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Skill damage summary #290

Open merforga opened 6 years ago

merforga commented 6 years ago

So i was reminded today that we store skill damage by encounter by phase by character.

So I'd like to implement a tab in the encounter page which shows breakdown of player skills and total damage dealt for their selected metric (ALL, Phase 1, Phase 2...etc). Something similar to this:


Though our's wont be as indepth I don't think as we only have a total number from my understanding. But a nice bar chart potentially for each and name of skill to see?

ajrdesign commented 6 years ago

I think I need to understand what kind of information we have access to here. Not as "indepth" leaves a lot of ambiguity. I'm assuming hits/min/avg/max/crit/flank are all something we do have. Not sure what glance/wasted are referring to and if we have those available.

I've thought about this a lot and I don't think another tab is the best place to put this information. It seems contextually important within the the overview tab, but also not something you need to see everyones details all at once. So it seems better to have a 'expandable' UI within the player row that would show this and potential other details we'd want to add later.

merforga commented 6 years ago

Would have to confirm with @Toeofdoom exactly what is stored but from my understanding only total damage done by each skill is stored which is what I'd like to display. If we have any other metrics that would be nice but I don't want to bloat the JSON it even more than it is right now until we figure out some further optimisations. Since the total damage info is readily available this should hopefully be a simpile UI and piping change.

The only thing I think we might have some challenge with is how we're storing the skill info. I think it's just ID's atm and not skill names? I'm not sure.

ajrdesign commented 6 years ago

Prototyped this out a bit:

Pretty simple. The only interactive difference I see is that the "Damage details" tab would only be visible if the user is hovering over that row, so we don't start cluttering things up too much.

Also the skill hit min/max/avg is still a bit of a WIP. I'd like to visualize it a bit more so it's easy to understand little hits and big hits but I'm still thinking through the logistics of this.

Let me know what you think.

merforga commented 6 years ago

Oooo me likey! Wasted I think is a pointless stat for majority of people since it doesn't really make any sense. We also don't currently track that from my understanding =x. Will need to figure out exactly what data we hold at the moment so we can put that in as a phase one without too much development needed besides piping to the ui

ajrdesign commented 6 years ago

Yeah wasted is a bit confusing to me.

If someone could create a branch and spit out all the information we have (even if it looks terrible) onto the encounter that'd be helpful. I can prune away some of the stuff and start styling what's important.