GaZaTu / x11-emoji-picker

Linux XServer emoji picker
MIT License
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Vim like navigation #26

Open paulfrische opened 1 year ago

paulfrische commented 1 year ago

I would really like to have some sort of vim like navigation keybinds, because I am very used to them and for the flex. I really like this application. PS: I use Arch btw

GaZaTu commented 1 year ago

sure, just name the keybinds you want (i don't use vim) and i'll fix something up 👽

paulfrische commented 1 year ago

maybe something like ctr plus h, j, k or l for navigating the emoji list and some sort of vi(m) mode for the search field. I think I found a lib which solves the second problem here. One problem could be that vi(m) uses ESC to go back to normal mode. Maybe a toml file located in .config could be used to opt-in vim like stuff(so when it is on, every key including ESC will be used and the user has to kill the program with some wm keybind). I do not have much experience with C++ but I definitely wanna try to build smth like this and contribute a PR. Have a great day!

balazser commented 1 year ago

Hi @GaZaTu, thank you for the emoji tool! I'd add +1 for the vim keybinding. I rarely use arrows. A more generic solution could be if the config file had some section for the keybinding customization. What do you think? 🤔 <--- I placed this emoji with x11-emoji-picker :D