5);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.SPARSE, -5);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.WET, 10);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.DRY, -10);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.SAVANNA, -5);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.CONIFEROUS, 7);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.JUNGLE, 10);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.SPOOKY, 7);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.DEAD, -5);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.LUSH, 7);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.NETHER, -10);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.END, -10);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.MUSHROOM, 8);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.MAGICAL, 6);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.OCEAN, 10);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.RIVER, 9);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.WATER, 10);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.MESA, -5);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.FOREST, 6);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.PLAINS, 0);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.MOUNTAIN, 5);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.HILLS, 4);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.SWAMP, 10);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.SANDY, -5);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.SNOWY, -5);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.WASTELAND, -5);
Crops.instance.addBiomehumidityBonus(BiomeDictionary.Type.BEACH, 6);
23 growth not 24, 24 growth gonna spread weeds to nearby crops
If I'm in LV and wanting to get crops, what's the best way to get these crops? Is the Ztone garden soil good in this case? ThorpianToday at 3:40 PM No Just breed up netherwarts or stickreed (from reeds) Use dirt, four deep Crop matron with water for some assists
NEEDS VERIFICATION - If you use any other block than dirt for plant you are going to lose all benefits from 4 dirt height check, crop checks 4 blocks below cropstick for dirt, which gives addtional enviromental nutritient stat, for low stat crops shouldn't matter much, but for maxed crop difference is significant, each enviromental stat boosts speed of crop growth.
Ohhh so 4 deep dirt and netherwart or stickreed is the best for breeding big stats in this case? bartimaeusnekToday at 3:43 PM stickreed for stats since it has the lowest growth time bedrillToday at 3:44 PM Unless you are trying to breed crops++ crops I'd recommend breeding crops on running forestry farm in orchard mode, it automatically waters and fertilizes crops, which is 10 hydration stats and 5 nutrition stats which speeds growth drastically.
NOT TRUE FOR FERRU AND AURELIA - Stickereed is fast af, as is reed, tbh any fast growing crop does a trick, but stickereed is highest tier fast growing crop and worked for me, about autoharvesting, if you want ore quadrupling crops forestry is fine, it can spread and crossbreed at 3rd stage without block, so it stays at this stage while being hydrated and fertilized
bedrillToday at 3:49 PM for ore quadrupling crops, I'd say if breed stickereed until you get coppon/tine, then breed the hell out of it to get rest of the oreplants, once you get argentia, breed those, get platina, and then breed platina for high tier crops
Bluebine🍞Today at 3:51 PM i've been growing netherwarts. they seem to be growing a nice variety bedrillToday at 3:51 PM Also at 1st I'd start with getting max stat stickereed, but as you are in LV Piky you can't really check their stats, its easiest with cropnalyzer + tricorder as tricorder can check stats without getting seed, on living plant, very handy with new NEI plugin
ThorpianToday at 3:52 PM Any way to double good seed bags?
bedrillToday at 3:52 PM plant seed, plant good stickereed next to it, w8 till your crop pops out, slap it with spade
botToday at 3:53 PM what are the benefits of using spade? ThorpianToday at 3:54 PM Growth stage ignored bedrillToday at 3:54 PM ^ ThorpianToday at 3:54 PM Don't have to wait to slap em botToday at 3:54 PM is it the crop++ spade you have to use? bedrillToday at 3:54 PM Tbh at later stages for high tier crops I used hand with mature crops, in theory it should have lower chance for seedbag, but in practice I was getting more. Yeah one made with double/dense steel plates iirc
That's my setup Stacking forestry for crops is bad as you lose enviromental stats
bedrillToday at 3:56 PM for low stat crops doesn't really matter, but for high stat ones each point is lifesaver And max size forestry manual orchard is 1081 potential crops its plenty. I used stacked one for oreberries, but in current version they can't grow to 4th stage without block nor be harvested at any harvest stage, gonna be changed as bart informed me some time ago
ELABORATE PLZ, WHERE IS FARM BLOCKS IN PIC? - bedrillToday at 4:03 PM as above 35 radius and wider side 19 blocks as in my screen its one big working farm
Cropsticks -> 3 dirt -> oreblock (or whatever) -> farmblock
BREEDING RECCS? - bedrillToday at 4:08 PM Fertilia is handy way to sustain fertilizer for this massive badboy, I'm using 25 maxed ones and I'm getting overflow, plus its free phosphate and apatite
OR JUST DON'T WORRY ABOUT MAXING STATS! :D - bedrillToday at 4:15 PM Back to maxing stats, if you are not fertilizing nor hydrating crops while maxing them, at some point they will start to grow noticeably slower, or even disappear to thin air, which is kinda dangerous because you can obtain empty cropstick -> weed -> potentially lost crops, if you are maxing crops I'd recommend doing this with cropmatron/forestry farm running as they keep enviromental stats at constant high. If you want to fertilize/hydrate manually be careful, because as fertilizer/water disappear crop gonna die due to not enough growability. Another thing, you can apply water/fertilizer to empty cropstick, if you are planting high stat seed, do that or crop can disappear instantly before farm can fertilize/hydrate it.
MUST BE REAL BIOMES, CHECK SPREADSHEET FOR ACTUAL NUMBERS - bartimaeusnekToday at 4:16 PM thats why you use swamp or jungle biomes at y=128+ for natural fertilizing and hydrating
count is as 5 for fertilizer because it goes back to 100(which is 5), and then boosts it again to 10 water stays at 200 which is 10 hydration stat about air, you do not get any boost beside empty space around crop + height oh, and sky visibility