GTNewHorizons / GT-New-Horizons-Modpack

New Modpack with Gregtech, Thaumcraft and Witchery
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Autocrafting AE2 closing itself when clicking on recipes #7377

Closed Sphyix closed 3 years ago

Sphyix commented 3 years ago

Which modpack version are you using?


If in multiplayer; On which server does this happen?



What did you try to do, and what did you expect to happen?

I tried clicking on a recipe for autocrafting on an ME Crafting Terminal. I expected this window to open javaw_giFD2GvdNI


What happened instead? (Attach screenshots if needed)

Instead this is happening

It's happening intermittenlty between 2 terminals, sometimes 1 is working, sometimes both are not working. I tried starting to autocraft on another player ae system and it worked. I tried with 2 different clients, one old and one freshly installed and they both do the same thing

Ae2 system is set up in a void world (quests portal) idk if that's relevant

GTNH-Afx237v7 commented 3 years ago

See also #3807, #2432 and/or #1001

Sphyix commented 3 years ago

Found the slot causing the issue for me. I guess by reading the other issues, it can't be reproduced so can't be fixed. YuB5HM76dw

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

It looks like some smart mod mishandles GuiOpenEvent in a weird way, but what mod is that I have no idea.

GTNH-Afx237v7 commented 3 years ago

I first encountered this in, took me a while to find out that a random inventory slot caused this. If I remember correctly, upon updating to the inventory slot changed causing this changed, and at some point this problem was simply gone...

npo6ka commented 3 years ago

I also faced this problem. I am playing on private server version In the garden world, the crafting terminal is closed when clicking to crafting status. I ran a series of tests and found out: 1) Me network may not be powered and have only terminals, even without a wire. The bug is reproduced. 2) The problem is directly related to the coordinates of the installation in the world. So if the terminal is set to coordinate X: 0, then the interface is closed if the player's zero slot is busy with something (the same slot that is selected by pressing the "1" key). If the terminal is set to coordinate x: 8 and the eighth slot of the investor is busy, this problem also occurs. 3) If the inventory is completely empty, this bug will not be reproduced. 4) The problem does not depend on the coordinates y and z.

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

So, something is interpreting X coordinate as a slot index. Nice.

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

@npo6ka Что имелоcь в виду в пункте 1?

npo6ka commented 3 years ago

@repo-alt Можно просто ставить crafting terminal на любой блок и не запитывать его энергией. При нажатии crafting status он всё так же закрывается.

npo6ka commented 3 years ago

Можно в дискорде. Как найти вас?

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

я кажется понял что имеется в виду, но в новом garden dim не воспроизводится user: repolainen

htol commented 3 years ago

I also faced this issue since Fixed it by updating wireless crafting terminal to this version: WirelessCraftingTerminal-1.7.10-rv3- I don't know why but it works for me. p.s. should be updated on server & client.

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

*rv3- ? Built by who from what sources?

htol commented 3 years ago

i believe it was here

Ethryan commented 3 years ago

This commit maybe?

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

No, it is actually wrong and reverted later, in The only meaningful change in this branch is IC2 energy compat, which is kinda hard to believe to have anything to do with this problem

htol commented 3 years ago

For me this relation looks also weird. But check this one

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

I wouldn't be surprised if this is WCT (another obvious candidate is EC2), but I looked over their event handlers and didn't find anything.

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

Actually, if someone can reproduce that on private server or single player, it would be nice to enable AE2 debug logging, it may catch something; Debug log is enabled in config\AppliedEnergistics2\AppliedEnergistics2.cfg, "misc" section

GTNH-Afx237v7 commented 3 years ago

I would like to try however I don’t understand this:

Me network may not be powered and have only terminals, even without a wire. The bug is reproduced.


repo-alt commented 3 years ago

Lost in translation. Means: take a terminal and slap it face down on any block. It still should have a GUI

npo6ka commented 3 years ago

Just set ME crafting terminal on ground in 0 0 coordinate, open this, and click "Crafting Status". The first slot in the inventory must be busy with something.

Skiftcha commented 3 years ago

i think i found this strange place

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

wow, ffs

GTNH-Afx237v7 commented 3 years ago

What the?

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

This is apparently a "fix" for @Skiftcha how did you even find it?

Skiftcha commented 3 years ago

how did you even find it?

just debugging. i found out gui is closed by S2EPacketCloseWindow packet is sent because ForgeHooks.canInteractWith(this, this.openContainer) is false PlayerOpenContainerEvent had no listeners so canInteractWith is just false canInteractWith in AEBaseContainer is false because isContainerValid == false which is set in ContainerCraftingCPU because getNetwork() is null so i set breakpoint here and got to point where strange thing happen

Skiftcha commented 3 years ago

actually i don't get why terminal without any connections has any network when placed (and when x is negative)

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

Ah, you reproduced that in debug. I didn't get to it today yet. Earlier I could not reproduce that.

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

terminal probably just makes an adhoc network in itself

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

Ok, so will you dismantle that gross hack or should I look into it?

Skiftcha commented 3 years ago

this "fix" is fixing dupe, so maybe we need to go deeper and not just revert but make some different fix

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

yes, of course, but passing slot index in the X coordinate is just asking for trouble

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

apparently yueh was depending on 3-rd bit being properly set by default when opening usual GUIs

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

It was introduced to pass slot index so that one portable cell could not overwrite another if client in not in sync with the server The index ensures that server GUI element actually corresponds to the cell opened (as far as I understand)

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

Normally we should not get into if( ID.type.isItem() ) unless we are opening item GUI. I guess I'll have t launch a debugger after all.

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

Well, currently all I can suggest is fixing this hack with another hack: use the upper bit of the ordinal to signal that X is a slot index

repo-alt commented 3 years ago

ok, I don't see any reaction, so I'm assuming you are not working on it @Skiftcha