GTNewHorizons / GT-New-Horizons-Modpack

New Modpack with Gregtech, Thaumcraft and Witchery
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Sigil of Compression can skip Machine Compression #4961

Closed yukieiji closed 3 years ago

yukieiji commented 4 years ago

Which modpack version are you using? #

If in multiplayer; On which server does this happen?

Private Sever #

What did you try to do, and what did you expect to happen?

Added Sigil of Compression to inventory #

What happened instead? (Attach screenshots if needed)

Item is compressed such as Cobblestone, Gold, Iron. #

What do you suggest instead/what changes do you propose?

Fix it. This issue makes it easy to make BedRockium without TNT.

Methes commented 4 years ago

So the Sigil worked as intended and that's a bad thing somehow?

yukieiji commented 4 years ago

2916 TNTs are needed to make BedRockium, but that's no longer necessary. It realizes almost the same role as an ElectricImplosionCompressor that does not require TNT at low cost.

Methes commented 4 years ago

Never played with BM. How difficult is it to get the Sigil? It requires player interaction and can't be automated.

richardhendricks commented 4 years ago

While hypothetically you could make bedrockium this way, I'd like to see you try making enough to, say, make a bedrockium drum.

mitchej123 commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure why magic alternatives to industrial processes are a bug, as long as they're properly gated...

richardhendricks commented 4 years ago

Does the sigil use Life points or whatever the BM system is?

richardhendricks commented 4 years ago

One possible advantage is that you could potentially use this while mining to just get the compressed cobble as you go. But considering all the investment to get this far, eh, I'm not too concerned.

yukieiji commented 4 years ago

@richardhendricks This sigil doesn't use Life Essence.

boubou19 commented 4 years ago

the issue could be if it works with injections through player interfaces. If yes then you can hook up a cobble gen on the player interface and jackpot you have easy bedrockium.

mitchej123 commented 4 years ago


How far down in BM is this sigil? BM is more of a grindfest here than most other places. If it requires only a tier 1, I'd agree it's unbalanced; but if it's tier3+... doesn't seem that bad.

iTnT is easy bedrockium too... :)

0lafe commented 4 years ago

Probably could automate it with filtered player interfaces, and never need to IC or even compress some things. Seems cheaty. Even if it's far in BM, you're bypassing itnt gen or machine usage for putting something in your inventory then taking it out. Considering the compacting drawers don't work like that, I'm not sure why this sigil should

DoomSquirter commented 4 years ago

meh, I make bedrockium with cheap af powderbarrels pretty much non stop.

What boubou said is what I was envisioning and that'd require some thought to making the cobble, using your body as the multiblock.

if you've already done all the bm research, gotten through making your LP setups. obviously even if it doesn't take LP, nobody's going to go through all this trouble to making quad compressed cobble by doing all of the above.

I swear that the sigil also caused issues on servers (tps ones). might have been fixed.

tbh, I find it sorta funny it even works like this unless some recipes are hard coded?

also, I thought that these kinds of things only needed to be done when we've actually seen someone in discord doing it in the wild and need to stamp these things out? Proof of concepts don't really count either. The person has to show up in discord all smug and shit and bragging about their human body cobble compressor. Doing so in russian general does not count. we know they are all born with hacker genes.

observeroftime02 commented 4 years ago

So now magic mods that do something are "cheaty" and bypass the super awesome tiering in some way 🤦‍♂ It's always something, isn't it?

You need a T4 blood altar for this, this is an absolute non-issue.

mitchej123 commented 4 years ago

Let's stop trying to remove alternatives from magic mods (as long as they're reasonably gated).

If you've got a Tier 4 blood altar, you've almost certainly got a tnt/powder barrel/itnt automation setup, and thus unlimited bedrockium already. If you want to run around and mine cobble for a little extra, what's the harm? Almost nobody is going to pick this route over the implosion compressor....

observeroftime02 commented 4 years ago

Want to know what's cheaty? Disassembling and reassembling turbines indefinitely. Something with a durability that's clearly meant to break gets used forever, essentially negating any running costs that turbines have. Once you have the IV disassembler, you never need to craft turbine replacements ever again.

But no. A sigil gated behind IV (?) components and a T4 altar is cheaty. I can't stop shaking my head. You know how many people I've seen even do BM content in this pack? None (maybe doom did, not sure). So let's further remove / neuter another incentive / QoL thing that might incentivize someone from actually doing something other than main GT progression. It's hard enough to get players to have an interest in TC, let alone BM.

ScriptedPiky commented 4 years ago

I honestly didn't even know the BM Sigil of Compression did that. Even after playing this pack all the way and played through most of BM, I never knew it could do that and thought "Oh it just does compressor recipes, nice." And yeah, a T4 altar (IV+) that also requires extreme amounts of research required that also gives massive amounts of warp. In addition, to get the Sigil of Compression, you need an absurd amount of resources gated behind once again, absurd amounts of Life Points. Even further, it's impractical to automate it.

BM is already incredibly offputting due to the warp (unless you have Ichorium researched for the tear or Talisman), the incredibly long waiting game and the ridiculous amount of infusions, unreal Life Points required and the slow rate at which the recipes are made (good luck making a bound diamond lol), and finally the alchemy stuff & catalysts.

So much of this is offputting for any player and yet all my hard work will be pointless if I make this thing if it were to get nerfed.

mitchej123 commented 4 years ago

Hmm, this sounds harder. Nerf itnt bedrockium and require the sigil!

richardhendricks commented 4 years ago

Make slate recipes require bedrockium ingots

brushes hands

Problem solved.

mitchej123 commented 4 years ago

You monster! Actually probably not much worse than the grindfest it is now... ;)

Dream-Master commented 4 years ago

nerf incomming :P

Dream-Master commented 4 years ago

better Infinity :hammer:

observeroftime02 commented 4 years ago

Or, compression could just require the sigil, and the IC doesn't become available until much later, meaning to craft rockets and such one would require BM 😂

(that's a stupid idea)

mitchej123 commented 4 years ago

Please vote: :+1: - Leave as is :-1: - Some form of nerf

Personally I'm a fan of magic options/alternatives.

AlexBucket commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to modify the amount of LP it takes per compress?

noobyaran9 commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to modify the amount of LP it takes per compress?

I:"Sigil` of Compression"=250

Its possible

Dream-Master commented 4 years ago

use more blood is a good idea and make the sigil a bit more expensive too. Not to bad i mean