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A log parsing website for Guild Wars 2 combat logs
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Review Boon display #216

Closed merforga closed 6 years ago

merforga commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure this is in the realm of your expertise but it may potentially be. Basically, our current boon list huge. I don't want to get rid of all of them since some boons are relevant for certain cases, but the horizontal scrolling is a bit cray cray right now.

Ideally we want to be able to show as much boon info as possible but in a user friendly way and not sure how best to handle maybe something you can have a think about and provide suggestions?

ajrdesign commented 6 years ago

I'm assuming we are talking about the 'encounter' level of boon display here. I do have a lot of ideas on this in general. I'm thinking about doing something where we split it into boons/offensive buffs/defensive buffs but I'm not sure I want to assume anything about how people classify these things.

I've put up a small survey on gw2raiders sub reddit. If we get enough responses I'll probably go with whatever consensus comes out of that.

ajrdesign commented 6 years ago

Survey results:

Maximum participants for a free survey is 10 so that's why it's capped there. IMO 10 is plenty to find a consensus.

I'll add more insights later as to how can categorize this.

ajrdesign commented 6 years ago

My thoughts:

Based on what I see from these results I think we can break buffs down into these categories:

Offensive Boons (Default display for most situations) Supportive Boons

Offensive Buffs Supportive Buffs

This gives us a MAX of 10 we have to display per category. I'll have to figure out a toggling system for this on the tables. Let me know if you have any more thoughts on this.

merforga commented 6 years ago

I think this is good. I assume we still want to keep the one "Buff/Boon uptime" tab though on the actual encounters screen and this would be in that tab? Would love to see a mock up when you get chance to look at this.

We (by we i mean I) need to do a full analysis of complete buffs and boons and see which ones we are missing.

ajrdesign commented 6 years ago

Yeah I'll mock this up when I get to encounters and add it here for discussion.

ajrdesign commented 6 years ago

Here's how these should sort out:

Default Buff Landing:

Offensive Boons:

Supportive Boons

Offensive Buffs

Supportive Buffs

merforga commented 6 years ago

I think alacrity and retal should be switched around. MFQA is the standard buffs most people check for in logs. I know alacrity isn't technically a boon but it's super important.

For supportive boons, should be Protection > Regen > Aegis For Offensive Buffs, should be Frost > Sun > Spotter > BoS > BoD > EA For Supportive Buffs, should be Stone > *

I think maybe rename the last two categories as "Profession Offensive/Supportive Buffs" since that's what they are?

ajrdesign commented 6 years ago

Alacrity is a bit of a outlier (Fuck you Anet for making such a single buff so broken). If we really need to have MFQA on the same level I think it'd be better to default to a "non" category that shows MFQA only and have everything else spit up from there. I don't think adding alacrity to Offensive Boons is a good idea as it'd be confusing to find if you were on any other "Buff tab" and you were looking for Alacrity.

I'll edit the list above to show what I mean by that.

I'm okay with trying "Profession Offensive Buffs" but I'm a little worried about how long that is and how it fits into buttons. We can see how it looks though.

merforga commented 6 years ago

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