Open erooke opened 2 years ago
Sorry for the late reply. I think that when you set the type to "Nerve", no clustering is applied, i.e., step 4 of your scheme is not done. Could you tell us what happens with set_type('GIC')
It seems that clustering is being performed with both "Nerve" and "GIC". If I take my dataset to be a circle and the projection to be the first component the resulting graph is a circle. Best I can tell if clustering was not being performed the resulting graph would be a straight line instead of a circle.
For completeness here is the code snippet I used to check the clustering:
from math import cos, sin
import gudhi
import numpy as np
data = list()
projection = list()
for theta in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num=1000):
x = cos(theta)
y = sin(theta)
nerve_complex = gudhi.CoverComplex()
I'm currently working on comparing the open source implementations of the Mapper algorithm[^1] and the python binding for Gudhi's cover complexes has very unusual performance characteristics in my tests. I was hoping to make sure that I'm calling the library correctly.
To my understanding the following code is the correct way to:
Is there a better way using Gudhi in python to accomplish this pipeline?
[^1]: Singh, Gurjeet & Mémoli, Facundo & Carlsson, Gunnar. (2007). Topological Methods for the Analysis of High Dimensional Data Sets and 3D Object Recognition. Eurographics Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2007. 91-100. 10.2312/SPBG/SPBG07/091-100.