Hi Jonathon,
Did you download all the files from https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/ with date stamp of 2022-06-13 version of nt.gz* and get your accessions? While Anton and Tigran gets the taxtree in hive2 I wanted to make sure we get the matching nt so that Hadley can also generate the filtered_nt (where he filters spurious DNA sequences). If the taxtree and nt are not in sync then censuscope will not work.
Hi Jonathon, Did you download all the files from https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/ with date stamp of 2022-06-13 version of nt.gz* and get your accessions? While Anton and Tigran gets the taxtree in hive2 I wanted to make sure we get the matching nt so that Hadley can also generate the filtered_nt (where he filters spurious DNA sequences). If the taxtree and nt are not in sync then censuscope will not work. Raja