GTNewHorizons / RetroFuturaGradle

A Gradle plugin for development of Minecraft 1.7.10 modifications, aiming to replace use of the legacy ForgeGradle toolchain.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
46 stars 13 forks source link

An error when using a module as dependency #66

Closed ghost closed 6 months ago

ghost commented 6 months ago

The error itself:

Could not determine the dependencies of task ':retromine:clientShadowJar'.
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':retromine:shadowImplementation'.
   > The consumer was configured to find attribute 'com.gtnewhorizons.retrofuturagradle.obfuscation' with value 'mcp', attribute 'rfgDeobfuscatorTransformed' with value 'true'. However we cannot choose between the following variants of project :core:
       - Configuration ':core:runtimeElements' variant classes:
           - Unmatched attributes:
               - Provides artifactType 'java-classes-directory' but the consumer didn't ask for it
               - Doesn't say anything about com.gtnewhorizons.retrofuturagradle.obfuscation (required 'mcp')
               - Provides org.gradle.category 'library' but the consumer didn't ask for it
               - Provides org.gradle.dependency.bundling 'external' but the consumer didn't ask for it
               - Provides org.gradle.jvm.environment 'standard-jvm' but the consumer didn't ask for it
               - Provides org.gradle.jvm.version '8' but the consumer didn't ask for it
               - Provides org.gradle.libraryelements 'classes' but the consumer didn't ask for it
               - Provides org.gradle.usage 'java-runtime' but the consumer didn't ask for it
               - Provides org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.type 'jvm' but the consumer didn't ask for it
               - Doesn't say anything about rfgDeobfuscatorTransformed (required 'true')
       - Configuration ':core:runtimeElements' variant resources:
           - Unmatched attributes:
               - Provides artifactType 'java-resources-directory' but the consumer didn't ask for it
               - Doesn't say anything about com.gtnewhorizons.retrofuturagradle.obfuscation (required 'mcp')
               - Provides org.gradle.category 'library' but the consumer didn't ask for it
               - Provides org.gradle.dependency.bundling 'external' but the consumer didn't ask for it
               - Provides org.gradle.jvm.environment 'standard-jvm' but the consumer didn't ask for it
               - Provides org.gradle.jvm.version '8' but the consumer didn't ask for it
               - Provides org.gradle.libraryelements 'resources' but the consumer didn't ask for it
               - Provides org.gradle.usage 'java-runtime' but the consumer didn't ask for it
               - Provides org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.type 'jvm' but the consumer didn't ask for it
               - Doesn't say anything about rfgDeobfuscatorTransformed (required 'true')
     The following variants were also considered but didn't match the requested attributes:
       - Configuration ':core:runtimeElements':
           - Incompatible because this component declares attribute 'rfgDeobfuscatorTransformed' with value 'false' and the consumer needed attribute 'rfgDeobfuscatorTransformed' with value 'true'
           - Other compatible attribute:
               - Doesn't say anything about com.gtnewhorizons.retrofuturagradle.obfuscation (required 'mcp')

The dependency is a module collection of common code (without dependencies).

ghost commented 6 months ago

Resolved by defining the rfgDebofuscatorTransformed attribute for runtimeElements configuration in the dependency module to true.