GVogeler / CEI2TEI

This repository documents the proposal to insert diplomatics concepts into the framework of the TEI-P5 (http://www.tei-c.org/Guidelines/P5/), based on the experiences of the Charters Encoding Initiative (http://www.cei.lmu.de)
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Additions Ontology #30

Open larkvi opened 6 years ago

larkvi commented 6 years ago

Additions needs to be referenceable as an IRI.

larkvi commented 6 years ago

Additions still needs work to make sure that the hierarchy and categories make sense:

technical_note may cross multiple category boundaries and not always be structuring. Rather, it might be an additional characteristic of another type of annotation.

gloss similarly has both personal and impersonal usage. It could be a personal note or intended for anoter, less-literate reader.

All of the annotations should probably extend across handwritten and non-handwritten categories, so that an ex libris bookplate or remains of library binding could be noted, as well as printed commercial price information and ownership marks in the form of stamps. This could all be represented as the intersection of another ontology and annot or it could be a set of consistent suffixes, like the VIS.

I assume we would normally exclude rules, like the blind-rules put on a page, as cponveying no particular information of interest to the ontology, but re there special cases where this might make sense?