GVogeler / CEI2TEI

This repository documents the proposal to insert diplomatics concepts into the framework of the TEI-P5 (http://www.tei-c.org/Guidelines/P5/), based on the experiences of the Charters Encoding Initiative (http://www.cei.lmu.de)
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Is setPhrase useful in an era of text processors? #7

Closed larkvi closed 6 years ago

larkvi commented 6 years ago

setPhrase seems like it is an example of the concordance problem--something that we used to do by hand, but now is more easily and better done by computers. In opposition to variable formulae of diplomaticParts, which still need to be controlled by hand, setPhrase should definitionally be easier to search for than to mark up, and capture more results in the process.

larkvi commented 6 years ago

It has only seen limited actual use:

larkvi commented 6 years ago

I have transferred it over, but recommend striking it from the ODD unless a clear use case for why it would be better to do this by hand can be made.

larkvi commented 6 years ago

Result of meeting was agreement on striking it from the ODD and recommending ways that generic elements could be used for individual research projects.

former definition was:

     <elementSpec ident="setPhrase" prefix="cei_"
       <memberOf key="att.global"/>
       <memberOf key="att.typed"/>
       <classRef key="model.phrase"/>
       <attDef ident="type" mode="replace">
         <dataRef key="teidata.text"/>
        <valList type="open">
         <valItem ident="Salutem et apostolicam benedictionem">