Think of the current SemantEco interface as one of potential multiple
interfaces that is geared towards a certain user profile or certain search
approach. Additional interface types help push the idea of community science
and multiple ways to access data. Consider:
An interface that:
-Allow a user to search geo-spatial regions other than zip code, including
features like habitats and regions of the US, or allow the user to search for
features independent of region, much like how S2S functions.
Another interface that:
-Allow a user for a user to do free or structured search on detailed meta data
of the available datasets. This requires a stronger representation at the
dataset level and helps exploit encoded provenance. For the free search, I
believe Eric Rozell mentioned that for the AGU abstract search project that are
taking advantage of Virtuoso's indexing capabilities. This might be something
to look into.
Original issue reported on by on 22 Dec 2012 at 5:49
Original issue reported on by
on 22 Dec 2012 at 5:49