GW-HIVE / PredictMod

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UI v1.4 Issues #259

Closed lorikrammer closed 2 months ago

lorikrammer commented 3 months ago

I came across a few issues with v1.4 of the UI. I'm happy to set up a call to discuss these in greater detail, but I figured this ticket was a good place to specify them.

pmcneely commented 3 months ago

The font for all 'body' text is very small. Can we increase the font size? If this is a simple fix, I can try to do it later this month when I obtain SSH access.

Should certainly be doable. (Looks OK to me, but I'm more comfortable with small fonts than most people.)

The MG example prediction is giving an error message and a blank shap value.

This sort of boils down to (1) updating error handling, and (2) the models appear to have shifted under the hood and aren't working with installed versions of python tools.

The EHR sample upload gives predictions for any treatment - I tried Keto and Exercise, which we don't have current models for.

Looks like a bug, something to track down.

This is less critical than the others, but would it be possible to remove the 'confirm selection' buttons in the query builder? I think having to confirm the selection at each step makes it less user-friendly. What do you think?

We'll need to discuss what the new workflow would look like. In my original development work, I found it was easy to accidentally change options (e.g. with an arrow key or other key press). Probably just my personal preference leaking in.

pmcneely commented 3 months ago

would it be possible to remove the 'confirm selection' buttons

Just to follow up on this thought - it also leads to disconcerting animations of the page view when options 2 & 3 show up/disappear, sort of makes the page appear to flicker.

All told, other options are available but we should probably just discuss.

lorikrammer commented 3 months ago

Thanks for responding to these - we can discuss the 'confirm selection' item further, I don't think it's a critical change at this point.

lorikrammer commented 3 months ago

@pmcneely The example files are showing up as a csv or tabular format in the preview, but when I download them they are text files that are a series of symbols and letters when opened in a text editor. Is there a way to download a .csv file? For clinicians/researchers that will use our example file as a template, I assume they'll want it to be a csv. Also, if this is a bug on my end, we can troubleshoot. Thanks!

pmcneely commented 3 months ago

The "text" that is showing up in a text editor is your text editor's best-effort to open (normally unreadable) binary format files.

The only downloads presently available need to be opened in Excel (which stores things as binary files).

Two things that would help (but are for future development/tickets):

lorikrammer commented 2 months ago

The font for all 'body' text is very small. Can we increase the font size? If this is a simple fix, I can try to do it later this month when I obtain SSH access. Should certainly be doable. (Looks OK to me, but I'm more comfortable with small fonts than most people.)

I adjusted the scale on my end and it looks fine. I think I had it zoomed out and didn't realize. Thanks!

Two things that would help (but are for future development/tickets):

  • Ensuring that the file extension is ".xlsx" when downloading.
  • Providing alternate options to download (csv, xlsx, tsv, etc.). (This would be a fairly heavy lift so we'd want to make sure it is needed/wanted more than other things.)

Is 'ensuring that the file extension .xlsx when downloading' something I can do on my end as a user?

pmcneely commented 2 months ago

I will review the EHR issue shortly. Updates I made when getting the models & BCOs into a tile-friendly format have broken much of the query builder functionality when it comes to running the actual models. Other issues should be either taken care of or are no longer relevant.