GTX2GvO / wireless_charging

The 0.17 continuation of mknejp Wireless Charging mod
MIT License
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Circuit network connector GFX is not aligned #11

Open s-lindenau opened 5 years ago

s-lindenau commented 5 years ago

The connector box for the circuit wires is not aligned for both the rails and the charge pads. rail-circuit-connector chargepad-circuit-connector

GTX2GvO commented 5 years ago

Looks like the original mod didn't had the big box. banner

This is because in entities.lua the induction_station_circuit_connector_sprite (line 42) & induction_rail_circuit_connector_sprite (line 59) had table.deepcopy's that were referencing inserters which have a (nil) value in said table. The current accumulator setup was a hack to make the mod work in 0.17.

I used this data.raw dump from this forum thread to find "circuit_connector_sprites" which didn't had (nil) as a value.

Best option is to look for an entity that has a similar GFX look and then adjust the dx & dy values, so this is at the connection location.

Prefer to fix this myself. Looks like it's mostly search and replace anyway.