GVogeler / CEI2TEI

This repository documents the proposal to insert diplomatics concepts into the framework of the TEI-P5 (http://www.tei-c.org/Guidelines/P5/), based on the experiences of the Charters Encoding Initiative (http://www.cei.lmu.de)
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Multiple archIdentifiers at same level? #26

Closed larkvi closed 5 years ago

larkvi commented 6 years ago

Looking for examples of multiple archIdentifierelements at the same level, it looks like the examples may be a failure to use separate <witness> elements to contain separate documents.

For example, from tag:www.monasterium.net,2011:/charter/CH-KAE/Urkunden/KAE_Urkunde_Nr_1016:

<cei:witnessOrig n="A">
        <cei:arch>Klosterarchiv Einsiedeln</cei:arch>
        <cei:idno>KAE, N.P.10</cei:idno>
        <cei:arch>Klosterarchiv Einsiedeln</cei:arch>
        <cei:idno>KAE, N.P.11</cei:idno>

tag:www.monasterium.net,2011:/charter/CH-KAE/Urkunden/KAE_Urkunde_Nr_1016 tag:www.monasterium.net,2011:/charter/CH-KAE/Urkunden/KAE_Urkunde_Nr_152 tag:www.monasterium.net,2011:/charter/CH-KAE/Urkunden/KAE_Urkunde_Nr_276 tag:www.monasterium.net,2011:/charter/CH-KAE/Urkunden/KAE_Urkunde_Nr_307 tag:www.monasterium.net,2011:/charter/CH-KAE/Urkunden/KAE_Urkunde_Nr_536 tag:www.monasterium.net,2011:/charter/CH-KAE/Urkunden/KAE_Urkunde_Nr_643 tag:www.monasterium.net,2011:/charter/CH-KAE/Urkunden/KAE_Urkunde_Nr_774 tag:www.monasterium.net,2011:/charter/DE-StaALohr/Urkunden/IB*35

xquery version "3.1";
declare namespace cei = "http://www.monasterium.net/NS/cei";
declare namespace atom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"; 

let $collection := 
    subsequence(collection('/db/MOMData/metadata.charter.public/')//cei:archIdentifier[2], 1, 1000)
for $entry in $collection/ancestor::atom:entry/atom:id/text()
return $entry
GVogeler commented 6 years ago

Yes, that's correct and another Data quality issue in monasterium.net. We should add these observations as issues to the icaruseu/mom-ca repository and consider solving them in the exist-db before archiving them in FEDORA.

larkvi commented 6 years ago

If I link an issue here to icaruseu/mom-ca, will it be visible to others, or should I re-create it on that repository?

GVogeler commented 6 years ago

CEI2TEI is private so you would need a copy. But please check with monasterium.net If the case is really a misuse of cei:archIdentifier

larkvi commented 6 years ago

I am pretty sure it is not intended use. e.g. CH-KAE/Urkunden/KAE_Urkunde_Nr_152 which lists two charters as the same witness A before skipping to a cartulary, which is witness C; presumably, the second charter should be witness B.

GVogeler commented 6 years ago


larkvi commented 6 years ago

1177-99-99_Paris nneds to be cleaned up as well:

                            <cei:settlement>Paris</cei:settlement>, <cei:arch>Archives nationales</cei:arch>
                            <cei:idno>, AE/II/181</cei:idno> (<cei:idno>J/168/2</cei:idno>) und <cei:settlement>Pontoise</cei:settlement>, <cei:arch>Archives départementales du Val-d’Oise</cei:arch>, <cei:idno>9 H 81</cei:idno>

the part in parentheses is an old (alt) identifier.

larkvi commented 5 years ago

Niklas' work should have resolved this issue for all IllUrk files. Some ambiguous identifiers remain which will need to be referred to the team in Vienna, but there should no longer be duplicates.