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Extending native React components #11

Closed morten-holm closed 7 years ago

morten-holm commented 7 years ago

We are trying to use the Office Fabric UI components that are a set of React components from gwt-react. We use this version of Fabric:

What has been working so far is something like this:

@JsType(isNative = true, namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL)
public class Fabric {
    public static ComponentConstructorFn<BaseProps> PrimaryButton;
    public static ComponentConstructorFn<BaseProps> DefaultButton;
    public static ComponentConstructorFn<BaseProps> DetailsList;


React.createElement(DetailsList.class, new BaseProps());

But what we really would like to do is something like this:

@JsType(isNative = true, namespace = "Fabric")
public class DetailsList extends Component<BaseProps, JsPlainObj> {

    public DetailsList(BaseProps props) {

    protected native ReactElement<?, ?> render();

We want this to be able to add methods that are able to invoke setState().

Can it be done and is this even the 'correct' approach?

pstockley commented 7 years ago

In the React world, you would usually use composition instead of inheritance. Take a look at

morten-holm commented 7 years ago

Exactly what i needed.

I got it working like this:

public class FabricTable extends Component<BaseProps, JsPlainObj> implements ComponentWillMount {
    public FabricTable(BaseProps props) {

    public void componentWillMount() {

    protected ReactElement<?, ?> render() {
        return React.createElement(Fabric.DetailsList, $(new BaseProps(), "items", this.state.getObj("items")));

    public void setItems(Array<Item> newItems) {
        setState($(new BaseProps(), "items", newItems));

Thank you.