GTNewHorizons / GTNewHorizons3.0-Core-Mod

GTNH 3.0 for Mc 1.12 or later
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
5 stars 2 forks source link

[suggestion] Mods we need for GTNH 3.0 #1

Open Dream-Master opened 6 years ago

Dream-Master commented 6 years ago

Mods we need for GTNH 3.0

ZorbaHerbalist commented 6 years ago

There is no Iguana Tinker Tweaker on 1.12+. Tinker Tool Leveling has no feature of boosting mining level.

AndrewAmmerlaan commented 6 years ago

Mods that are currently in the pack and have a 1.12 version (either released or beta)

(WIP) indicates that a development version is available on github but there is no release yet on

Open source

Closed source

Mods that are currently in the pack and don't have a 1.12 version, and thus need replacements or ports.

Latest available versions are indicated in brackets

Open source

Closed source

Mods that are not in the current version, but might be good additions

If anyone knows of alternatives to the mods that are not available for 1.12, I can update this post to include those.

While I was at it, I also calculated the percentage of mods that have a 1.12 version (closed and open source): 55%

WarlordWossman commented 6 years ago

There is no Iguana Tinker Tweaker on 1.12+. Tinker Tool Leveling has no feature of boosting mining level.

Not sure if we need tinkers anyways, it was one of the harder to integrate mods in the live version and it still has quite some problems if you ask me. I feel like mining levels and 3x3 tools would be something we could solve differently this time. In general a system that keeps all the GT materials and ores in mind would be much more fitting if you ask me.

WarlordWossman commented 6 years ago

I think Quark is one of the better mods out there and highly configurable: One thing it could handle is a more realistic terrain generation since I don't think that we would want to switch to vanilla terrain gen after using RWG for so long.

MineAnPlay commented 6 years ago

I prefer almost anything over RWG because it doesn't generate many biomes and it's mainly one type of biome (snow/forest/plains etc). Also don't forget that this isn't just one version above 1.7.10 it's 5 versions so there is a LOT of new mods and some mods were fine tuned/changed. One of them is TiC which no longer has OP Crossbows (it still does have crossbows just not as OP). But I still prefer TiC but unlike before we shouldn't disable other mods tools (unless they are OP then we will disable/change recipe accordingly). 1.12.2 just has many great mods but it's a lot of work, so it would be useful to have a list of mods so that we can better see mods and what they have to add.

noobyaran9 commented 6 years ago

I'll give some suggestion

1) Cooking for blockheads -Handles food crafting 2) Embers - Magic mods? 3) Roots - Magic mods? 4) Integrated dynamics / xNet 5) Magic Bees 6) Rftools mods except dimension

MineAnPlay commented 6 years ago

Embers and Roots if I remember aren't being developed and I have had issues with Embers (never tried Roots). The others I'd like them added (Automation and control, Magic bees is well bees :D and RFTools has very neat stuff that can be easily gated behind stuff). For bees there is also Career bees which I totally recommend :D.

DoomSquirter commented 6 years ago

u should really look into silent gems as replacement for tinkers. not even same thing since it has nothing to do with melting alloys, etc but it's a real neat mod with a different twist

yeah embers and roots are both discontinued. elucent bailed.

FallDark commented 6 years ago

ArchitectureCraft have 1.12 Curse: Github:

bartimaeusnek commented 6 years ago

To the closed source Lists:

Mods that are open source:

Mods we can replace easy:

EDIT: Im currently working on an Open Source Version of Galaxy Space. Basically a complete rewrite, so i might release it for 1.12.2+

WarlordWossman commented 6 years ago

I have goofed around with some world gen mods and have to say that nothing seems to be really nice out of the box. Quark realistic is better than vanilla but still not really compatible with most biome mods (except Terra, which was kinda nice but dif stone types could potentially be problematic). BoP was always kinda messy and I would prefer not working with it again. Terra lacks a few config options but it might be something that's not too hard to fix (need to check license at some point). If we can make the stone types it adds more adjustable and get ores spawning in them too that would be really nice, they reminded me a lot of what GT6 does with the stones.

GTCE doesn't seem to be spawning stone types as of now and it's also basically GT5 in easy mode, so there is a lot of work ahead I would assume: meme memes

Anyways I think worldgen could be one of the first things to work on. There is OTG and BiomeTweaker which seem to offer all the tools you need if you put the time into it. On the other hand ores seem to be everywhere in GTCE + there is only a hand full of veins as of now.

