Open aamna2401 opened 1 year ago
Why is this error happening? Here is a log
This is because the number of annotation points in the label is less than 4 or coincidence of annotation points. Please remove these annotations with less than 4 annotation points during data loading。
such as in
for line in lines:
line = strs.remove_all(line.strip('\ufeff'), '\xef\xbb\xbf')
gt = line.split(',')
x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 = list(map(int, gt[:8]))
xx = [x1, x2, x3, x4]
yy = [y1, y2, y3, y4]
label = gt[-1].strip().replace("###", "#")
pts = np.stack([xx, yy]).T.astype(np.int32)
d1 = norm2(pts[0] - pts[1])
d2 = norm2(pts[1] - pts[2])
d3 = norm2(pts[2] - pts[3])
d4 = norm2(pts[3] - pts[0])
if min([d1, d2, d3, d4]) < 2:
polygons.append(TextInstance(pts, 'c', label))
We can't guarantee that the code can cover all situations. Data differences may cause some bugs. Please fix it yourself.
Why is this error happening? Here is a log
Why is this error happening? Here is a log
请检查边界上点的个数,如果少于四个点[shape(4,2)],过滤掉; 或者用Polygon(inst.points).is_valid:判断轮廓是否是有效的,过滤掉无效的轮廓。在total-text的数据加载里,我们有添加这个过代码, 为什还会报这个错呢?
if len(x) < 4: # too few points
Why is this error happening? Here is a log
请检查边界上点的个数,如果少于四个点[shape(4,2)],过滤掉; 或者用Polygon(inst.points).is_valid:判断轮廓是否是有效的,过滤掉无效的轮廓。在total-text的数据加载里,我们有添加这个过代码, 为什还会报这个错呢?
if len(x) < 4: # too few points continue
是的,还存在这个问题,我学习的是您的TextPM模型,在使用训练得到的模型对totaltxt数据集进行评估的过程中出现这种问题:detect 298 / 300 images: img391.jpg. (6.42 fps);
detect 299 / 300 images: img661.jpg. (6.42 fps);
detect 300 / 300 images: img898.jpg. (6.41 fps);
Computing DetEval in output/Totaltext
80%|##################################################################9 | 239/300 [00:12<00:03, 19.28it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "dataset/total_text/Evaluation_Protocol/Python_scripts/", line 106, in
ValueError: A LinearRing must have at least 3 coordinate tuples
那你对最终的检测结果,再存txt文件之前,过滤一下吧。把点数小于4的检测结果和Polygon(inst.points).is_valid ==False的检测结果都过滤掉,应该就不会报错了
ValueError: A LinearRing must have at least 3 coordinate tuples
那你对最终的检测结果,再存txt文件之前,过滤一下吧。把点数小于4的检测结果和Polygon(inst.points).is_valid ==False的检测结果都过滤掉,应该就不会报错了 ` if cfg.expname == "Icdar2015": fname = "res" + meta['image_id'][idx].replace('jpg', 'txt') contours = data_transfer_ICDAR(contours) write_to_file(contours, os.path.join(output_dir, fname)) elif cfg.exp_name == "MLT2017": out_dir = os.path.join(outputdir, "{}{}{}{}_{}".format(str(cfg.checkepoch), str(cfg.threshold), str(cfg.score_i), str(cfg.test_size[0]), str(cfg.test_size[1]))) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): mkdirs(out_dir) fname = meta['image_id'][idx].split("/")[-1].replace('ts', 'res') fname = fname.split(".")[0] + ".txt" data_transfer_MLT2017(contours, os.path.join(out_dir, fname)) elif cfg.expname == "TD500": fname = "res" + meta['image_id'][idx].split(".")[0]+".txt" data_transfer_TD500(contours, os.path.join(output_dir, fname))
elif cfg.exp_name == "Totaltext":
fname = meta['image_id'][idx].replace('jpg', 'txt')
data_transfer_Totaltext(contours, os.path.join(output_dir, fname))
fname = meta['image_id'][idx].replace('jpg', 'txt')
write_to_file(contours, os.path.join(output_dir, fname))`
def write_to_file(contours, file_path):
:param contours: [[x1, y1], [x2, y2]... [xn, yn]]
:param file_path: target file path
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
for cont in contours:
cont = np.stack([cont[:, 0], cont[:, 1]], 1)
if cv2.contourArea(cont) <= 0:
cont = cont.flatten().astype(str).tolist()
cont = ','.join(cont)
f.write(cont + '\n')
Why is this error happening? Here is a log