Edit: Why does steam age even exist with this BBF recipe? You can make charcoal in the vanilla furnace too so steel is super easy to get within a few hours if I am not mistaken...

Dream-Master commented 6 years ago

RTG is for 1.12 so far I remember

WarlordWossman commented 6 years ago

RTG is for 1.12 so far I remember

I did my homework :P Last version is 1.10 , and yeah I went through a lot of the world gen mods already.

Dream-Master commented 6 years ago


richardhendricks commented 6 years ago

One thing we need to check/add is a way to limit meta-recipe generation from GT. Maybe add booleans to enable/disable tools (including turbines). Maybe split up parts into a couple of groups and only generate some of them, ie do we really need lead springs? Probably not.

AndrewAmmerlaan commented 6 years ago

RTG is for 1.12 so far I remember

I did my homework :P Last version is 1.10 , and yeah I went through a lot of the world gen mods already.

@WarlordWossman Actually there is a 1.12 version on github: I assume it's still in development or otherwise incomplete and that's why it's not on curseforge, I haven't tested it myself yet.

I have also updated the list above to accommodate your comments (let me know if I have missed something), I have also found the continuations of JABBA (YABBA) and Ztones (Xtones) and added those too the list.

Im currently working on an Open Source Version of Galaxy Space. Basically a complete rewrite, so i might release it for 1.12.2+

Idk if you know this but there is a 1.12 branch on galaxy space's github:

Also, there are two 1.12 versions of gregtech? what's up with that?:

bartimaeusnek commented 6 years ago

@AndrewAmmerlaan ye but its just ressources like capes and patreons list, no code, in addition he wrote

Modification of the add-on is forbidden! Use in mod packs allowed.

and in addition to this, hes a dickhead that closes issures he cant/wont fix without comment or reason and mark them as invaild, the devteam has some "nice" expirence with them.

Ethryan commented 6 years ago

Found Thaumic Bases Unofficial - Open Source

Mod Suggestions (Mods that could be fun to play with) Not Enough IDs (Highly Recommended since 1.12.2 has a block id limit) Controlling (Search for keybinds) Clumps (Compact Experience Orbs) Fast Workbench (Faster Crafting) Toast Control Bad Wither no Cookie-reloaded (No global boss sounds)

The One Probe (Instead of Waila) TOP Addons (Addon)

Chisel & Bits Flat Colored Blocks

Storage Drawers Extras (Addon) Corail Tombstone (WoW Ghost Running (Tombstone Mod))

Immersive Engineering (Permission Needed) Immersive Cables (AE2 - IE Cable Addon (Open Source)) Industrial Wires (IC2 - IE Cable Addon (GNU LGPL License)) Immersive Petroleum (Addon) Just Enough Petroleum (JEI Addon) Immersive Tech (Addon (GNU LGPL License))

Redstone Flux (API) CoFH Core Thermal Foundation Thermal Expansion Thermal Dynamics

Compact Machines (GNU LGPL License) Capability Adapter (AE2 - Compact Machines) The Beneath (The Deep Dark (Shitty License))

Morph-o-Tool (Omni Wrench) Akashic Tome (Portable Library) Dank Null (Better Dev/Null (Open Source)) Realistic Item Drops (With auto pickup enabled) Engineers Workshop Reborn Scaling Health (Harder Mobs)

Extra Planets (Galacticraft Rocket Addon)

Singularities (Avaritia Addon) JAOPCA Singularities (Avaritia Addon) Eternal Singularity (Avaritia Addon)

//Fixed a few things.

bartimaeusnek commented 6 years ago

@Ethryan Corail Tombstone,Thermal Foundation,Thermal Expansion,Thermal Dynamics and Extra Planets are closed source, also Extra Planets and Galaxy Space dont work together. Immersive Engineering needs prior permission. (from Blue Sunrise) The Beneath has a shitty license, but is open source, so we might ask the author for permission to make our fork.

Dream-Master commented 6 years ago

let move this to the new repo.

shawnbyday commented 5 years ago

There any way to add Botania without ruining progression? Not sure if it is possible to interweave with Thaumcraft or anything like that. I'm a flower boy I guess. I can live without it but it's the only mod I really enjoy that isn't in the pack. Just an idea. Ducks

ghost commented 4 years ago

A mod that does FE <-> GTCE EU 4:1 IC2 EU <-> GTCE EU(coming soon) 1:1 I believe the ratios are those iirc